Second Place

Todoroki has an advantage with his ice. Katsuki will grudgingly admit that elemental quirks are usually strong, and half-and-half knows how to use at least half of his properly. The next obstacle is a pit with a few platforms to land on and a few ropes in between. Half-and-half fucking glides across like it's no big deal, leaving a trail of ice crystals fluttering to the earth behind him. Katsuki propels himself across the pits. Screw the ropes, he doesn't need them anyway. 

He glances back to see some of the others starting to make their way across as well. Froggy  gets across the first rope pretty fast and sparkle idiot just jumps across with his laser. Even with the large number of people, he can spot Izuku's head off to the left. As his friend pushes his way to the front Katsuki faces forward again. Todoroki Shouto needs to be taken down a notch.

Once across the obstacle, Katsuki takes off running. He could use his explosions to propel him now, but he doesn't want to waste energy. In second place, just using his legs will let him save his quirk for later. Todoroki may be athletic, but Katsuki is too. He's also hellbent on passing half-and-half. Powerful strides decrease the gap between them. Todoroki speeds up slightly as he hears footsteps behind him, but by the time they're at the next obstacle, Katsuki's only a little bit behind.

Todoroki glances back to glare at him. His right hand twitches as if he wants to use his ice to do something, but he refrains. Instead, he steps carefully, looking at the ground in front of him and avoiding the mines. Katsuki takes a parallel path. He doesn't want to use his explosions here unless he has to; it would be too easy to set off the mines. It's harder to catch up when he has to watch where his feet go.

They're halfway across when the students behind them start to cross the minefield. They're three-quarters of the way across when there's a gigantic explosion behind them. Katsuki freezes, balancing on one foot to look behind. That is not something he was expecting. And then there's something soaring through the air. Something, or rather, someone.

"Deku, what the fuck!"

Izuku is crouched on a piece of metal, presumably taken from one of the robots earlier. He has his feet spread for balance and one hand on the front of the metal plate to steer. There's a half-exhilarated half-terrified expression on his face. Actually, it's more terrified than exhilarated, and at any other time, Katsuki would probably laugh. Izuku's eyes shift to Katsuki's for a moment. And then he takes the lead. Katsuki places his feet haphazardly, much less cautious of the mines now. If he has to, he can use his own explosions to counteract them. Then, deciding he needs to be faster, takes a leap and uses his quirk to thrust him forward. The ground explodes behind him, but that's not his problem.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watches as Izuku tenses for landing, his legs compress like a spring, and then throw him forward. He shoots past Katsuki in a kind of long jump. When his feet hit the ground, he's in first, but he stumbles on the landing.

The last few meters of the race is anybody's game. They enter a narrow corridor with the finish line at the end. Katsuki can't use his explosions in the restricted space, so he pushes his legs harder. His muscles are screaming. His breath comes quickly. His feet pound against the dusty ground. He's neck-and-neck with Izuku and Todoroki.

Sweat drips down all of their faces, but their brows are furrowed in concentration. The corridor is small enough that their swinging arms nearly hit each other. Katsuki pushes himself relentlessly to close the gap between him and first place. But Izuku has an advantage, even if he fumbled the landing. His hair streams behind him, and the pure determination on his face has never been stronger.

Katsuki clenches his fists. He is mere centimeters behind.

There are five steps left.

The sweat starts to sting his eyes.

Then three.

He could reach his arm out and have his hand across the line.

Then one.

By a millimeter, Izuku's foot crosses the line first.