The next day, All people again gathered in front of The Supreme Pontiff Palace. The crowd was easily three times than yesterday. The whole area around the stage was packed and some people were even standing as seats were completely filled but they don't seem to mind. The VIP section was filled the same as yesterday. There was the anticipation of a great match between the two most formidable youth teams in the continent. Even all the losing teams were there.

Several Clear Sky Sect direct disciples and Tang Sect disciples with hidden weapons were seated all around the seating area as they know what going to happen either in between or after the match. They were ready to take action if things start going downhill. Tang Brothers told the Tang Sect's people to interfere only if it is necessary as their sect hadn't gone public yet and lacked the strength and ability to contend with spirit hall or upper sects. They especially warned the clan heads of four single attribute clans to keep a tight leash on their sect members. Various Elders, Tang Xiao of clear sky sects are also hidden in the surrounding. Nobody knew where were Tang Hao and Ah Yin. But according to yesterday's plan, they were also attending the finals, not only finals but both of them watched each match of Shrek Academy secretly.

In the heavy crowd, both teams entered. Shrek Academy has different participating members from other matches. Today their line up was Dai Mubai, Tang Chen, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing. Oscar was not participating in today's match. They entered the arena with Grandmaster, Liu Er long, Flander, and Zhou Wujii. The crowd started cheering seeing this. Spirit Hall Academy also entered with a cardinal with Red robe indicating he was also Tiled Douluo in front of him were members of the Spirit Hall Academy Team. Spirit Hall Academy team was led by their Soul King Trio Xie Yue, Xie Yan, and Hu Liena with them were four other members and strangely one reserve member of the Spirit Hall Academy team.

Bibi Dong stood up and said: " I have a proposal, if Shrek academy doesn't mind we can have 8 on 8 matches instead of 7 on 7 team battle to let both sides to go all out."

Hearing this, Shrek students were extremely happy the didn't want that Oscar to not participate in the final match. They looked towards Grandmaster with pleading eyes. Though Oscar participated yesterday but didn't even reveal his spirit rings. Grandmaster looked at them and nodded.

Grandmaster looked towards Bibi Dong and said: " We don't mind and are happy for your Eminence to grant such opportunity." Oscar was extremely happy about it.

Hearing this, the whole crowd cheered. The losing teams and experienced spirit masters were surprised because they knew the additional member of Spirit Hall Academy will be at least soul king to balance out the team. It was a clear scheme of the Spirit Hall. the thought " Was Shrek so confident in their victory?" They were not only one but even the Spirit hall team and Bibi Dong was surprised. Bibi Dong was extremely clear about how terrifying Grandmaster's intelligence was? Forget about this cheap trick even the most concealed trick wouldn't pass through him. Even in the past when he didn't have such strength, he was a formidable adversary for her relying on his intelligence and research. A bad premonition started to form inside her. Others who didn't know about Grandmaster thought Shrek was naive and conceited. Bibi Dong now couldn't do anything as it was her idea in the first place.

Bibi Dong Said: " Then both teams, please get on stage and carry on introducing ceremony before the match. The Match will start in a few minutes."

Both team members went on stage. A referee came and said: " Both teams please reveal your spirit rings."

Spirit Hall Academy went first as expected their team now consists of Four Soul Kings and Four Soul Experts. A total of 36 rings was revealed from them. 16-yellow, 16-purple, and 4-black colored rings were to be seen on the stage. They then retrieved their spirit rings crowd cheered seeing this.

Shrek Academy then revealed their spirit rings. A total of 40 spirit rings were clearly seen on the stage. 16-yellow, 16- purple, and 8-black colored spirit rings were revealed. A pin-drop silence was all around the area. Everyone was standing and stupidly staring at the children.

