The Other Half

Todoroki barely has time to hear the challenge before he runs at Izuku, no longer relying on simply sending his ice where he can. Katsuki can see that the movements of his right side look stiff, probably as a result of overusing his ice. Izuku runs to meet Todoroki in the middle of the arena, ducking below his opponent's outstretched hand and landing a hit right in his stomach. He distances himself again, and he's still saying something to Todoroki, but his voice is lost in the cheers and groans of the audience.

Todoroki's natural abilities may be high, and he may have trained for years, but Izuku's quirk makes him fast and strong. In terms of instinct for battle and strategy, it's hard to tell who does it better. Izuku charges forward once more, this time he uses his left fist, and it swings in an arc into Todoroki's right side, still slowed by cold. Todoroki is thrown halfway to the other side of the arena. Izuku watches him stand, hands curling into fists again as he waits.

Todoroki gets to his feet, and there's a look in his eyes of intense pain. Half his face is cloaked in a thin layer of ice, and the other half bears a scar that he will always bear as a reminder of the pain his father caused. 

The fight pauses, and the stadium holds its breath. Todoroki says something too quiet for the cameras to pick up on, but Katsuki can guess it's something like, there's no way I can use my father's quirk.

"It's your power!" Izuku yells, and his voice rings loud enough that it reaches the audience. "No matter who your parents are, the power you wield is yours alone."

Even though the words aren't directed at him, Katsuki feels something ignite in his ribcage. Izuku has a horrible habit of sticking his nose in other people's business, but he has a way with words that rips out people's demons and lies them bare. And in the end, it's always hard to find fault with what he does.

Todoroki hesitates for a moment, and his face changes as he lights up, quite literally. The flames that roar to life are answer enough to Izuku's words. The smile on his face is the first in a very, very long time, and his lips tremble like he's still afraid of what he's doing. The ice on his right side melts off in an instant–two halves that have finally become a whole. Endeavor's shout falls on deaf ears. No one in the audience even turns to glance at the number two hero.

In another breath, all that can be seen is bright, bright orange and a deafening sound of an explosion shakes the stadium down to its foundations. Katsuki braces himself against the impact, and opens his eyes despite the cloud of smoke. He has to see where Izuku is. Where is he? The dark smoke clears slowly, and Katsuki continues to search the scene in front of him.

His eyes finally land on Izuku, who is standing at the edge of the arena. His arms are placed in front of him to block the damage, and he was forced to one knee by the explosion, but he is still within the bounds. Katsuki lets go of a breath he wasn't aware of holding. The fight isn't over yet. Izuku can win. 

The teachers overseeing the match look tense, bodies tensed to be ready to jump in and stop the fight at any moment. But for now, all they do is watch.

The light of Izuku's quirk is just visible around his legs. It takes him a moment to lower his arms and push himself onto two feet again, but as soon as his feet are planted, he pushes off the ground. The arena between them is in ruins–it's a field of jagged pieces. Todoroki looks almost dazed. The explosion caused by cold air heating up again and expanding, might not have been expected. He barely blocks Izuku in time, raising ice by habit.

The ice is easily shattered, and Izuku's fist crashes into Todoroki's arm, who is thrown backward, dangerously close to the edge of the arena. He skids to a halt before he's out of bounds, and he holds his right arm carefully at his side. Izuku stumbles on his landing, awkwardly having to find footing where there is only rubble left. Izuku prepares for his next attack, and Todoroki responds in kind. Fire burns bright again as he swings his left arm forward. But it's brightness lasts only a moment, as Izuku uses the force of a punch to blow it away. 

Izuku distances himself, using his less injured hand to steady himself on the uneven surface. His right arm is held painfully at his side. The skin is red and raw, but it looks like he still has full control of his hand and his bones aren't completely crushed. Still close to the boundary of the arena, Todoroki stands, chest heaving–not because of physical exertion, but because of the feelings that using his flames forces upon him. His eyes are still on Izuku, but his mind is racing.

Izuku takes advantage of his opponent's lack of focus, and runs forward once more, feet breaking through the pieces of the floor up every time he lands. His attack is directed at Todoroki's left side. Todoroki raises his arm to block in time, but hesitates to call upon the power of his fire. There's just a flicker of flame before Izuku's fist connects.

Todoroki is thrown out of bounds. He lands on the ground, stumbling a couple steps backward until his back collides with the wall. Both of his arms are bruised and probably fractured, but in this moment, the smile that still lingers around his lips says he doesn't regret the loss.

Katsuki watches as the medical staff rush to both combatants. Izuku nearly collapses, and they bring a stretcher to carry him off. Katsuki's heart is still racing from watching the fight. When he wins his next match, he'll be against Izuku in the finals. Katsuki is torn between exhilaration and worry as Izuku is escorted by the medical staff (again). In the end, worry weighs heavier in his heart. When Izuku's head of green hair is out of sight, Katsuki looks toward the sky. 

Two more, and the day is over.