
Too early for us to meet [83]


I can move but at the same time I can't. In the mouth, in the arms, in the torso, in the legs and in the feet. It's black, nothing colorful was seen. Where are the chains? Where the ropes detaining him. It felt like he was moving, with the sheer nothingness and no sense of direction he didn't know. Going up? Left, right. Down, down, yes down.

He began squirming like a worm, it's like his body was about to get pulled down by something, who could it be, he probably thought. His sweat began piling up and going up his face indicating that he was indeed going down. Going up the steep hill when your riding a roller coaster is defienetly a thrill, you don't know when you reach the tip, you only notice it at the last second but for Ferris he was already going down but where is the thrill, when will he reach the top or should I say, the bottom.


You always hear that annoying ringing noise whenever you hear something very loud but where's the loudness, or was it the quietness since it had the same affect. Just as the ringing noise started he stopped falling, is this it, is this the bottom? Maybe he could go even deeper.



The ringing noise stopped as he heard his pants being clenched by an arm, a rotten one or was that just how it is. Ferris's body instantly began alerting warning signs but there was nothing he could do, his hair was standing up with hardness similar to rocks, his skin began sweating buckets, his heart couldn't take it anymore. He was surely at his limits but there just had to be more, another hand grabbed him on the other leg. Then "it" began climbing him like a tree, everytime its arms went up it could faint someone due to fear but Ferris kept his eyes open at full.

Ferris then realized, it wasn't rotten. To properly explain it, it was like a broken ai trying to make a human body, skin tones different, they kept changing without reaching the perfect one, sizes and even the veins kept changing positions as if the thing was constantly morphing or evolving, even the way it breathed was very ragged and uncertain.

Finally, just infront of him face to face? There was nothing, no face and no identity. It's head now began to shake, it was now looking down so Ferris didn't saw it's face even though it didn't even had one to show off. Just as Ferris thought it couldn't get any worse than this, it began speaking now but its speech was erratic, changing from male to female, tone kept changing so Ferris didn't know the emotions it was trying to use.

"©{([Th- the.. The... Brotheeeerr, siterr sister-tter, h-hhe.. She-eee, iti.. It, thing-ing thing, t-that, h-himm, her... god])}®"

It stopped talking, brother, sister, he, she, it, thing, that, him, her then god? Was it looking for a way to describe something, if so then why was it looking for god. Ferris was thinking the same thing but it wasn't important, for now, what he was looking at was definitely more important. The thing raised its head, it's Ferris, he was looking at himself, his first ever face and his second face when he was reborn.







"so are we just going to walk?"


"to think I'm born into this time, and I'm actually going to participate in it, it feels weird"

"can you all keep it down please?"

This raid team was even bigger than the last one, high ranking adventurers from all over the country into one big raid team. There's no such thing as going overkill, maybe there was but the king didn't want to play fair. In wars, there's no such thing as playing fair.

"is the king sure that we're ganna bring him along?" a female knight asked someone while carrying Ferris without dropping a single sweat

"I will speak to my owner if things won't go as planned" the assassin girl said, in a monotone voice

Everyone was creeped out with this girl, she had no relations with guilds if any at all in general. The only thing they were informed was that the assassin girl was an ally, a direct proxy for the king himself. The same assassin who implanted fake memories to the king's daughter and that same assassin who worked for that dumb king, to think that she'd be used for such a fragile and important role was surprising even for the king's personal advicers or subordinates.

Whenever the king talked to Parma, the king was absulutely trustworthy of her. Whatever past they had or a reason the king had, the king trusted her with every cell of his body, ever since his time of rule not once did Parma betray him but the reason why is unknown to anyone except for the king himself.

"Do you know anything about the librarian?" the female knight asked

"no" she replied with the usual monotone voice

"I think I know, did you heard the tales of that man? I think one of the members had the name Parma" another adventurer said

The female knight already knew who the adventurer was referring to, that man who could conqueror the world if he lived long enough, that man who has reached the top and to the top with his friends but old age struck him, now he resides in one of the most biggest continents named Ursa as a king who will rule with one of his friends still by his side. The rest, scattered around the giant world called earth.

"I don't know the king personally, maybe something personal... Man I wish I had that kind of adventure" the female knight replied with an envy expression

"how deep does this go?"

"I don't know but I've heard that it'll take quite while"



Shots fired, a storm of arrows and spells rained upon the demons but it wasn't enough. They kept running with arrows stuck on their eyes and skull, this simple scene showed their great resilience and terrifying endurance. But of course, when you have a few options left, just pull out a cheat card in the form of ice, a lot of them.

In the front lines, even farther out than the spearmen. A long row of evenly spaced out mages was seen, each mage spaced out far from each other but it seemed like it was necessary to maximize the particular spell that's ganna be used. However the demons didn't care about it, the only words they knew was push, kill and try not to die so you could kill more. A straight forward thought but it does explain their mission well.

The floor dropped its temperature, the ground froze as a giant tsunami made out of ice violently pushed through the flat terrain but unfortunately it stopped. The ice shaped like a giant wave towered over the demons imposing them, but for demons, fear isn't in their vocabulary since they just smashed through it. The large scale spell attack wasn't in vain though, atleast it slowed down the demons since they constantly slipped every now and then.

"the hell! Something just stopped our spells"

"I didn't saw the source, I'd be surprised if it was done by one demon"

"that's some range it has"

As the mages argued at what just happened, the soldiers chatted while waiting for the struggling demons running on the ice.

"damn, why can't we just happily stay on top of the walls where it's safe" a soldier exclaimed as he stared at the demons slowly approaching

"kings orders, reason being, urban warfare is dog shit... I wouldn't want some demon sneaking up behind me in some destroyed horror hospital, plus.. This type of warfare is more straight forward" another soldier replied

"But aren't the capital defence walls supposed to hold of entire armies?"

"heh.. My guy, these are demons, demons."

The soldier struggled to swallow his dry saliva after he heard the word demons being said in such a way, this was his first time going to an actual war, unfortunately for him not against humans, elves, dwarfs, monsters, he was against the worst type, demons. No fear, no moral, loyal, unforgiving. The perfect soldiers solely for killing.
