Phone Call

Katsuki listens to Izuku as he recounts the events of the afternoon and clenches his fists. His shirt got taken for evidence, just in case Himura's quirk had something that would be noticeable in Izuku's blood, like venom or some element that could be used to trace her.

When he's questioned, Katsuki doesn't give them very much information. He wants this case resolved and wants Toga somewhere that she can't cause trouble–like a jail cell. But he doesn't know what to say that would make his information believable. His sanity will get questioned if he tries to explain who she really is and how the hell he figured it out. At this point, he doesn't think many people even know who Toga Himiko is. So when they ask him, all he says is he thought something seemed off about her but hadn't expected this to happen. That much, at least, is true.

Once it's Togata's turn, Katsuki lets go of a breath he wasn't aware of holding. His duty as a witness is done. They must have assumed he didn't know anything and didn't even try to press for details. For that, Katsuki is grateful. 

He feels Izuku's eyes on him and looks up. There's a worried expression on his face, though what he's worried about, Katsuki can't quite be sure. He looks tired, too. After the events of the day, of course they're both exhausted.

Katsuki's own fatigue makes it hard to focus on whatever Togata is telling them, but he hears enough to know the gist of what happened. He lost her at the school gate and made the choice to come back instead of pursuing her by himself. One of the police officers commends Togata for being level-headed. Part of Katsuki wants to be angry with him for giving up, but part of him knows that he made the correct decision. (He wonders what he would have done in the same situation. He's never been a rule-breaker like Izuku, but–)

By the time the police allow them to leave, the sky is already dark. Their parents have been called, of course, so the moment the police are done with them, he has to deal with his mother interrogating him about what the fuck happened and why the hell he's not wearing a shirt. (He tells her to fuck off, which gets him a borderline murderous glare.) His father diplomatically places himself between the two of them and gently reminds everyone that shirts aren't that difficult to replace.

Izuku gets fussed over for a good five minutes, before he manages to assure his mother that he's fine. Katsuki, on the other hand, is not convinced. He eyes the bandage suspiciously. Even if the bleeding has stopped, Izuku lost a lot of blood. 

The train they take home is packed with commuters and other students who have clubs that keep them at school longer. They squish into a corner of the train car, and Katsuki stands next to Izuku. He finds their arms pressed together. Izuku leans against him with more weight than he would if he weren't injured (probably), and Katsuki tries not to think about it too hard.

Once they reach the front of their apartment building, their parents usher them towards their respective front doors. Katsuki glances back to see Inko with her arm over her son's shoulder. He feels a hand press between his own shoulder blades.

"You'll see him in the morning," his mother says.

Katsuki snaps his head forward. "I know," he says shortly.

"Inko won't let anything happen to him," his father adds.

"Would you guys fuck off?"

His mother prods him across the threshold before he manages to get away. Once he gets to his room, all he wants to do is sleep. But, unfortunately, he has the threat of homework and internship applications hanging over him. He hasn't even started sorting through the list of offers. Fuck. He has hardly gotten one word written in his homework notebook, when his phone pings. From the tone–a snippet of a song All Might popularized by declaring it his favorite–he knows it's Izuku. Instead of texting back, he hits the call button.

Instead of hello, he says, "What the hell do you want?"

But by now, Izuku is used to this type of greeting.

"All Might called about internships–he's a teacher so he can't take interns, but his sidekick is an active hero. Any hero can take up to two new students at once so, but I don't know–"

"Deku," he interrupts before he gets an earful of muttering. "Get to the point."

"Uh, well, Togata-senpai has been interning there since last fall, so he can introduce me and you, too, if you want."

"What, why?"

"Togata-senpai  said you helped him a lot and that you seem reliable…and that he thinks we'd work well together." 

The embarrassment is evident in Izuku's voice, and Katsuki is just glad that they're on the phone so no one can see his face. Izuku clears his throat before continuing. 

"You have so many agencies to choose from, so it would make sense if there's somewhere else–"

"No, shut up, why wouldn't–no, that sounds good."

Once he hangs up, he turns back to his homework. His concentration that was already spotty due to tiredness is now downright awful. It doesn't help that his mind keeps replaying their conversation. Why would Togata who hardly knows him think they'd pair up well? In the end he goes to bed with only one word written for his homework. At least the internship thing is figured out.