
In the morning, Nighteye notifies them that there will be a planning meeting in a few days. Because of the potential danger, they'll be collaborating with other hero agencies. 

"Additionally," Nighteye says in a voice that sounds foreboding even over the phone. "You're involvement will strictly limited if allowed at all."

Although Izuku bites his lip in frustration, he gives Nighteye a polite "I understand."

After the tone signaling the end of the call sounds, Katsuki curses loudly. It makes sense, but there's still a part of him that feels like they deserve to fight alongside the pro heroes–that they have to. They still have a chance to be there, though Katsuki isn't sure if he'd be able to stand being at the scene of the action and being prohibited from fighting. Judging by Izuku's expression, he feels the same. In fact, knowing Izuku, he'll probably jump into the fight whether he's officially allowed to or not.

When they reach the classroom, it's emptier than usual, because the students have scattered to their various internships and everyone is taking two or three days away from school a week. The lessons are somewhat disjointed, and the teachers assign them more self-study than usual. At least it gives Katsuki an excuse to ask Izuku to study together, not that he really needs one at this point.

That evening, Izuku is quieter than usual. His pencil scratches methodically across the page, but its rhythm is slow. Katsuki, having already completed the first page, takes the liberty of glancing over Izuku's answers. As he leans over to get a better view of the page, his arm bumps Izuku's, causing the line of the pencil to veer off course.

Izuku stares at it for a moment. "Kacchan, I'm trying to work," he says, elbowing Katsuki out of the way.

"But you wrote 'Nighteye' instead of–"

"What? No, I didn't."

Katsuki points to where he, in fact, did

Izuku lets out a sigh and picks up his eraser. "It's just...been on my mind," he mutters. "I wish there was something we could have done."

Katsuki nods silently. The air in the room feels heavier than it did a moment before. They both know that trying to fight plagueface right there would have been a bad idea. Not only would they have exposed their intentions, but also they would have made it more difficult to go save the other children. Katsuki reminds Izuku anyway, because he can't think of anything else to say.

"I'm sure Nighteye will think of something. He wasn't known as All Might's strategist for nothing," he adds, trying to make his voice sound more positive than he feels.

"I'm sure he will," Izuku agrees. The smile he adds is somewhat forced, and it twists into a grimace. Izuku looks away from Katsuki's worried gaze and turns back to his homework, signaling that the conversation is over.

By the time Saturday morning rolls around, Izuku seems somewhat reenergized, though his expression still looks haunted. He spaces out a couple of times during class, but Aizawa is the only teacher who reprimands him for it. And a few times, Katsuki catches Izuku muttering under his breath.

Togata comes to find them once the school day is over, pulling a reluctant-looking fellow UA student by the wrist. Katsuki has heard of the Big Three–the top three third-years who stand out even among UA students. From a distance, the student behind Togata looks intimidating–cold and aloof, maybe. He has messy dark hair and elf ears. His eyes remain downcast, and when Togata releases his grip, immediately sticks both hands into his pockets. 

"This is Amajiki Tamaki," Togata says. "He's a little shy, but he's super strong."

In response, Amajiki tries to cover his quickly-reddening face with his hands. "Mirio…" he says in a voice that makes him sound like he'd very much like to disappear into the floor.

"It's true, though." Turning back to the first-years, he adds "You'll be seeing more of each other soon… and Nejire, too. I'd have brought her, but she's internshipping today."

Togata makes his exit with a still slightly pink Amajiki following on his heels.

Izuku and Katsuki turn to head home as well. The silence of the too-empty classroom follows them all the way. 

Since the meeting with Nighteye isn't until Monday, there's nothing left to do for the rest of the weekend aside from some homework. The worry about Eri and the other children sits in the back of his mind, gnawing at his consciousness, making him wish he could do something. At the same time, his stress level feels more manageable than it has in a while, because Izuku isn't in immediate danger for now.