The maximum age of participating in the tournament was 25 years. Even though what sees in front of them was a team consisting of Eight soul kings below 25 years. Those who knew about the real ages of Shrek Academy students like Bibi Dong, title douluos and elders of spirit hall who were secretly watching the finals, the tang sect members as the naturally met most of them, and some of elders and Sect master of Clear Sky School as Ah Yin bragged about the talent of her students. They all have eyes widened and jaw dropped and looking at eight children as monsters. Only Ning Frengzhi and Sword douluo were calmly looking this doesn't mean they weren't shocked but Ning Frengzhi knew and told sword doulou yesterday but he was surprised to see even Rongrong had 5 spirit rings. There was silence all around, in between all Grandmaster, Liu Erlong, Flander, and Zhou Wujii have their chest puffed and face full of pride. This was the geniuses their academy fostered. These children were like their own children, no amount of words can describe their pride they felt right now seeing the shocked face of everyone. Grandmaster was especially happy because after this he can go back to his clan The Blue Tyrant Lightning Dragon clan after the tournament. The clan which discarded him for being trash and weak, now not only he was a formidable Titled Douluo but he also fostered eight formidable youths of which one eas his personal disciple from when he was weak and trash to them. Spirit Hall has already marked these children as future targets if they can't recruit them they will destroy them. Oh! How wrong they were? Everything will change for them after the match.

There was sudden cheering from a corner of the seating area and it spread like wildfire. After a while, everybody sat down and The Shrek team retrieve their spirit rings. The referee came out of his trance after hearing the cheers around him. After collecting his thoughts he said: " Final match of Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament between Spirit Hall academy and Shrek Academy begins now." He leaped backward saying that, to let the teams begin the match.

Both teams summoned their spirit and spirit rings and had their enhancement on. Dai Mubai have back furs all over body with golden stripes in it, Oscar has his spear revealed, Tang Chen has his staff in his hand, Tang San summoned blue silver strands all around him, Ma Hongjun has red feather all over the body and beautiful wings behind him, Xiao wu has her rabbit ears and nails on with pure white fur all over the body, Ning Rongrong summoned her Nine Treasure Pagoda and Zhu Zhuqing has cat ears and sharp nails with beautiful black fur all over her body. Their spirit rings were behind them and they were standing side by side.

The Spirit Hall Academy students also have their spirit and spirit ring revealed. Their captain Xie Yue has his moon blade summoned, Hu Liena has her Charm Demon enhancement on Xie Yan has his Flame lord Spirit's enhancement on. These three were also known as Spirit Hall Golden Generation. Their other team member also has their enhancement on. The reserve member of the spirit hall's team who also was soul king has the spirit of Naginata.

Both sides leaped towards each other. Tang Changed his sword to katana and went towards Xie Yue and start clashing his sword with his moon blade. Both sides had plenty of fighting experience but Tang Chen with the help of his self-created sword art and intent was having the upper hand. Tang San went towards Hu Liena as he can easily block her charm skills with the help of purple demon eyes. Tang San and Hu Liena was the control system of their respective teams so they were competing in controlling the enemy. Bot brothers didn't go all out for a reason, they had planned everything in advance.

Oscar went towards the Spirit master with naginata spirit, they started their confrontation despite using soul skills the opposing party wasn't able to gain upper hand. Oscar dedicated his entire time to learn about his spear and how to use it either individually or with the help of his teachers and Yang Wudi. He now created both offensive and defensive skills to use his spear and the spear itself was made from a thousand refining using alloys so it was very strong.

Ma Hongjun leaped toward the Xie Yan as he also has spirit related to the fire element, he was able to easily suppress him. Though Xie Yan has higher rank both were on the same realm of soul king and in the same realm ultimate element can not be defeated by its same element but Xie Yan was also worthy of being one of spirit hall's golden generation only relying on his defense he was able to keep up with Ma Hongjun.

Rongrong boosted Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, and Zhuqing in strength, attack power, and speed respectively by 40 percent using the heart separation control method. Gaining boost from Rongrong the immediately dispatched the rest of soul experts of Spirit Hall Team off the stage and went to help Tang San and Ma Hongjun as Tang Chen and Oscar were having purely blade on blade fight.

Oscar defeated his opponent after few more minutes and push him off the stage. Now only the Shrek team and Golden generation of spirit hall were on the stage. Xie Yue was having a hard time facing Tang Chen and was having several cuts on his body. Hu Liena was also having a hard time against Tang San and Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Zhuqing combination easily broke through the defense of Xie Yan, there were several scratches, burn marks and bruises all over his body. Oscar came to Rongrong's side and ate his recovery and healing sausages the fight wasn't easy. But he and Rongrong just stood there watching everything happening on stage.

The audience was silent, they couldn't believe that the formidable Spirit Hall Academy team was having such a hard time against Shrek Academy. Even the VIP section was very quiet. Bibi Dong and others were watching the ongoing match carefully not only them but every experienced spirit master can see how outstanding Shrek teams were.

