
Crazy School [50]

"duck!" Sarya shouted

A giant ball of fire was about to hit them. the sound it produced was indescribable but it sounded like a propeller plane doing a low fly by, thankfully Sarya shouted duck to the others so they wont get their flesh and bones burned to ashes but they did felt a heat wave, it almost felt like you got drenched with boiling hot water.

If a normal person were to turn into a demon, all they get is a new look with some enhanced strength and a temper that's shortened a hundred times over but the school was filled with mages that dedicated their lives to learning magic, you wouldn't be surprised if a demonized wizard is spamming whatever offensive spell it has at every non demon creature it sees. The enhanced strength is no joke, their mana reserves will be almost bottomless and their mana output will be almost tripled than normal.

"I know a safe place, follow me!" Egam notified the others

Like Soldiers cought in a crossfire they ran while various types of spells flew past them, from lightning bolts, metal spears, ice fog that'll freeze you the moment you touch it. The demonized wizards were like maniacs, they couldn't even stand upright properly as they flailed their arms casting random attack spells, much like children playing with guns.

When they were about to turn on the corner of a random large tower, they were greeted by a large foot much like the giants they faced back then. Except this one had a but more color to it but it was a bit grotesque, it's skin was flesh and flesh alone. It smeared blood footprints everytime it took a step, the iron like smell of the blood were etched on your nose and it wore a giant wizard hat that was also made up of flesh, it was basically part of it now. It had no eyes and yet it stood fairly upright unlike the small demonized wizards.

It looked down on the party as it raised and pointed its open palm at them, what the hell is it ganna do now? The party thought. Suddenly it's open hands grew a mouth with no lips, it opened wide like the maw of a shark except the amount of sharp teeth are doubled or perhaps even tripled the amount, It was like an endless hole of sharp teeths covering every inch of the flesh wall.

Suddenly, at the depths of the open mouth they saw a light slowly building up. A spiral of flames appeared outside and went inside the open maw to form a giant flaming ball, the sheer heat of the flaming ball roasted the flesh wall that was keeping it inside but the creature paid no attention to its flesh being roasted alive. A sound was also building up as the flaming ball grew larger, the sound was similar to a jet engine starting up, the loud noise could even make someone deaf if exposed for too long.

"Oi Kai what are you?!" Sarya asked

Before Kai could even answer her question, he launched himself all the way up to the giant flesh monster's head and proceeded to roundhouse kick it mid air. The arc of the kick was almost a perfect curve, so much that your eyes could see an imaginary curve. The strong impact of the kick formed a ripple of flesh, the circular ripple made its way throughout the giant body, you could see the ripple starting on the head and making its way down to the toes. It even went through the earth producing a slight tremors on the ground.

However the large demon didn't fall, only going back a few steps from the impact fo Kai's kick. During this quick moment, Sarya made the easy job of cutting the giants foot using her sword that was made for fighting demons. The giants foot turned into ashes as it finally fell crashing on the large towers even bigger than him. The rumbling of the towers foundation gave the sign that it was about to fall down, the towers impacted eachother like a massive domino affect using towers.

"Lead the way Egam!" she shouted at her

She nodded and ran as fast as her short legs could give her. Kai ultimately decided to just pick her up so she won't slow them down with her slow running, she was a little flustered at first but she pulled herself together and gave directions to the team while having a shoulder ride on Kai.

"go left!" Egam shouted

The party followed every direction Egam gave to them while avoiding or killing whatever demons that blocked their path. Soon enough, Egam led them to a place were no one usually goes to but in a matter of minutes, it's also going to get flooded.

"there's an emergency door on that wall tower" she said to the crew

As they went towards the wooden door, Sieg busted it open with no remorse. Sieg went in first then Sarya then Kai and Egam, however when Kai went inside Egam's head was too high and she smacked her head right on top of the door, her chest landed on Kai's head when she fainted. Kai got confused at first but he soon noticed what he did just now.

"oof.. my bad Egam" he said to the knocked out Egam on his shoulder

Their feet finally felt the grass plains when they exited the school, they kept running and running until they got far enough to rest and still have a view on the entire school. It was definitely hell at the school and all they could do is watch, save a whole town with simple demons? Sarya can do it but saving a kingdom sized school is a different story.
