
Easy Escape [43]

(I never thought I'd get knocked by a girl.... Hmm?)

Just outside the cell, he heard the sound of stepping. It got closer and closer, there was also a light that got brighter and brighter, the steps grew louder as it got closer. The same crying princess appeared again, holding a luminous lantern coated with pure gold. They just started at each other as if they were doing some staring contest. Ferris waited for her to talk first.

"you're not the same guy are you...." she said to him with a nervous tone.

"I never had sex in my entire life ... so you're correct" he replied

"I'm sorry, I'm in no position to release you and forgive my Charlotte for being very brutal to you"

"what a graceful name for someone who almost killed me" he said while chuckling.

They chatted for a while, she grew a little attached to Ferris. Soon after, the chat ended with her leaving with a tear almost flowing out from her left eye. she knew that she was correct, every part of her body said that Ferris wasn't guilty at all.

The silence strikes his ears again. The pain finally wore off, like a wet cloth drying in the heat of the sun. He went to sleep so he could wait out the time, he never knew what will happen to him in the future. Probably torture he thought.

He blacked out again but in a more peaceful by sleeping, his eyes were tightly shut like a locked door and the usual rapid eye movement called rem sleep. He slept like a baby even though the bed was hard as steel. Unknowingly to him another stepping sound is coming but this time, the light that was coming was brighter than the lantarn the princess held.

If Ferris were to be awake at this time, he could've heard the sounds of feather wings flapping. A white haired angel appeared, with the stereotypical look and the usual halo above their heads. Ironically he was devilishly handsome for a guy. He phased through the strong bars as if it weren't there.

(ok~~~) the angel said to himself

He carried Ferris like a groom carrying his bride, the nameless angel easily and effortlessly slipped through the very tight security of the castle. oh hell, he just walked right in front of the guards without even being noticed. The angel went to the highest balcony, he casually opened the door while a guard was dozing of in his job. Well it is currently night time, plus rarely anyone goes to where he is guarding, so it's ok to nap once in a while.

The door screeched open and woke up the sleeping guard. He looked at the opened door, only to see that there was no one there.

(must be the wind) the guard said to himself

The angel felt the cold wind of the night and proceeded to step on top of the stone railing, if you were afraid of heights, then you would instantly faint. You could see the entire view of the capital from up there since it was a balcony going all around the tallest circular tower of the castle.

The angel took a deep breath and jumped while still carrying Ferris, his wings flapped like a bird as their altitude rapidly increasesed. The residents living there saw a bright light flying through the capital.

"wow! it's a flying star" an old man said

"mama, look!"

"UFO!" some random guy shouted while pointing at the distant object.

The angel took yet again a deep breath, a magical circle appeared right in front of them like a shield and suddenly, the angel went to ludicrous speeds achieving just shy of mach five, no wonder he had to put up a shield around them. The residents below looked at the bright light suddenly going at stupid speeds. They shot through clouds like a bullets hitting a blanket and soon the angel stopped.

(i think it should be here~~)

The angel made a soft landing in some random patch of forest near a town, the area the he landed on was a worn out dirt road that lead to a dark area of the forest.

(man.. I hope this is the correct spot, or else Father is ganna be angry again) the angel said to himself

He got himself to sit on a patch of soft grass, and landed his back on a random tree bark, he gave Ferris a lap pillow with the consent of Ferris. All the angel had to do was wait out the night, then he could go back.

The day of the sun struck the forest, one of the bright rays hit the eyes of Ferris, which woke him up. He was confused to where he was currently at and soon, his senses took over and realized what was going on. He looked on top to see a handsome young angel smiling at him but before he could react, the angel covered Ferris's face with his hand and a bright glow covered his face and his eyes grew pale from the light. He was knocked out again. The angel exited the position he was in for quite a while now and flew off into the direction of the sun.

Ferris woke up again just a few seconds after the angel left. His mind was foggy so he couldn't remember what happened to him a few seconds ago.

".... I'm out..."

He looked around for a while and his minded ticked, suddenly the old gears in his brain started working again. He remembered where he was and the memorable dirt road that he was standing on.

"... I'm..... home..." he mumbled
