
Janitor work 2 [84]

"hey, have you been to other regions?" the mage girl asked

"regions? Why should I, yes I know that it's an entire world out there but our own region is enough for me to live in" the female knight replied

The two girls walked in random paths, so far they have only seen a couple of raid members walking by with their own pairs. It felt like an isolated place, it almost felt like they were inside an abandoned space station drifting in the void of space. It was quiet most of the time, the only sounds being larges thuds that was probably from large chunks of the hive falling off, other than that the insides were gloomy and incredibly damp as well.

"hey, I think im the one that should be asking the questions now" the female knight said, to waste some time as they walked through the endless corridors inside the hive

"I saw you fangirling when Duke Raymond touched you, oh! Don't you think it's a bit odd that he picked your shadow to hide in? more than a hundred adventurers here and he pick yours... hehe maybe he's got something for you" the female knight teased the mage girl

"n-no! Why would he pick a measly E rank like me!" she shouted to suppress herself from fangirling too much

"heh, is that so? I've heard that he went to an all boys school, maybe he's gay for all we know, then again he's a duke and an adventurer, plus he's an S rank! His life is pretty much set with zero problems" she exclaimed

As they continued to chat, they've passed through the same looking corridor, the same disgusting room full of fetuses and perhaps a few raid members burning all of them to make sure they stay dead. Luckily for the two girls they had an endless supply of conversation ideas to lay waste on time.

"oh! Footsteps I bet it's John again we've seen him alot lately...."

Have I forgotten to mention this important info? This is a demon hive, anything could happen at any given moment of time. Their minds expected John to come out but it wasn't, something in between a human and a demon. It looked towards them and that face it had wasn't human at all, far from it.


Without a thought as if she had already done it a thousand times, the female knight sliced it clean in half without any effort, even its bones didnt help in stopping her blade. The demon's innards slowly went outside its body in the most disgusting and disturbing way possible, intestines, heart, and even poop came gushing out of the corpse.

"bleh... there goes my hunger" the mage girl expressed in disgust

"yeah, let's quickly finish checking out this hive then we'll fully destroy it... these bastards are sure persistant"


Fair skin, a decent figure, a great smell to sniff out everyday, and a head that could be head patted for years on end. Girls wasn't much of an interest to him, girls were too... emotional and needy in his own opinion, boys however, let's say he has his own taste compared to others.

Duke Raymond sat on a big ledge a few hundred meters above the cave floor, it even had grass and a few fireflies to keep the ledge lit up nicely. All in all, it was an ideal place to relax and hangout with some friends. The grass was soft but not nearly as soft as this mans hair, like a pet dog he stroked Ferris's hair over and over again as he laid his back on the rocky wall.

Ferris's face look disturbed in some way, perhaps he was having a nightmare, his breathing was heavy and his grunts and slight moans where to sweet for Raymond to endure, he couldn't help it at all, it's as if his hands needed it more than anything. Just as he began stroking his hair, Ferris calmed down as his breathing slowed its fast pace.

But that wasn't enough, maybe his cheeks next. Raymond began stroking them using his back fingers and the way he did it was like a professional caretaker for animals, it was soft, no pimples were felt, just pure soft skin.

(soft.....) Raymond thought

Who could this random be? Why did the king order it himself? Raymond scanned his body, his strength was atleast that of a diamond mid E rank at best so why. Perhaps his identity was the main reason, he heard the news that a super highly wanted criminal was on the loose at the capital and judging from the wanted posters he saw, he definitely looked like the person he was taking care off. But, information was scarse so a solid answer was hard to get. However, it was time to take a break for once so he patiently waited for the raid team to finish surveying the hive.

(who in the hell is this!!!!) Ferris shouted inside his mind

A weird nightmare, then this?! When Ferris woke up he instantly saw the situation he was in and he quickly closed his eyes just as he opened them, in the outside he may look like that he's currently sleeping but internally, he was screaming at the top of his lungs.
