
Small talk or not [76]

©I'm thinking of changing the cover again, cuz it really sucks®



He sat up near instantaneously, his lungs struggled to function properly, his breathing was everywhere, for someone that was having a nap he was incredibly out of breath. His heart pumped fast and heavily, his pupils were slightly shaking and his skin was sweating buckets. The filth that built up in his eyes while sleeping got thrown away just from the force of his eyes opening, how does that work? I don't know.

He had some mixed feelings, a feeling of being scared shit and the feeling that can be described in one word called wow. it was an odd mix but it somehow blended together quite well, slowly but surely his breathing and heart went back to normal as if nothing severe happened.

(that was one hell of a dream....)

Indeed it was one hell of a dream, like your one friend who keeps saying the same line after each roller coaster ride "let's do it again!". Ferris thought the same thing, it's a scary experience but it does give your body quite the adrenaline rush, the good type of adrenaline rush of course. However, one thing was plainly obvious, just as the glowing man said, Ferris forgot everything other than the roller coaster ride through out the universe.

"haah... Hm?"

Just in front of him on the floor, Dorothy had the same expression Ferris had just after he woke up. The only difference being, hers had more a generous dash of the feeling called, scared shit. Judging by her position and the blanket covering her body, she probably fell ass first on the floor but fortunately it was cushioned. ©You already know why it's cushioned u dirty minded reader, if not I'd be happy to explain it right here at the paragraph comments lol®

Just by looking at the fallen girl, Ferris already knew. With his tightly imbeded ideology given to him by his father, he had no choice.

(must have scared her)

"here..you alright?"

Ferris extended his arm for a helping hand, quite embarrassed of himself his hand struggled to fully extend.

"yes.. yes I'm alright, thank you"

With his strength, helping her stand was as easy as taking a single breath. It wouldn't be much of a surprise if he could lift her up using one hand, or even a single finger. Now that Ferris is woke, Dorothy's mission was now irrelevant. Awkwardly leave the room or do something to not make things awkward, or even make things more awkward. Nevertheless she had to choose her words carefully and quickly because every passing second of quietness could only make things more awkward.

(how long is she ganna stand there?) Ferris thought while patiently waiting for whatever she had to say or do, after all no one does things without reason so she had to have one no matter how unrealistic it is

"I-I was looking for some advice" she finally asked

"(advice?... Well, I'm not your dad but I'll try I guess...) alright, ask"

"how does one.. umm... get someone special?" she awkwardly asked, while her body desperately looked for things to do like scratching the head or nose ©we all do that, don't lie becaus I do that too®

"(what? This is ganna be hard) sorry but I don't follow"

Dorothy was now at her breaking point but she had to finish what she started, with a last ditch effort to turn the tides, she directly said it to him. Her mouth struggled to open as it heavily trembled but still, her determination forced it to open wide like a blue whale opening its mouth for some yummy shrimp.

"how do you find love?" she desperately asked

"(haha.. very funny God) love? Why can't you ask your parents"

The last ditch effort failed but atleast that brought her forward. Dorothy now had a noticeable expression, obviously she was disappointed, not at Ferris's answer but to herself. She let out a long sigh, indicating that she was down with all the awkwardness. She did this as she slammed her butt at the couch

"... Im afraid I can't do that, I'm 19 now and I have to find someone so I could continue the family line"

(single huh? Wait.. Why am I involved with such personal matters?)

Ferris was now a bit annoyed but even so, his ideology was more absulute than any other. It makes you wonder what weird or freaky way his father imbeded that ideology in his mind. Well, luckily for Ferris he was also single so he could pull that out as an excuse to not have any advices and that's probably backed up with a bullshit reason but still, he had to atleast give her one.

"well... I don't have a girlfriend so we're the same, I'm not looking for one right now but I could give you this quote from my father... uhh.. something like "let time do the work for you" something like that"

Dorothy was a bit confused with that quote, let time do the work for you? Doesn't that relate to being lazy? She asked her self. It could be interpreted in many ways but still it is kinda right, no matter what you do, you can't change your fate, there's no such thing as controlling one's fate, if you were poor and you got yourself decked with money using your own hardwork, you can't just say, "I changed my fate". No You didn't, because that was already your fate, predetermined by someone with omnipotence or even something higher than that.

"so.... Where's the bathroom?" Ferris asked as he held his pee

"oh.. umm right over there" she said while pointing at an open door at the exposed second floor

"thank you" Ferris replied as he ran towards the bathroom, he even jumped towards the second floor not using the stairs




(let time do the work for you....)


©I aint proof reading, I want sleep and I have stuff to do tmr®