
Quiet Times [54]

Like an unmoving rock patiently waiting to be moved by nature Ferris lied on the bed and stared at the wide ceiling, like a security camera he only watched one specific area, unmoving. The castle was pretty huge, the only voices he could hear were chirping birds that manage to stand on top of the outer window handles and the constant, annoying, dreadful sound of Charlotte snoring.

(she's supposed to keep watch of me and yet she's already sleeping...cant she a bit more professional?) Ferris thought

He was bored out of his mind, to the point were pain could actually entertain him. At this point he was only daydreaming about random stuff, whatever those stuff were, maybe imaginary fighting or perhaps living in another life, who knows what he is currently daydreaming about.

His eye lids were about to close, his vision became darker and darker as his eye lids was about to shut the light out of his eyes. His mind went blank as the time outside him moved faster while he was sleeping.




"!" Ferris slightly reacted

"Eek!" Charlotte shouted at the same time she woke up

A sudden loud roar of thunder shaked their ears, it was a lightning fest as heavy rain drops violently smashed the windows like bullets raining from the skies. Ferris quietly woke up while Charlotte screamed like a little girl.

"... Ahem, it's seems like you're awake" she said

Ferris got up from his bed while rubbing the filth out of his eyes, he really needed to relieve himself so he casually asked where the restroom. She agreed and showed him the way. They walked in a large hallway with a few lantern providing yellow light and large castle windows that gave a good view of the raining sky, it was like a scene from a horror movie but the calming sound of rain eased both of them.

Another large thunder broke out, the light of the lighting filled the entire room for a split second and the thunder shook the walls. Charlotte jumped but didn't let a single noise come out of her mouth without permission.

"you alright?" Ferris asked

".. Yes, anyways.. The restroom should be inside there"

Ferris quickly passed by her and went inside the restroom while his mouth formed a little smile.

(oh please.. She's an adult and yet she's scared of thunder, can she be even more unprofessional?) he thought with a smirk

The wooden creaked open, revealing the light coming from inside the restroom. As he went inside the restroom, he shut the door behind him, The sound of the door slamming startled Charlotte for bit.

(oh? They have a clean toilet) he said with a happy face

His legs turned off as he instantly sat on the toilet, he quickly opened the system to explore it even more. Since he was in the restroom alone, he could freely interact with the system without being looked at as a weird guy pointing at the air.


Title:Vampire Hunter

>Increased damage to bloodsucking monsters.

Job:Angel summoner









Dark slash

-swinging the sword fires a dark slash.

Shadow travel

-step on a shadow and move through it, limit of 5 meters but the higher the level the higher the distance.


-consume the enemies mana to your own but only 25% of it.


-50% increase movement speed, every second it will consume your mana.


This time he really looked at more carefully, there were three categories being Armory, food, others, and all. The items were arranged like bricks on top of brick so he only scrolled down aimlessly like a phone addict but now he looked at the smaller details.

There was a scroll bar just right and at the top of the bar was a square. Everytime he scroll down, the square moved down also but it was stupidly slow so much so that even a snail is faster. He decide to scroll as fast as he can to the point were the items zoomed by like race cars.

(how long is this?! And this is only the armory!) he said with suprise


(how long is he ganna take?) Charlotte asked herself

She planted her ear to the door to hear what's going on inside, it was quiet at first until she heard a splash on the toilet. When she heard it, she immediately backed off with a slightly disgusted face.

"yuck....." she exclaimed in a disgusted voice

The moment she said that another thunder arrived, even louder than before. She really got scared this time even letting out a scream, but her scared face quickly turned into a bit more of a pissed off face. She told herself over and over again to not get scared while she was waiting for Ferris.


(how many things can I buy here?... They even have condoms what the hell!?)

After he was done, he exited the restroom with a relieved expression but only to find himself a Charlotte hugging her knees for her dear life beside the wall while a series of lightnings and thunders played on the large castle windows like a massive light show with pretty loud music.

"she's gone for" Ferris mumbled
