Chapter 25

"And you already know what happened with this one" Laura finished her explanation as her tails pointed at the presumably dead spirit in the room with them. "Any questions?" The Kitsune asked as she stood up and walked over to the plasma cutter that had finished its work a few minutes ago.

"Two actually" Gabe replied, having calmed down quite a bit while Laura told her tale, as his gaze once again trailed her tails. "Why make a sword, wouldn't a gun be more effective a weapon?"

"Maybe, but as I have no idea how to make one, or where to get bullets, it's not something really available. Not to mention I have no idea how to actually use one." came the spirits reply as she walked back to the work table, her arms filled with a Pile of similar looking, but differently sized cutouts. Dropping them all on the table, she began to sort them by size making three different piles.

"So what is the second question?"

"Well, could I, that is if you wouldn't mind it, maybe pet your tails some more?" The American awkwardly asked the German student.

"Ah sure, I guess." Laura responded as she flicked a pair of tails into Gabes lap again. "Just be careful with them this time."

As she tied the packets of cutouts together with some thin wire, the sensation of getting her tails brushed by someone else ran up her spine. All in all it was a strange Mix of getting tickled, her hair brushed and a back rub.

After a while she stood up and made her way back to the plasma cutter where she picked up the cut out that would become her sword soon enough. The General shape was already quite close, she would just need to grind it all to shape, as well as add grips of some kind to the handle, and maybe add a pommel to Balance the blade correctly.

Seeing one of the spirits long spiraling horns nearly broken of already from the impact to the wall, the Kitsune stepped up to it, and in one swift, albeit slightly awkward, motion broke it off completely before comparing the size of the horn to that of her swords grip.

The thinner end would be a good enough fit with some grinding and sat comfortably in her hand, letting a smile sneak it's way onto her face. "this is perfect. And it will look great as well."

"Wasn't the plan to hide it at just about all times?" Gabe inquires slightly confused.

"Yes, doesn't mean I can't appreciate good looks." Laura threw back at him.

Shrugging his shoulders, the human student replied, "Well it's your sword."

Next the female spirit looked for some sand paper in the Workshops cabinet. Once she had found a low grit one, she roughly sanded of the edges on the freshly cut metal pieces. With Gabe sitting next to her, still following her tails with his eyes, she soon had the edges sanded down enough that they would not cut through the fabric of her belt, through which she shoved the blade shaped piece of metal. It wasn't really any use as a sword just yet, but it was still a heavy piece of metal and would surely do as a club in a pinch.

Checking how late it was the Kitsune let out a soft groan. "seems we only have enough time left to do one very important thing tonight." After saying that, she looked for how to improve the workshop's ventilation. Finding nothing but a couple small window she opened, Laura dragged the dead spirit underneath them. Pulling a talisman quite similar in design to the necklaces Laura and Gabe were wearing of it's belt, she set it ablaze with her magic.

"Eugh, this is vile." Gabe said as he pinched his nose to stop the smell of the burning spirit.

"Indeed, much worse here in this comparatively tiny room" The Kitsune agreed, her nose held closed as well while her tails failed to fan some fresher air towards her face.

Once the spirit had been reduced to a pile of ashes, which Laura quickly threw into the workshops trash can, she brushed of her hands and flicked her tails to get some of the ash and smoke stuck in them out, with limited success.

"Blergh, want a beer after all this?" The Kitsune asked the other student. "I should still have a couple back at my room."

"Sure sounds good." The american student responded as he stood up as well, following Laura out of the workshop, his expression filling with disappointment as the air rippled returning Laura to a fully human appearance, and hiding her 'sword' from view at the same time.