
Giant [37]

As they stepped foot on the kingdom, they heard loud bangs. Two monsters the size siege towers back in the medievel days, no.. Perhaps even larger. The sounds of their foot stompping the ground left a large bangs, it walked through houses like they were Lego. They possed human head but with no facial features and ears. Both of them had grey skin covered with a little scars.

"yall any plans?" Sarya asked.



Before ferris said his brain was empty he thought of something, he looked at Sarya's sword. Her sword pretty much melted the demon beast he fought back then. He quickly borrowed her sword and summonod one of his angels. He gave the sword to the lucky angel that was summoned, they stared at eachother for a few seconds, the angel nodded and quickly ran towards the giant.

"what was that all about" Sarya said

"maybe they have telephaty, maybe I should try being summoner for a while" Lily said with great hope in the future


The Flaming summon ran, it hopped and passed through the houses debris, cleared any obstacle that raced him and it did it with great efficiency.

As it finally got a few meters close enough, it waited, and waited. The giant rarely looked down and as it faced the other direction opposite to the angel, the angel quickly ran behind its giant foot, as the foot went up to take a giant step the angel went to the bottom of it asking to be stepped on, the angel raised the the white sword that belonged to Sarya.

The angel was pretty much a spike at this point, as the foot slowly went down for step the angel didn't flinch not did it care. It landed, the angel got squashed like an ant, but slowly and suddenly the foot showed cracks. The giant didn't react at first but when the cracks reached its knees it stopped. The cracks stopped at its knees, the giant quickly loss its balance.


Meanwhile Ferris stared at his status looking for any drops in his mana pool or any level up notifications, only to him of course but to the others he was just staring at some random rocks just one meter from him.

"why is he intently staring at rocks? ..." Lily whispered to Sarya.

"Sis.. Just let him be."

As they were whispering to eachother they heard a large boom of sound, tremors filled a wide area of the kingdom, the sudden quakes broke the already broken structures.

"that's it!" Ferris shouted.

All of them quickly ran to the location were the large sound was created to find them selves a large giant struggling to get it self upright with its one intact leg. Sarya quickly looked for her sword to find it lying on the ground, she picked it up onyl to find herself in a position were the giant was about to accidentally kick her while struggling.

Before the giant leg could smash her, a large wall of ice blocked it, saving her life from death, Sarya cought up with the plan made by Ferris, she stabbed the other leg and the same thing happened, it cracked and quickly turned into ashes. It all took them a couple minutes to fully kill the giant since it was just laying there, vulnerable with no legs at all.

"I never knew this sword was this powerful.... I think I like this one better than yours Ferris." Sarya said happily.

Ferris stared at the air, probably looking at the level up screens, he then quickly told the others to also kill the other giant still alive, it's probably running at full speed, leaving giant foot prints on the rocky roads. They heard loud bangs again, the giant was approching fast, very fast, but this time it's legs are intact and they have to quickly make a plan

It ran but not like your ordinary small people, the interval of each step was long, the sounds, the way it moves slowly but fast really shows its scale and how heavy it is. Its steps threw large dust clouds in the air behind it, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

"everyone run for it!" Kai shouted

As everyone bolted away from the incoming destruction that awaits them, Sarya stayed. She walked somewhere to put herself in a good position, she took a batting stance much like the people who play baseball. As the large giant got in closer and closer Sarya swallowed her fears and stiffend herself.

The large foot smashed just right beside her, the seer loud sound of the massive stomp could stun someone but she didn't flinch, she swung her sword like a bat before the large foot could leave, She did it, the foot quickly eroded and the sudden loss of ones foot made the giant also loss its balance. For some reason Sarya felt a strong burst of energy inside her, and a sudden boost of esteem. The giant suffered the same fate as the other giant, lying there for a few seconds giving the others time to attack it while it's vulnerable.

After all that it still wasn't over, they still had the castle left and the floating island at top of the skies.
