
Katsuki knows that a childhood friend is all he is. (And he tries not to let that hurt.) Anyway, he tells himself, he's not sticking around to be friends, or anything else, he's there to make things different from last time. But, damn, it still hurts. Fuck emotions.

The next day he learns that having friends in another class is starting to make him interesting, and no amount of angry cursing will keep them away. Especially Kirishima. The hard-headed idiot has, for whatever reason, decided that being Katsuki's friend is cool. Katsuki doesn't think he's done anything particularly cool or manly recently, but he remembers that Kirishima always had a stubborn streak and never gave up on trying to be his friend. Something like an eager golden retriever that's bright red and is a rock. So not a golden retriever at all. Anyway.  

After class ends and lunch begins, Katsuki feels a heavy arm drop around his shoulders. Katsuki twitches. He isn't averse to physical contact, but it's usually either his mom smacking him for being an ass, his dad trying to stop him from getting into a fight with his mom, or Izuku. Katsuki thinks about the pros and cons of shoving Kirishima into the wall, and settles on hunching his shoulders but not pulling away entirely.

"The fuck do you want?" 

Kirishima ignores the angry tone of voice. "Who's the dude you keep hanging out with? He seems cool."

Since when was Izuku cool. "He's a nerd," Katsuki says.

"He hangs out with the third-year most likely to be number one hero in three years. I'd say that's pretty cool."

Katsuki pretends he knew that. "Ok, hair-for-brains, time for you to fuck off."

Somehow, he ends up eating lunch with Kirishima anyway. Apparently he has friends now. What the hell. 

Kaminari is sitting with them, too, even though he looks like he's ready to run at the first sign of danger. Katsuki resigns himself to it, noticing out of the corner of his eye that the rest of 1-A seems to have settled into groups by now. The only ones sitting alone are half-and-half and 20th. When he tunes back in to the lunch table conversation, he notices that Sero has joined them and is describing an incident where he managed to tape himself onto the ceiling a little after his fifth birthday.

When school lets out, Katsuki waits for Izuku. He has to wait a full twenty minutes for Izuku and Togata to appear somewhat out of breath. On top of that, Izuku's hair looks like more of a mess than usual. When the pair catch sight of him, Togata sends Izuku towards him with a clap on the back and words that Katsuki can't quite make out.

"Training," Izuku mutters, as he joins Katsuki. "You don't have to wait for me. Why did you? Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

Katsuki shrugs like it's no big deal. There's no way he's telling Izuku he just wanted to see him. "Nah, just don't have anything else to do."

Izuku falls into step beside him, as they head towards their apartment building. "Did you see? The sports festival is coming up. The general department's allowed to participate, too."


"Kacchan, if we end up fighting, don't go easy on me."

Katsuki scoffs and reaches over to pinch his friend. "Why the hell would I go easy on you? If we end up fighting, you better run."

"I'm not running. Remember, I know your weakness."

"My what?"

"You're ticklish."

Izuku narrowly evades Katsuki's attempt to seize him, and takes off running.

"So are you, dumbass!"

They arrive at the entrance to their apartment building dragging their school bags behind them and panting for air, but in good spirits. Izuku uses the wall to support himself as he clutches a stitch in his side. Once they catch their breath, they walk towards their respective apartments. As Izuku turns to walk to his own door, Katsuki almost stops him. It feels like too soon that they have to part.

Izuku catches his eye before walking through the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kacchan."

After the door shuts, Katsuki makes his way to his own door, strangely aware of how empty the air feels when Izuku isn't by his side.