Don't Let Her Go

Togata looks pensive for a moment before the usual smile is back on his face. "I'm sure he's fine. I haven't looked much of anywhere yet, 'cause I wanted to get you first. Let's start with the usual meeting spots."

Togata takes off towards the training grounds at a quick pace, and Katsuki has to half-jog to keep up. They check different training areas for any sign of Izuku, but each one is empty. Katsuki tries to fight the growing panic.

"It would be faster if we split up," he says.

Togata glances back at him. "First-years aren't supposed to run around unsupervised." He hesitates for a moment. "It'll be alright," he says.

Katsuki returns the smile Togata gives him with a glare. There's something about it that emanates the same kind of energy that All Might's does, and Katsuki finds himself feeling somewhat reassured in spite of himself. But when the next three places they look turns up nothing, that reassurance soon disappears.

The noise of something crashing faintly reaches their ears. Togata halts, glancing around to pinpoint its location, before speeding off. Katsuki follows close on his heels. The building they stop at one of the equipment warehouses. Togata sticks an arm out to prevent Katsuki from just charging in.

"At least let me check first," he says. "Don't blow it up yet."

He pushes against the door to see if it's locked. It doesn't budge. He proceeds to  stick his face through the door. It's a weird sight. Like a ghost or something, passing through solid objects doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest. There's another crashing noise, and Togata pulls his head back quickly. His face has taken on a serious expression. Katsuki has a feeling that they've found Izuku, but they've found 20th, too. 

Togata puts his arm through the door, presumably trying to unlock it from the inside. The lock clicks after a couple of seconds, but the door still refuses to budge. After another quick check, Togata turns to face Katsuki.

"It's barricaded, so it's your turn, Bakugou."

Katsuki barely waits until he's done talking to turn half the door and whatever the barricade was into ashes. He dashes through the cloud of smoke straining his eyes to see what's on the other side. He stops just clear of the smoke to take in the scene in front of him. His eyes skid from one corner of the room to the next. There's a pile of boxes scattered to one side with their contents spilling across the floor. To the other side there's a stack of weights that's been overturned.

Then he sees them–Izuku pressed against the back wall and 20th just turning to look at him. Her lips drip with red, and though she still has the appearance of Himura Usoko, she looks too much like the Toga that tortured him in his dreams. Izuku takes her momentary distraction as an opportunity to shove her off of him. She stumbles a step, and Katsuki can see that whatever happened before they arrive didn't leave her unscathed. 

She glares at the two newcomers. "Three against one is hardly fair, boys, and I don't feel like getting captured today."

She makes her escape through the back exit of the storage facility–a door that Katsuki didn't even know existed. Katsuki takes a step forward, but stops. Izuku has both hands pressed to his neck, and there's a visible trickle of blood running down his wrists. Before Katsuki can decide, Togata passes clapping him on the shoulder.

"Stay with him," he says, before going after 20th.

Katsuki hesitates for a moment longer. His blood is boiling, and he personally wants to beat the shit out of the stabby blonde,, but  also doesn't want to leave Izuku. He glances in the direction that 20th and Togata disappeared in. He knows that Togata is strong and probably better-qualified than he is to go running around the school grounds after a villain, but it's still not something he can let go of easily. In the end, he goes to Izuku. As he gets closer, he can see the flush of exertion on Izuku's face and the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

"Kacchan," he says. "Sorry, I let my guard down."

He takes one step forward before wincing, and Katsuki is at his side in an instant. "What the fuck did she do to you?" He asks, and he can't keep the anger out of his voice.

"She bit me," Izuku says, pulling his hands away to reveal the two distinct points that the blood is coming from. "Like a vampire or something," he adds. "I think I've lost a fair bit of blood."

Katsuki presses Izuku's hands back over the injury. Izuku's skin is warm under his, and he lets himself linger for just a moment, before he reminds himself that this is really not the time. 

"We need to stop the bleeding," he says, not quite meeting Izuku's gaze before he turns to scan the warehouse for anything resembling first-aid supplies.