Firstly Tang Chen made beautiful katana out of his staff and was fighting with Xie Yue's moon blade and having the upper hand even when Xie Yue uses all his soul skills to enhance his blade. Similarly, the spear-wielding boy was contending with youth having Naginata spirit despite spear not being his spirit. They could see Tang San Can easily counter Hu Liena's charm abilities and were confused why Xie Yan cannot use his spirit like he use to, it seems the red-haired youth spirit suppressed his spirit because of the same element. They were surprised especially ones from Seven Treasures Pagoda school by two things, first Rongrong has a different spirit and has nine layers than seven the all know what it meant some were happy and some had a vicious glint in their eyes. Second thing was that Rongrong trained her Heart separation control method to fifth layers just two layers below Ning Frengzhi and use it so naturally, it especially pleased Ning Frengzhi that his daughter wasn't slacking and left behind by her peers. They have seen the spirit fusion and individual skills of Dai Mubai and Zhuqing. The last girl was also formidable as she also seems to hold her own against Hu Liena even if her rank is below Hu Liena. The academies that have faced Shrek Academy in the past were also speechless by seeing the true strength of Shrek Academy. All people have the same thoughts " What a bunch of monsters."

Seeing the condition of his team Xie Yue signaled the remaining two come toward him and jumped back to create some space between him and Tang Chen to meet his teammates. Tang Chen and Shrek teams seem to let him and his team do what he wants. The three-members of the golden generation of spirit hall meet at the center of the stage and hugged. There was a sudden change in the stage and three-person spirit fusion start happening. Seeing this Tang brothers signaled the Shrek team to back off and went forward to stand in front of will be completed spirit fusion.

Everyone was deeply concentrating on what is happening on stage, Tang Brothers retrieved their blue silver spirit. After a while, the fusion ended and a humanoid shape beast appeared, it has two moon blades attached to both hands and has pair of charming green eyes and has very thick skin all over the body.

Xie Yue Distorted voice resounded, he said: " You did a big mistake, you should have never let us perform the fusion. This specific three-person spirit fusion enhances our specialties and combines it in one being. It has my moon blades, Charming effect of Hu Liena, and defense of Xie Yan."

Both brothers smiled hearing this. Tang Chen lifted his right hand and Tang San lifted his left hand and Clear Sky Hammer spirits appeared in their hands. The atmosphere around them became heavy even the Shrek team was feeling it thought it was not directed towards them. Tang Chen infused his soul power in his voice and said: " We brothers are glad that you have another card up your sleeves. Your two-person spirit fusion was not worth revealing our Hammer, but this is perfect. Allow me to show you all why Clear Sky Sect was the first sect under the heaven." as he completed what he was saying 5 back spirit rings appeared behind both of then. Tang Chen looked towards his brother and they both nodded. The just lifted their hammers and swung it towards the opponent's spirit fusion without using any soul skills.

Seeing the hammers everyone was shocked, everyone above rank 60 remembers the might of Clear Sky Sect and their spirit Clear Sky Hammer, unparalleled tool spirit in the term of the tyrannical burst of strength. Everyone was again standing and staring at the monsters the brothers were. The not have twin spirit but have already acquired the 5 spirit rings for both spirits and have 5 black spirit rings on their hammer spirit. What kind of concept is having a spirit like Clear Sky Hammer having all black rings? They couldn't think of it. Even the elders in the elder hall of spirit hall came out and looking Tang brothers viciously but they didn't take action just yet. They seem to be waiting for something. Everybody was alarmed.

But a trio of golden generation arrogantly stood in its place even after seeing the hammer were going to strike them. They didn't know much about clear sky Hammer or sect, they only know it was a sect hiding because of spirit halls might. But when the hammers struck them they flew in the opposite direction like a broken kite, their fusion disintegrated and they felt like being struck by Mountain and their bones broke, the spat mouthful blood. But the most surprising thing for them was opponents didn't use any soul skill to enhance their hammer it was pure tyranny of spirits.

Tang Chen then lifted his hammer and stepped forward and said: " I, Tang Chen the son of Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao, with my brother Tang San declare the end of the isolation period of Clear Sky Sect." he then lit up all his 5-black spirit ring at once and struck the stage. The collision happened and a huge boom sound was heard. when the dust settled, The other half of the stage in front of Tang Chen was destroyed.