
Curious Elf [26]

The elf town was destroyed but not completely, some had enough time to escape while ferris and the other elf was fighting the demon commander. The towns people were injured because of the lesser demons rampaging but the surviving knight elfs were able to kill the lesser demons. When he was about to leave Ferris was stopped by an elf soldier

"Sir, if you may can you please follow me, the elder wishes to see you" said the random elf

(sir? Why are they calling me sir now, atleast that old elf is still alive)

The random elf guided him towards the designated place where the elder is currently located, as they were walking Ferris passed through many destroyed and burned houses, there were still elves that were buried under the ruble and the elves are busy rescuing them.

(this place took a pretty heavy blow)

"we are here"

(is this the place?)

The elder was sitting in a chair being guarded, he wanted to help out with the rescuing team but he can't because of his old age in elf standards of course. He struggled to stand up from his chair and he bowed to ferris as gratitude.

"I would like to reward you.. but you see the town is des-"

"no I don't need rewards besides"

The system already gave him the nessecities for surviving like food, water, clothes, etc so he didn't have to worry about money at all. Ferris pointed at the elf who helped him fight the demon, the elf noticed that he pointed at him, he looked disappointed with himself and he looked at the other direction with a somewhat angry face.

He had a long grudge against humans because of their greedy nature.

"son? Thank the gods your still alive" the elder said with a relieved expression on his face.

"I could've defeated the demon commander by myself" the elf said with a grumpy voice.

"son, please stop being rude he helped saving us"

"well since I can't just leave like this I have to atleast help you guys rebuild this place" ferris said while he was doing something

He suddenly pulled out some clothes and fresh food out in thin air but there was some sort of blue particles while he was pulling the clothes and food out.

(this isn't enough for all of them but I already spent all my gold coins to buy these stuff)

The surrounding elves were surprised by this, they thought it was a spatial storage.


Spatial storage is quite a rare ability given to magicians, nobles usually use these by using special devices but it has its limitations and only has a small space to store stuff on but it's space is determined by the grade of the device, but in this case he is just using the inventory function.

"this?!.. are you a magician?" the elder said with a surprised tone.

"uhh well I guess so.." ferris said with a small chuckle.

"well this is all I can do so I should leave now besides getting me out of those cuffs we're enough of a reward"

As Ferris was walking away the elder just stood there watching, he wanted him to help out some more but that would just be greedy. As night was approaching Ferris was a good distance away from the town, he used a spare grind ticket to get some gold to buy dinner from the store. As usual he went inside the blue portal. But while he was walking away he was actually being followed by the same elf who helped him.

The elf was in shock of the sight he has seen when he saw Ferris entering the portal.

(what the hell?)

The elf was in deep thought the reason he followed him was because of a story he heard when he was a child ©he was prob like 30 or something®

The story was ancient and was passed down by the elves for eons of time. It contained a story of a human who helped a town of elves from an attack against demon. The story also contained that the human had special powers of becoming stronger everytime he kills a monster, he also had spatial storage and can go through portals. But the story began to be change as time went by, because the elves thought that humans were greedy. The story changed from a human that saved a village to a human who was drunken with power and got consumed by the darkness and turned into something like a demon king. The original story said that the human was an incarnation of God.

The elf began to worry about the future, this wasn't some stupid coincidence because he sensed that he got stronger when he killed the demon commander. And that spatial storage thing he did, and the portal he went through.

(this is big trouble what happens if..)

He began thinking of Ferris turning into a demon lord and rampaging through elven countries.

(I have to stop him before he gets any stronger, if I use that power I obtained before I could to a swift attack and kill him)

He prepared his attack and waited patiently, he didn't care if he had to wait until daytime but as long as he could kill Ferris he would do anything.


As ferris was about done killing the boss he heard that familiar sound again.


you have reached the required level to obtain your first job, you will be able to get a job after the test ends.

(a test?) ferris said in his mind with confusion.

{The test will begin in 10}





(i didn't expect this but I should be ready for anything that happens)






{you will be transfered to the test area}
