Hello, Homeroom

On monday morning, Katsuki walks into the classroom with Izuku a step behind him. Katsuki's eyes scan over the room and stop on 20th. She leans back on a desk, talking to the other girls in the class, but a moment after they walk in, her gaze shifts to Izuku. Katsuki feels an uncomfortable tingling in his spine. She does not belong in this classroom. Her eyes shift to him, glinting gold again for a millisecond. Kirishima steps in front of him, obscuring his view of 20th.

"Looks like your friend made it," he comments, then turns to Izuku. "Midoriya, right?"

"Yes, and, you're Kirishima?" Kirishima nods. "I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but your quirk is strong. Defense-type quirks are less common for pro heroes, but I think they're underappreciated."

Kirishima flushes slightly. "It's nothing special–I wish it was flashier."

"It may not be flashy in the same sense as Kacchan's, but if someone hits you full force, and you come away without a scratch–I think that has its own kind of flashiness."

Katsuki opens his mouth to say something to interrupt their conversation, not that he begrudges Kirishima any reassurance in his quirk's strength–okay, he does if it's Izuku's reassurance–but before he can actually interrupt, Aizawa walks in, and everyone scrambles to their seats. Izuku remains by the door looking awkward and out of place.

Aizawa surveys them for a moment, looking bored, before he makes his announcement.

"Given the results of the Sports Festival, Midoriya here has been given the chance to move up to this class, but, if you've noticed, this room is a little cramped with 21 of you. Let's see…whoever has the lowest scores over the course of this week will be kicked out–probably moved down to 1-B, but it depends. Don't worry too much, it's unlikely that I'll decide to expel you."

Izuku pales slightly, the sudden increase in his stress level evident on his face. Katsuki glares back at their homeroom teacher. Maybe he should have expected something like this. His position in the class isn't in any danger, but it does mean that they'll be ranked at the end of the week, and Katsuki is determined not to take anything less than the top rank.

After Izuku makes his formal introduction to the class, Katsuki watches him head toward the extra desk squished into the back corner of the room. As he passes, he slows for a step.

"Looks like we're competing again," he says.

"I'll be taking first again."

"We'll see about that."

"Not likely. Fuck off." Izuku avoids his casual attempt to push him away and continues to the temporary desk. 

Morning classes pass without incident, but when lunchtime comes, everyone crowds around Izuku. He shrinks back, leaning into the wall behind him. While he has more confidence than he ever did before, nineteen people is a lot of people. Katsuki notes that Todoroki is near the front of the crowd on Izuku's left and 20th is on the other. She has one placed on his desk, and none of the hair-raising smile he saw before is evident on her features now.

Katsuki holds back, watching Izuku struggle to answer the rapid-fire questions. Izuku's eyes turn towards his for an instant, and Katsuki decides he has to intervene. He pushes his way through his classmates none too gently. He reaches the row of people closest to Izuku. Kirishima and Kaminari part easily when they see that it's him, and he's pushed to the front.

"C'mon, shithead, let's get lunch," he says, extending a hand.

Izuku takes his hand, and Katsuki tries not to think about the contact. He has to remind himself that it's nothing more than friendly; it doesn't mean anything. The other students disperse to let them through. As he turns to lead Izuku towards the door, he catches 20th staring at him again. Her eyes are narrowed in a look that can only be described as cold hatred. Katsuki ignores the chill that runs down his spine and bares his teeth at her. If she so much as touches Izuku again, he'll make sure she regrets it.

The three idiots are the first to follow after them out of the classroom. Katsuki drops Izuku's hand hastily as he hears footsteps behind them. He doesn't need Kaminari making any comments about that. As they walk the rest of the way to the cafeteria, he can't get the uncomfortable feeling out of his mind. He is one hundred percent sure that 20th is a threat to Izuku's safety and probably the rest of UA as well. There isn't much he can do without actual evidence against her, but he can start by confronting her.