Lunch Break

By Monday, they're back in the 1-A classroom. Everyone has finished with their internships, and the seats in the classroom are accordingly filled. Izuku has been told to keep training light and has been flat-out banned from hero course exercises until Recovery Girl approves his participation. The worst of his injuries were healed, but the bone-deep fatigue isn't as easily cured.

Kirishima still has a bandage around his head and has similarly been prohibited from joining in hero course activities (it's apparently best to give head injuries some time to heal). Iida seems to be the best off of them with no visible bandages or lingering scrapes. There are still the shadows of a few scratches across Uraraka's hands and Tsuyu has the echo of a bruise visible just above the top of her knee-socks. Those injuries are all too light to bother taking to Recovery Girl. 

Katsuki brushes a hand over his cheek. The knife wound was shallow enough to heal with only the faintest of scars, but the taunts Toga left him still ring in his head.

Their usual homeroom teacher is still missing. Aizawa's disappearance is no small thing, but though the police and certain pro heroes have been searching for him, no further information has been made public. It makes Katsuki nervous. He doesn't remember Aizawa getting kidnapped–or whatever the adult equivalent is. His ability to disable other peoples' quirks is invaluable. And going into the summer–

But first, exams. 

Today, Midnight stands at the teacher's desk, announcing that finals are rapidly approaching in a voice that exudes a twisted sort of enthusiasm. WIth the internship, Katsuki, and probably everyone else in class A, has had very little time to study. The reminder of finals is anxiety-inducing in a different way than villains are, but anxiety-inducing all the same.

And when Midnight announces the possibility of a summer camp for training to motivate them to study, while most of the class cheer with joy, Katsuki feels his stomach drop.

"You'll only get to go if you pass your finals!"

Kaminari's complaint is the loudest. "But I wanna go!" He moans dramatically.

"Then study!" Midnight says. "Or maybe we'll let you tag along, but you'll have remedial lessons. All of you have to be ready for your Provisional Licence Exam at the end of the summer!" She leaves them with that reminder, and the school day moves on.

When lunch comes, Izuku announces that he was planning on eating with a general department friend but upon seeing Katsuki's face, he adds "You can come, too!"

Katsuki wants to tell him to fuck off, because he's fully capable of spending one lunch break without Izuku. On the other hand, he's reluctant to let Izuku go alone, because he thinks something might happen, which is probably stupid. But he can't forget his encounter with Toga the last time he parted ways with Izuku for lunch. Katsuki bites his tongue and follows Izuku to the cafeteria.

In the mass of gray uniforms, it's difficult to spot anyone in particular, but after a few minutes of texting on Izuku's part, an unfortunately familiar head of purple hair comes into view. Shinsou doesn't look surprised to see Katsuki there, too, and gives them both a lazy wave as he approaches.

"Heard you guys ran into some trouble. What is it with you?" He turns to Izuku. "You sure your quirk isn't attracting villains?"

Izuku rolls his eyes, and they go to find a table. As they wade through the mass of students, Katsuki vaguely wonders if Shinsou has a point.

It takes a few more minutes to get their food and find an empty table. Shinsou gives them a look, sighs, and sits down opposite Katsuki and Izuku.

"I met Eri," he says without preamble.

Izuku nearly drops his chopsticks. Katsuki forgets that he's dumping hot sauce on his rice (it's a good thing he likes spicy food).

"How is she?" Izuku asks.

Shinsou tilts his head. "You know, I'm not supposed to tell you. You've heard of confidentiality I'm sure." He takes a breath, looking away from Izuku's concerned expression. "She's fine, though. Her quirk hasn't activated since–well, since you guys saved her, but at least she knows who I am."

"What about catshi–uh, I mean, the class B kid with a copy quirk? He might be able to figure something out," Katsuki asks.

Shinsou shrugs. "Didn't see any other students around."

"The other kids?" Izuku interjects.

A shake of the head. "Haven't seen them at all," Shinsou says. "No one's mentioned them either."

Their prospects look dim. Katsuki is reluctant to take the word of a villain seriously, but he remembers plagueface saying that they couldn't survive without him. He sets a half-full plate of food aside. At least Eri's safe.

But is that enough? A voice asks in the back of his mind.

Katsuki doesn't know. He never used to focus on saving people, always putting the priority on kicking ass and beating villains. But since his whole purpose is to save Izuku, his perspective has shifted.

He passes the rest of the afternoon trying not to think about Eri or the kids they aren't allowed to know anything about. His body moves automatically through the exercises, dodging when he needs to, but his mind wanders. Izuku sits sullenly at the side of the gym. He found a spot high off the ground where he perches and watches the rest of his classmates, scribbling in a notebook in his lap.

Katsuki's gaze drifts to him every few minutes. A few times, he catches Izuku's eye and is given a small smile in response. But in the end, something is still wrong. Their win against plagueface doesn't feel like a real victory.

It's a shitty feeling.