
First Test [16]

"Over here sir, just place your hand on this crystal and your rank will be displayed on this magic mirror infront of you"

(ill just control my magic output a bit and) Ferris told himself

He reached out to the magic crystal ball and it glowed a bit and numbers and letters started to appear like a casino slot machine.

[Bronze E rank]

[Bronze C rank]

[Bronze A rank]

[Bronze D rank]

(there we go)

A bright smile formed on his face when he successfully controlled his magic output to get a low but higher rank than his previous rank. It wasnt the same for the receptionist though he was a little shocked of the results.

"Wow sir you skipped a rank! And its only been a week, your pretty blessed, Any ways congrats for your new rank you can do harder quest from now on" the receptionist said with encouragement

"thanks" he replied

He left the room he was in to go outside for free time, he already finished three quest today so he had some free time.

(I should do some levelling up with my spare tickets, ill go to that dark alley over there)

When he was in the dark alley he checked his surroundings a few times to make sure no one was watching him, you'd never know if someone would just suddenly pass by the alley.




(It looks like no one followed me in here, time to go)

He used his ticket and went inside the portal.


"As a hero you need some training, you need to be prepared to fight the demon invasion so i have called in the right instructor for you. She is currently outside the castle in our small garden at the top so it will take us some time to get there" the king said

After walking dozens of steps they finally made it to the top floor garden, In front of them was a large glass door which looked really fancy, even for a glass door.

"She's outside" the king said to her

She nodded her head and opened the door to head out but.

"Aren't you coming?" Sarya asked

The king looked scared and nervous and he replied.

"Actually i have paper to do bye!"

The old man ran down the stairs, he was pretty quick for his age maybe he was on a rush? Or he has running for his life.

(...hmm is she terrifying? I'm just ganna go) she thought to herself

She went outside and saw a beautiful garden with a small river and a constant stream of flowers with all types of colors falling. She was speechless by the beauty of the garden she was in and really spacious as well.

"Wow" she awed

"Hello there"

She heard a soft and kind sounding voice, a pale white girl was standing infront of her. Her clothes looked unnatural to her, as if they were foreign.

"I'm Sarya, you? " Sarya asked

"Im Kaida Sei" Kaida answered

"Kaida Sei? Are from the east?"

"Yes I'm from of the east, I've been here for three years now but lets stop with this chat. I'll be your teacher, from now on and as for your first test from me" Kaida said

She gave her a stick with a tiny tiny sharp edge at the end and told her.

"I want you to cut at least one falling flower in half cleanly using your stick"

"Ehh!? With this small edge that impossible"

"Give me the stick I'll show you"

Sarya quickly gave her the stick and after weilding the stick, Kaida raised it to cut some falling flowers in half with insane speed and accuracy. She gave her back the stick and gently smiled at her face.

"Now you try"
