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A present

"Dad was trying sneak into the forest for a hunt, to save up enough money for a present just for you!"

"Don't tell Dad I told you this though, hehehe!"

'But why wasn't he wearing thick clothing, in the cold night?'

'Meh! just forget it'

The pair of mother and son talked for a while, recalling the memories Jin, when Jin had become 9.

"All right, go to sleep now!"

"If you don't"

"Monsters hate naughty childrens"

Mom was at the door as she opened her mouth then suddenly closing it, like a bear trap whilst closing the door.

'Remember the stories'

Suddenly, Jin once more recalled the weird conversation he had before with the old man.

'Tsk! it's probably the old man messing with me, after fooling him this morning'

'Yeah that's got to be it'

Soon the 9 year old fell asleep, taking all what happened this night, to the back of his head.

The next morning.

The sun has once more revealed itself, as another day was born, the roosters kept on crowing, along with it the people of Splinter waking up one by one, in order to live out their daily lives once again.

"I'm telling you the bloodsucking vampires is scarier!"

"HUH!? no matter how you see it, the nightcrawlers are much scarier!"

In the early morning, two children were already arguing their most favorite and scariest monsters they've heard, there wasn't really anything that much to do in the village, as it was full of trees all around it, childrens were strictly prohibited from going out, well except for one child.

""Good morning, Big bro Jin!""

"Heh! early in the morning and you guys are already fighting, huh?

Jin was greeted by the two children, who were both younger than him, after seeing him, even in their heated arguments.

These two were brothers, one with a brown hair, whose name is Kwynn a 6 years old and other with a much lighter color hair was named Feligar who was a 4 years old, both also have a sky colored eyes.

"Well, let's go greet the old man!"


The two childrens agreed, they both have an admiration for Jin, who always managed to get outside of the village, without being caught, although there were no fences, nor gates to protect the village, there's always patrols wandering day and night.

Soon they saw the back of girl with a long blonde hair flowing.

"Looks like she didn't tie it?"

It was Elena, seeing her knocking on the old man's door, Jin made a sign of silence to the children behind him, who was already giggling.

'Brother! do you think he will die?'

'Heh! I'm pretty sure if it's Jin, he's already got a plan'

Kwynn told his younger brother with pride, as if he already knew what was going to happen.



Before Jin even managed to finish, he was grabbed by the throat, by Elena.


Seeing Feligar smugly smiling at him, Kwynn made a cracking noise in his knuckles, making the former to shrink down.

"I give! I give!"

Jin was hurriedly tapping, the hands that were grabbing his throat, in which Elena suddenly let go, with a surprise look on her face.

"Ah! sorry Jin!"

'cough cough'

Jin was coughing, gasping for air, he felt the mark in his neck.

'Is she really even a girl?'

'Or was she training martial or something?'

"The old man's not responding"

"Let me do it"

"Wait! what are you doing?"

Jin opened the window to the old man's house and jumped in.