Monoma Neito

Katsuki gives Izuku one more glance before he turns away. His first goal is Todoroki, as the 3rd-place contender in the race, and then Izuku, as the 1st. His plans, however, are foiled when a blond annoyance gets in his way. The other team blocks his path, and rips the headband from his head. He sends a furious explosion their way, only to have it returned.

Monoma Neito is a pain in the ass.

Screw Todoroki, there's someone else they need to deal with first. 

"Kirishima, change of plans," he yells, knocking his fists against the redhead's spiky hair for good measure. He hears Ashido mutter something suspiciously like "what a surprise" with an audible eye roll, but he doesn't have time to spare to bother retorting.

"Oi, Sero, you can get me back without touching the ground, right?" 


Katsuki doesn't give him time to actually respond, and instead heads for shitty copycat—shitty cat—Catshit. There. Nickname given.

"Hey, catshit, give me my goddamn headband back!"

Monoma at least has the grace to look surprised. Good. With the headband in hand, Katsuki kicks off of Monoma's shoulders to get back into the air. Sero manages to bring him back to his team.

Back to Plan A: get Todoroki. There are 6 minutes left. That should be plenty of time. Team Todoroki is on the other side of the arena. Directly opposite them is Team Midoriya. Katsuki ignores the slight increase in his heart rate. Right now, he can excuse it away as adrenaline from the fight, when he knows perfectly well that it's not.

"That way!" He yells pointing violently in their direction. Kirishima doesn't need to be told twice.

As they approach a couple of other teams get in the way, or rather, try to. Their strength is surprisingly low, given that they managed to pass the first round, and Team Bakugou brushes past them without trouble. This means that Katsuki has a few seconds to observe the situation they're heading into. He lets his teammates deal with the weaker teams, as he sets his eyes on their next targets.

Team Todoroki has Iida who has good mobility. Iida takes things literally and always plays by the rules. He only remembers that because it was fun to stick his feet up on the desks and see how long it took for Iida to start yelling at him. There's also Kaminari with his electricity. Kaminari has a slightly glazed-over look in his eyes and probably has no idea what he's actually doing. And there's also rich girl, in on recommendations, but not much else Katsuki remembers. If she's there because of recommendations, though, she has to be strong.

Team Midoriya, on the other hand, is unknown. Octopus-hair looks like she's covered in gadgets. Or wait, the whole team looks like they're covered. Izuku is strong with a strategic mind. Just how physically adept he is, Katsuki still doesn't quite know, despite their sparring. And then there's 20th. A chill runs down his spine when their eyes meet for a second as she surveys the field. Her eyes are dark, dark, like there's something hiding in them. She is a complete unknown. Everything surrounding her feels like a black hole in his memories.

Katsuki keeps his gaze fixed forward, switching between Todoroki and Izuku. Their fight seems to be at a standstill. Izuku's forehead is wrinkled in determination. Todoroki looks about the same as usual, but if he looked closer, maybe he'd see the spark of something in his eyes. Katsuki halts his team. Whichever one of the two they go after first will be at a disadvantage because the other team will most likely attack with them, too.

He turns his gaze towards Todoroki, with half a glance toward Izuku. You're next.