
Apartment [62]

"it seems like the plan was short lived your magesty" a female voice said

Just behind the king's throne was a large pool of shadow, no.. the throne room itself is a giant pool of shadow with barely any light source to speak off. Even though the throne room only held the king with no guards, it gave off an ominous feeling that you're going to get jumped at by hundreds of soldiers.

"I expected much.. I should've done it at the last second" the ominous king complained with a grumpy voice

"what was the purpose of that mission?" the female in the shadow asked

"it was supposed to disrupt the Royal family of Aussi but that doesn't matter, we will attack tomorrow night no matter what.. It's all or nothing"



Ferris slowly sat down on a soft chair, it was sure as hell satisfying to hear the air inside the cushion slowly get released as your butt sinks into it like a submarine. In front of the awesome chair was a clean wooden table fitted with a large mirror that projected his torso, for a mirror made in a fantasy world it had a higher quality than any modern mirror made today.

He really got to see his face in detail, he noticed that he mostly looked the same as his past life but with a noticable addition of his adoptive father's facial features. He had an ash blonde hair color that was similar to that of a birch plank, he had the facial features of a pretty boy which slightly disturbed him in some way. He then stood up to examine his body features and it was insanely toned, not too buff or too skinny, just right in the middle, His height was also above average. All in all he was looking pretty fine.

(oi oi... I might even fall for myself at this point..) he thought with fear floating around his head

While being terrified of his own sexiness he heard multiple knocks on his door, it must be the so called friend that Makarov called for to keep watch on Ferris. He didn't hesitate much on opening it but when he did, somewhere in his body regretted doing that. A demon... no something more scary than that, an eight foot tall monster. He even unsubconsciously back off.

(huge!) Ferris shouted in his head

The monster had a human figure with gray skin but that all didnt matter, what was most striking of his appearance was the second pair of arms he had. Just his image alone shouted the phrase, I punch and kick stuff really hard. When the monster entered Ferris's room he had to crouch in order to get inside without bumping his head on the wall. When he entered the room Ferris really got to see his body up close and personal, his body was buff with rough skin that was painted with countless battle scars.

The giant didn't spoke much and instead he simply sat on the floor, looked down and slowly closed his eyes. He sat right in front of the door so if Ferris had to go out, he had to confront the beast blocking the path. Ferris didn't bother to communicate probably because it felt wrong for some reason so he closed the lights and went to sleep so that he could pass the night.

It was a hard battle, Ferris could see well in the darkness due to his sense stat, no one in the world could casually fall asleep when there's a beast sitting at the door just a few meters away from you. Ferris tried his best to sleep properly but trying to sleep only slowed him down even more, while struggling he had a simple idea. He used the knock out gas or whatever it is on himself, just after softly inhaling it already knocked him out cold.


Ferris woke up, it was still dark and the sun hasn't come up to the skies yet but his body was already fully recharged to operate throughout the day. He slowly got up, the beast was still there quietly sitting down with his eyes peacefully closed. Ferris stood up from his bed to look at the outside through the balcony, when opening the sliding door a huge cold breeze violently came inside the room like bees swarming an attacker.

He looked out and saw the vast capital city of Aussi, it seemed like the Guild headquarters of old shack wasn't the only skyscraper around. Every building near or close to the center of the capital which was the castle, was mostly composed of super tall skyscrapers while the surrounding area was mostly composed of residential areas.

Ferris had seen enough of the beautiful capital and wanted to eat, he wanted to save money on the system so instead he wanted to use real life currency. His first objective of the day was to eat, but in order to do that he had to somehow pass the beast guarding the door leading outside of his aprtmemt room.
