
Raid 3 [64]

"damn, That fucker is fast"

"it closed that huge distance in one second.. Not bad" Some raid members said in awe

The insanely sharp and long blades of the demon left a trail of multiple after images, the gruesome sounds of someone's body getting ripped and sliced apart could mentally damage your ear in someway. Blood violently spattered on the ground like spilled wine, you could say that the blood painted on the ground made a quite beautiful abstract painting that could sell for a good couple of gold coins.

"even if your a speedy, honestly... as expected for a diamond S-rank like Artria" a random raid member said in a way that shows he already knew the outcome

If you saw it with a naked eye, Artria Simply stared at the demon and as if she willed it, the demon got sliced into finely chopped onions. After that gruesome show the raid members noticed something in her hand, she was holding her long sword that wasnt stained in blood, she probably drew her sword out so fast that the sword seemed to teleport onto her hand and she swung it so fast that the demon's blood didn't have time to stick to the blade. The demon's body was diced into tennis ball sized cubes or something similar to red colored jelly cubes. The stench of the corpse was even delayed due to the ludicrous speed of it being diced like onion, the stench soon creeped up to their noses but they weren't fazed.

"what know?" Siddra asked

"I don't know, blow it up? Or we wait... actually let's just wait, we don't know how many is inside so let's be careful" She answered while staring at the abstract art

"?" Artria reacted

The heart beat just went a bit faster and a bit louder, it got faster by the second and the noise slowly turned into an ear breaking one. Was their eyes deceiving them? The nest suddenly had seizures, it quaked uncontrollably and erratically. The heart beats was so fast that it could be compared to a semi automatic rifle, the sound of the heart beats was now as loud as a sniper shooting. All this went for a good twenty seconds until it suddenly went quiet, the shaking stopped and the heart beats stopped as if it went flat line.

"the hell was th-

The nest broke apart in a matter of seconds, a huge black serpent with horns and a couple hundred demons bursted out like candies flying out from a smashed pinata. The serpant quickly targeted Siddra without warning, its head came to like a missile while it's horns pointed straight at Siddra.

The serpent's horns each seemed to have two joints, one mode for having it on the sides while the other mode for having it pointing in the middle of its face like a dart. The size difference was clear, even for Siddra's tall stature, it couldn't compare to the serpent's head that was triple his own height. Siddra grabbed the two horns like door nobs to try and stop the serpent's charge but Siddra's ground support couldn't cooperate with him so he got pushed back by alot because the ground couldn't handle the sheer force of the two monsters.

The serpent's head pitched up like an air plane, it went up and up and like a roller coaster, it dropped down at fast speeds without stopping while he was still grabbing on to its horns. Siddra took the whole impact on the ground using his back plus the weight of the giant serpent's head and a portion of its body which probably weighed hundreds or even thousands of tons.

"oof.." Artria mumbled while looking at Siddra which he was already pushed back a few hundred meters by the serpent

The serpent pulled back its head to check on Siddra to see if he is dead but that wasn't the case, he quickly used its horns to launch his body towards its face to give it a good punch. The serpent then really pulled back far away suffering some major damage, it shook its head a couple of times then finally heading outside the cave. For its titan sized body, it sure slithered around as fast as the most modern bullet train today. The large serpent got away into a large lake inside the cave, it managed to escape while suffering from a punch made by a diamond S-rank, surviving such a punch is no easy feat to accomplish.

"Siddra! Help us out here! We're outnumbered by like 400! We'll deal with that snake later!" Artria shouted while making mince meat out of demons

Even though she was a diamond S-rank, she couldn't deal with every demon without causing any friendly fire. Besides, they had only twelve diamond ranks out of the hundred members in the raid team and all of them had the same trouble as Artria because going all out would cause some trouble on your allies.


©Sorry for any bad Grammer, I wanna sleep rn®