Test of Courage

Dinner passes without incident, and Katsuki hardly tastes the food. He has no reason to believe the villains aren't coming, and he can't exactly warn the teachers. They'd never believe him. So all he can do is hold his breath and wait. 

The sky is almost completely dark by the time the students have finished cleaning up. The ones who failed the final are led away for their extra lessons, while the rest of them remain outside. With the darkness comes cooler air and a stronger breeze. At another time, Katsuki might have enjoyed the weather, but he doesn't have that luxury now. He waits quietly, nerves tense and all his senses straining to perceive signs of danger. His hands shake, and he knows it's from more than fatigue. There are villains waiting for them once they enter the forest. And just because everyone made it out alive last time doesn't mean they will again. Katsuki shoves his hands in his pockets before anyone else notices the shaking.

The PussyCats stand in front of the group and explain that there's going to be a test of courage. Class B disappears into the forest to prepare, and the PussyCats divide the class A students into pairs. Katsuki stands close to Izuku, hoping that they won't get separated. Pixie-Bob crushes those hopes, assigning him to pair with Shinsou.

Katsuki bares his teeth at the general department student. 

"Sorry," the General Department student says with a smirk.

Katsuki is tempted to punch him, but settles for giving him the finger instead (turning slightly so the pro heroes can't see). He remembers the being under the influence of Brainwashing, and he has no intention of repeating the experience.

"Both of our nights might be ruined, but at least Midoriya looks like he's having fun."

Katsuki glances over involuntarily. It does, indeed, look like Izuku and half-and-half are engaged in a pleasant conversation. Izuku seems to sense someone watching and pauses. Katsuki looks away quickly before he's caught staring. With nothing else to do, he glares at his partner for the test of courage.

Shinsou stares back for a minute before he heaves a sigh. "I only use my quirk when I need to," he says.

"Okay, brain-jacker," Katsuki responds after a few seconds of deliberating.

"See?" Shinsou says. "That wasn't so hard."

Izuku disappears alongside Todoroki, and Katsuki watches his back until it fades into the darkness of the trees. He drums his fingers nervously against the side of his leg. The villains could already be here, lurking in the trees. Or they could be waiting further away. Or not here at all. Or–

Katsuki flinches when Shinsou taps his shoulder.

Shinsou raises his eyebrows and stares at him for a moment, looking like he wants to ask a question. In the end he turns around. "Ready or not, here we go," he says and walks toward the forest.

Katsuki catches up to him, and tries not to let the stares of the PussyCats weigh too much on his shoulders. They walk in silence for a couple of minutes. Katsuki glances around, eyes scanning for any hint of movement. It's not just the class B students he's looking for.

"Are you scared of ghosts?"

It takes a moment for Katsuki to realize he's being addressed and his gaze snaps away from a cluster of trees. "No," he snaps.

Another few minutes pass in silence. "What's that?" Shinsou points somewhere to the left.

Katsuki stops walking immediately and tenses, only relaxing when Shinsou makes a noise suspiciously like a snort of laughter. "Sure you're not scared of ghosts?" He asks.

It takes a moment for his heart beat to settle. When it does, he glares at his companion.

Shinsou raises his hands appeasingly. "Sorry," he says lightly. "I was just under the impression you weren't afraid of much."

Katsuki narrows his eyes. Of course, he's not fucking scared of ghosts. He's worried about something a lot more tangible. His skin prickles, and he freezes mid-step. There's a sweet edge to the air. A scent that doesn't belong. Something with an oddly calming effect. Something like sleeping gas. Something a lot like sleeping gas– oh fuck–

"Cover your mouth and run!"