Chapter 31

Walking into the woman's dormitory, Laura walked by a group of students leaving the building, careful to keep her tails and scabbard from touching any of the humans and causing confusion, if not outright suspicion.

Following the buildings singular corridor towards her room, the Kitsune could hear some laughter and chit chat wafting out of the slightly open doors leading to one of the lounges on the right hand side. Deciding she could use a chance to get to know more students than Daiki and Gabe, she thought about joining them after she got some snacks to share with them from her room, her rumbling stomach reminding her of her lack of Lunch.

Opening the door to her room, Laura was greeted by the sight of Takeko lounging on her desk, his brown furred head up to the neck in a bag of chips. Walking up to the smaller spirit, the Kitsune closed the door behind her before dropping the illusions hiding her tails, ears and eyes.

"Hey there Takeko" She said as her hand began to brush through the Tanuki's fur.

"Afternoon Laura" came the prompt response as he pulled his head out of the bag."You done with that already?" the little spirit asked somewhat incredulous as he pointed at the finished hilt of Laura's longsword.

"Yes, just finished the last bits while skipping lunch." she replied as she opened her closet to grab a bag of chips for herself. As she did so, the Kitsune noticed once again all the clothes she had packed back home, and never worn again since she bought a more tail friendly wardrobe. While she could not actuály wear any of it comfortably anymore, she could surely change how she looked day to day. Pulling one of her skirts out alongside her snacks, Laura laid it out on her bed as she dropped the bag on her desk next to the one Takeko had been eating from.

"Do you want me to hop outside while you change?" the smaller spirit asked the fox eared woman as he saw her take a shirt out of the closet as well before placing it above the skirt on the mattress.

"No need." She replied, her tails flicking from side to side in excited anticipation, well most of them, as a pair of them were standing stiff. "Actually it would be good if you were around to help me out with a little something I want to try."

"Okay" the brown furred spirit said as he pulled a few chips out of his bag and began nibbling on them. "What is it you-" was as far as he got before the air around the fox tailed woman began to shimmer. A moment later, it appeared as if she was wearing the skirt and shirt lying on her bed, at first glance at least. Looking more closely, it was more as if images of them, as well as the parts of her body they would not cover, had been printed onto the traditional clothing she was actually wearing.

"I am trying to make it look as if I were wearing modern clothes." Laura replied to the little spirits unfinished question as she looked over her results, her ears and tails drooping down at their lack luster nature.

"Maybe just try creating a fake skirt floating before you before going all the way?" Takeko suggested, trying to be helpful as he munched on another potato chip.

"Might as well." the Kitsune said with a shrug as she dropped the 'defective' illusion covering her yukata. Focusing her will on the air in front of her, the air once more began to ripple as slowly an image of the skirt on the bed formed. It was not quite identical to the actual piece of clothing it tried to mimic, looking more like an artist's rendition of it than an actual piece of clothing.

"Thanks for that tip." Laura said as she sat down and tore open her bag of snacks, her ears having perked up again. "That was definitely better than trying to make my yukata look like a skirt and shirt."

"No problem." the Tanuki replied between nibbles of potato. "I just though not trying to get too many things done at once might make it easier."

"Mhm" the Kitsune mumbled, her mouth already filled with the contents of the bag she had just opened. As she devoured the chips, Laura tried her best to make the image of a floating skirt move as if its wearer were walking. It took her until she had completely finished her chips, but in the end she had made the skirts movements appear realistic enough, at least according to herself and Takeko.

Now she only needed to make it look like that while 'wearing' it, before she could move on to creating a fake shirt.