
When the announcements are done, Izuku walks up. He holds his hands at his side, and there's hard-set determination in his eyes, but the smile he gives Katsuki is soft.

"What do you want?" Katsuki asks, probably more harshly than Izuku deserves. Izuku doesn't even flinch.

"Congrats, Kacchan."

"Fuck off, first place." 

Izuku lets out an embarrassed huff. "I just got lucky," he mutters. 

He looks up, and his green eyes are bright with something that Katsuki has always admired. Katsuki swallows, knowing that if Izuku asks him for anything at this moment, he'd probably give it.

"Don't go easy on me," Izuku says. 

"Who the hell do you think I am? Plus, I already kicked your ass when we sparred."

"I only had a bokken that time," Izuku says defensively.

Katsuki raises his eyebrows. "Only a bokken?"

"You may be my best friend, but I can't tell you all of my secrets."

Katsuki stifles a sort of choking noise. He knows Izuku is his best friend and is glad for it, but Izuku just saying things like that makes something in his chest twist in uncomfortable ways. Katsuki clears his throat to cover for the momentary lapse. 

Izuku ignores this reaction. "Let's both make it to the finals, Kacchan."

Katsuki has no doubts that he, Katsuki Bakugou, born and raised with a powerful quirk will make it to the finals. He doesn't really have doubts that Izuku will make it either. He has always been strong and only seems stronger this time around. That being said, with the way the lineups are organized, Izuku will have to face first 20th and then Todoroki before he has a chance to face Katsuki.

Instead of voicing his concern, all he says is, "Yeah," as he knocks his fist against his best friend's. He doesn't need to burden Izuku with the doubts that hang heavy in his own mind. 

Izuku's match against 20th is the first match of the 3rd round. Katsuki sits in the bleachers with the other students of 1-A. Kirishima and Kaminari are on his left with Sero a little farther down the row. Katsuki grips the edge of the bench that he's sitting on as the two combatants walk into view. 

Izuku stands with his hands braced at his sides. 20th faces him, her face expressionless as it usually is, no trace of the creepy smile. Izuku walks toward her slowly. With no information on her, he has a reason to take the fight slowly. She dodges the first punch he sends her way, with an ease that makes something tighten in Katsuki's stomach.

Katsuki swears he can feel his heart pounding in his throat. The strength that Izuku has now has been honed. His reflexes and reactions look like they have hours and hours of experience behind them–hours, that he no doubt spent with Togata or All Might. Katsuki bites down the jealousy as he tries to focus his attention on the way the fight is going. Izuku moves with confidence, but 20th dodges with ease. Her feet touch the ground for a moment before she dances out of reach.

The first true hit landed is Izuku's. 20th takes a step back before launching her attack again. She skips out of the way of Izuku's next blow and uses her hands to spring back. Her next kick finds its target in Izuku's side. Both opponents skid backwards. Izuku rubs a spot on his cheek. His chest rises up and down rapidly with his breath. 

Katsuki's knuckles turn white as he tightens the grip on the bench. Then he realizes: neither of them has shown their quirk. If Izuku is going easy on her for any reason, Katsuki will beat his ass later. But a part of him knows that can't be the case, and that part makes him uneasy. Izuku is a strategist, and 20th is matching him hit for hit. The longer the fight draws on, the stronger the feeling of unease grows.

Another few punches are thrown. Another few are dodged. Then 20th lands a hit straight to Izuku's nose. He blocks her next move and manages to flatten her against the cement floor of the arena. Blood drips down over his face and onto 20th's. She raises her arms to push against Izuku's shoulders, but in pure strength at least, it seems that he's the clear winner. Her arms drop. Izuku stands up and pinches his nose with one hand, while offering the other to 20th to help her up as well. Katsuki has to repress the urge to blow up the bench he's sitting on.

Izuku is announced as the winner, and he's guided off the arena by someone from the support staff who hands him something to stop the blood flow. Katsuki watches him disappear from the arena and slowly releases his death-grip on the bench.