The Wonder Duo

Katsuki comes to a halt next to Izuku. In the next millisecond, he turns to look at him. In his expression, Katsuki can read the realization that they got the stamp and the victorious smile. He remembers, however, what Nighteye said, and he knows which of them needs this internship more. Katsuki makes a split second decision, and hurls it, feeling it leaves his fingertips before he truly registers the weight of his decision.

As the timer rings, Izuku just barely manages to catch it, hero reflexes serving him well. His eyes widen in shock. He doesn't have to open his mouth for Katsuki to know the question he wants to ask–why would you do this for me? Katsuki feels his face flush and turns away. He doesn't have a good answer–well, he does, but he's not about to say it out loud. 

Nighteye deactivates the sprinkler and wipes off his glasses before turning to face them. He chuckles under his breath as he looks over their faces.

"Togata did warn me, but seeing you two in action really is something." He opens a drawer in his desk and pulls out two sheets of paper. "Seeing as your original forms got wet, here are dry copies." He holds them out.

"Tw-two? I thought you said–" Izuku begins to ask the obvious question.

"I never said I wouldn't accept the one who wasn't holding the stamp."

Katsuki resists the urge to blow something else up. This reminds him a bit too much of Aizawa threatening to expel the lowest-scorer the day they measured their physical abilities, and then telling them he was never planning on expelling anyone. On the other hand, he is glad not to be forced apart from Izuku.

The door opens as Togata and Bubble Girl return. They hesitate on the threshold.

"Why is it wet?" Togata asks, glancing around.

Izuku looks up and remembers the All Might memorabilia all around the room at the same moment. "The posters–"

"Were waterproofed before being put up. It would be careless not to put some effort into protecting them."

"That's good." Izuku breathes a sigh of relief. "I'd feel guilty if they'd been damaged at all."

Once their forms are properly stamped, they're allowed to go home. Togata accompanies them to the door, reminding them to bring their hero costumes in the morning. By the time they leave Nighteye's agency, the sun has set. The sky is a deep blue and a glimmer of the moon is visible in the distance. Togata leaves them at the train station with a "you'll do this anyway, but stick together." Izuku stands, waving until he leaves the pool of light cast by the nearest streetlamp.

The commuter rush has thinned enough that they can actually find seats on the train. Katsuki sits next to Izuku, staring out of the window across from him as he counts down the stops to the one they need. When their stop is announced, he has to prod Izuku to get his attention. His eyes refocus on their environment, and Katsuki can practically see him trying to put his worries away as he gets to his feet.

"Kacchan, for some reason, I feel like I'm going to have nightmares for awhile."

He says it just as the train doors slide shut, so Katsuki doesn't quite catch all of his words. One sticks out, however–nightmare–and that's not something he can ignore.

"What?" He asks. "Do you want me to stay over or something?" Katsuki can feel his cheeks color as he speaks, but, thankfully, it's dark enough out that no one will notice.

"No, it's fine, I–"

"Then why the hell'd you bring it up?"

Izuku glances away. "I was just making conversation."

That is a shittyass excuse. Katsuki pushes Izuku through the apartment door and greets Inko. They change out of their slightly damp school uniforms, and Izuku doesn't say anything else about potential nightmares or sleeping over until it gets late.

"You are…staying, right?" He asks.

Katsuki looks up. He can clearly see the bite mark on Izuku's neck and the bruise, since it's healed enough not to be bandaged. He thinks of the newspaper article from the morning and Himura's murder. He thinks of the last time Izuku internshipped with Sir Nighteye, and the haunted look he came back with.

"I'm staying," he answers.