A Fresh Foresight

After a quick scan, the doctors tell Katsuki he should take it easy for the next few days. The cut on his cheek should heal without complications, and everything else is just bruises and scrapes. His fingers brush over the bandage plastered to his face, wincing slightly. His mind flickers to Toga. Why was she there? He just hopes that the League of Villains don't get their hands on quirk-erasing bullets.

Katsuki's thoughts are interrupted when Izuku begins to stir, and he moves to stand next to Izuku's bed. The strongest of the pain medications must be wearing off as well as the medically-induced sleep that allowed him to be examined and stitched and have his fractures set without undue discomfort. A faint rustle of hospital sheets alerts him to the movement. Izuku's eyes open a few seconds later, lashes fluttering a couple of times before he realizes Katsuki is there. As his head turns, a few of his curls fall across his forehead.

"Kacchan?" His voice is rough, probably from yelling during the fight earlier and lack of water during his hours of unconsciousness.

The corner of Katsuki's mouth pulls up into a hint of a relieved smile. There's a cup of water on the bedside table, and he hands it to Izuku, who has to push himself into a proper sitting position before he carefully takes a sip. His hands shake and water splashes dangerously close to the rim of the class. With reflexes as fast as ever, Katsuki stabilizes it. Izuku flushes slightly. Then, a serious expression covers his smile, like a cloud cutting across the sun.

Katsuki replaces the water on the table.

"How is Eri?" Izuku asks.

"They only told me she was fine," Katsuki says, scowling at the memory of the hospital staff stuttering excuses for not answering his questions and the tight-lipped guilty glances of the pro heroes. He understands the need for confidentiality, but, fuck, doesn't he have a right to know a little more than "she's fine?"

"Sir Nighteye?"

"Alive," Katsuki answers. 

Izuku nods. He doesn't question about Nighteye any further. Before he gets in a question about Togata, the door bursts open. 

The first thing Katsuki thinks is that's a lot of yellow. An old man stands in the doorway, dressed in an old-style hero costume. It's only two colors, and the dominant one is yellow. Katsuki stares at him. There's something familiar about this old man, but he can't place it yet. He isn't aware of any current heroes that look like this. He thinks back to what he knows of heroes who were in their prime thirty or so years ago. Or earlier. Who might have worked with All Might before he became famous.

"Gran Torino!" Izuku exclaims.

Katsuki glances at him. That explains a few things. He recognizes the man as All Might's teacher now, and thinks back to whether they had ever met before. Memories flicker past, none containing Gran Torino, until–it hits him like a bolt of lightning. Of course they met.

A good teacher never outlives his student. 

Gran Torino may have been old, but he was as determined as any of the rest of them. And he carried the guilt of letting All for One's villainy continue to plague the next generation. How could he forget? Katsuki suppresses a flinch, clenching his fingers into fists at his sides.

"Who are you?"

The question puts his reminiscing on hold. Katsuki blinks down at the old pro hero. As he opens his mouth to reply, he hears Izuku mutter–

"That's Kacchan."

"Oho, 'Kacchan'...I see."

Katsuki sends a questioning glare in Izuku's direction, but all he gets is a vaguely apologetic shrug. He feels something like wind blow through his hair and jumps out of the way as a blur of yellow zooms past him. 

Gran Torino lands a few steps behind him, letting out a hearty guffaw. "Your reflexes aren't bad, boy," he comments. Turning to Izuku, he adds, "It's good to see your still alive. I've got to find…"

The door opens again, and All Might stands, head brushing the top of the doorframe and clothes hanging loosely.

"Ah, Toshinori," Gran Torino says. "I was just about to go looking for you."

All Might freezes. 

After a quick non-verbal exchange, Gran Torino leaves, saying something about checking on Nighteye. With that reminder hanging heavy in the air, Katsuki turns to look at All Might. The man greets him awkwardly, and Katsuki becomes aware of the fact that although he was once part of the small group that knew about One for All, he's just one of All Might's many students now. Katsuki takes a step toward the door, intending to leave Izuku alone with his mentor.

"You can stay, Bakugou, this will be quick."

Katsuki halts and turns to stare at All Might.

"Don't look so surprised," All Might says with a slight chuckle. "Midoriya has quite a lot to say about you."

Izuku turns scarlet.

It turns out that All Might's visit really is quick. He apologizes for being busy with another mission, and looks to far too regretful when he admits Nighteye refused his help. With that, he rises to leave.

"Can you check on Eri?" Izuku asks.

All Might pauses. "That's actually one of the reasons I'm here." With that, he bids goodbye, and heads out the door.