
Tournament [21]

"Excuse me"

She has walking in the desert streets all prepared, the only thing she needs to do know is go to the mine but she doesn't know where it is so she asked random people in the streets.

"Yes?" the bystander asked

"Do you know where the magic steel mine is?"

"Oh the mine, sorry but its currently busy, no one is allowed to enter but there's a tournament right know and the prize is anything you want, if you win just ask for some magic steel or something"

After the random guy was finished he told her that he had to go.

"If you do enter the tournament i wish you good luck, your a woman after all.. There are alot of strong guys there after all "

(Hmm.... )

She looked around the town looking for the tournament, it didn't take her too long to find it because the arena was pretty huge so it really standed out.

(i hope I face weak opponents) Sarya hoped

She saw a big queue with people that looked like adventurers and magicians.

"Is this the queue for the fighters?" she asked a tall fighter



(Hmm is she fighting?she must be strong i should be on my guard if i happen to fight her at the start of the match) the tall man thought to himself

Twenty minutes has passed she was finally in front of the line.

"Number 46 and take of your hood so we can see your face its required if you want to participate in the match"

(Will people recognize me? Oh what the hell, I'll just do it)

-takes off-

All the people nearby quickly noticed her face.

"Hey its the hero!"

"What the hero is here?"

"Hero what are you doing here!?"

"Ah sorry you got the wrong person I'm not the hero you all admire sorry" Sarya told them

"Oh sorry i overreacted"

The man in charge of the queue quickly notified the nearby people that she wasn't the Hero.

"That sucks i wanted to see the hero in person"

"I guess i got to excited"

The people nearby returned to what they were originally doing.

(wow, can't believe they fell for that stupid excuse)

"Write your name here pls"



"You may enter and sorry for the inconvenience"

"No i don't mind"

She entered the arena and was greeted by some people who led her to the area where the fighters are.

"We are here and good luck on the tournament"


The room was filled with mostly men and she saw only a few women who entered the tournament, looking at the room she was in she grabbed a one handed sword from one of the weapon racks she saw in the room. She examined the sword, so far its pretty sharp.

(God I hope I fight easy opponents )

While looking at her sword for the time being she heard a loud horn.

"Number 12! Enter the fighting area!"

"Looks like its my turn" the number 12 said to himself

The same tall man Sarya met entered the arena with a confident face, but.




The crowd were speechless some were terrified and some were shocked, the referee was standing there with an open mouth. It was a bloody battle but unfortunately it was only one sided, the man Sarya just met was lying in a pool of blood.

"Number 5 Kaiju wins the match"

The healers quickly went to the unconscious man.

"Quick use your healing magic"

(Damn his barely even breathing)

In the back area Sarya was watching the fight, she too was shocked.

(of course, God had to bless with such a strong opponent) she said in a sarcastic way

The next fights were pretty normal for a standard tournament, Sarya's fights were easy until her next match started. She went to the fighting ring and she saw a creepy looking swordman.

(So that's my opponent... hmm he looks normal for a swordsman but he is giving off some bad aura)

The man looked pale he was smirking and he walked in a weird way.

{Be ready! 3!

(I think i should just stand here) Sarya told herself




Im ready) she told herself


She didn't attack first, instead she just waited with her stance, it was the same for her opponent.

"Aren't you ganna attack me?" the opponent asked

"..." Sarya didn't reply

The man still stood there, he didn't even draw out his swords. He was just smirking, this was his first match so people don't know his abilities. The crowd grew impatient and started shouting.

"Hey fight already!"

"We are waiting here!"

(Hmm guess ill just..)

Sarya grabbed her back to get some throwing knives she got earlier.


As the knife was flying through the air with amazing speeds the creepy man didn't move and


"what the?!" she said

She was surprised that he didn't dodge at all and he kept his smirking face even though there was a knife in his belly, she felt an even more creepy aura from him.

(Something wrong I can feel it)

The creepy dude finally moved but all he did was pull out the knife in his belly and the crowd was shock, they expected blood to burst out but.



"eww what's that?"


Instead of blood something even more disgusting came out.

"His blood"

"that's just disgusting"

"Its black!"

Black goo looking thing bursted out of his body, the owner of the tournament quickly realised what was up with that guy and he grabbed a magic micro phone thing.

{Everyone! Evacuate his an infected! Get the hell out before he turns!}

"Kkyyaaa!" a female spectator shouted


©gatta let u guys no this lul®

How people turn into demons. There are many ways to turn anyone or yourself into a demon like a ritual or the most common one the demon virus.

The demon virus is not well studied it can appear randomly to a large group of people in any place, due to the past invasions, people figured out that every time the war has ended and the demon king was been killed by the hero the world saw that the percentage of criminals dropped by a lot so the world concluded that only people with evil in them or even the slightest bit of evil there is a chance that you will turn into a demon.

There are many types of infected demons, unlike normal demons the infected ones can be different in strength, it depends how evil or how originally strong you are for example if your a cold blooded killer you might turn into a high grade demon but there are some rare cases of archdemons popping up from infected people like the one standing infront of her.

The town was in heavy attack by the sudden appearances of the demons. Some of the fighters turned into demons even some of the slaves turned into demons.

[so this is how it feels to be a demons hehe not bad.]

While the town was under threat she stood there surprised, she had to do something but she had to kill that archdemon infront of her first if she wants to move out the arena and take care the rest.

[The ritual worked hehe thanks to that lady]

"Who is this lady your talking about"

[Hmm I've seen your fight before your not half bad so i wanna test my new power to you]

She took her battle stance to get herself ready.

(An archdemon I've never fought one before can i win? I might even die) she said to herself

As she was about to dash she noticed that someone landed by her side.

"Hmph you can't possibly take care of him alone you fool"

She looked at her side and was surprised that the person was the guy at the first match, she wondered why he didn't turn into a demon was he a good guy? He did almost kill someone at the first fight.

(Should i team with him?)

While she was looking at him she forgot about the demon that was standing infront of her and

"Hey get ready"

[Taste my sword you trash!!]
