
Raid [64]

"this coffee is good" Ferris blurted out if nowhere

Just now he finally noticed, a ripoff coffee and yet it tasted better than the original or Ferris just had a worse taste than others. It was now morning adventurers slowly started to come out of their own apartments while residents, merchants, or basically anyone who had business with the Guild flooded the entrance.

"it looks like we chatted for quite a while, it's already morning.. sorry but in the next thirty minutes, we are finally ganna clear that damned dungeon so I have to change into my gear"

"damned?" Ferris asked

"yeah... It's been five months already but we're finally ganna reach the last room"

Suddenly a man called for Artria, it was Makarov the guild master. He looked like he was on a hurry to finally finish something or rather excited to finally finish the dungeon that was keeping Old shack occupied.

"Artria, you are supposed to be there in thirty minutes so get changed and you too Siddra!" Makarov shouted while looking really pumped up

"looks like I'll be going, I'm still looking forward to chat in the future.. so I'll try to find you after the dungeon raid" Artria said as she struggled to stand up after an hour and a half of sitting and chatting

"you can go know Siddra" Makarov ordered

Siddra then stood up with no struggle unlike Artria and began quickly catching up with her, the scene of the two gave Ferris another view on how tall Siddra is, almost two times larger than Artria or maybe even taller.

"Charlotte is waiting for you at the front entrance" Makarov said

Ferris nodded but he stopped himself before making his way down the front entrance, he felt like he missed a very important question. His mind was blank but that thought was out there and it needed answers, he began looking up the skies and he did saw the skies in its blue glory. A giant hole leading all the way up to the top with a giant skylight, you could even see all the individual floors stacked like pancakes. He then looked at the hundreds of workers and the thousands of adventures ranging from the bottom of bronze all the way up to diamond.

(.... 10 years..) Ferris thought

All of this in a short amount of time considering the amount it has grown. From a literal old shack as a guildhouse to a huge building with a hundred and fifty floors, it's a pretty big difference but the question is how did one accomplish such an achievement like this.

"how? In just ten years" Ferris asked

The question Ferris asked didn't have much info on what it's referring too but Makarov already knew what it was, he formed a slight smirk before answering it.

"kid.. If you work hard enough you could do it, it's a childish quote I know.. but it's still true... you know Sabaoth?"

"yes I know him" Ferris answered

"Ever since he died, I made sure that the remaining members lived and guess what, they are still alive and the only thing I'm sure they'll die from is old age... Besides, Artria helped me alot ever since she joined a few months after her brother Sabaoth died.. crazy orphans these days huh? "

(that's it?... well.. I'm happy that i contributed) Ferris thought

"I see, well.. I hope this guild will take the top one day" Ferris encouraged

Makarov suddenly tightened his mouth, his cheeks grew bigger like a balloon being pumped with air. His mouth couldn't hold it in anymore so it popped like a balloon and he laughed uncontrollably like a maniac.

"heh.. Really?! This guild competing with the top dogs around the world?" he replied with laughter

Ferris then quickly replied to him with the same childish quote Makarov said himself, he suddenly stopped laughing when he heard the childish quote.

"... your right my friend.... Anyways I don't have much free time so I have to manage the Guild, goodbye friend" Makarov said while leaving

Ferris then continued his journey towards the front entrance but at this busy morning, almost all the people only went inwards and not outwards. The flood like scene of people was comparable to a mini black Friday sale, everyone was pretty much bumping into eachother left, right, front and behind like a traffic made in hell.

(... shadow step)

{Shadow step activated}

Like q fish he swam through the small pond of shadows created by the human flood. Ferris soon popped up from the ground using the shadow from giant plant pot, right after that he proceeded to meet up again with Charlotte.

"took you long enough, you're going back to the castle"


"is everyone ready!" Artria shouted

A small army made up of a hundred high ranking adventurers from gold to diamond replied back to Artria with a loud Yes ma'am! All of them wore their best armor and their best weapons but still almost all of them looked tensed as they watched one giant entrance to a deep mine, coming out from that giant entrance was ominous presence.

In the past they slowly chipped through the dungeon with one or two raids per week and today was the final. They do not know what's inside the last room but they are sure as hell ready for anything.
