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As Jin heard the husky voice, he looked behind. His heart hammering him down, as his body weigh rooted him down, sweat dripping, never have he felt such coldness before.


"Ohhh! it's the ring!"

Jin saw the malevolence within the creature withering his whole body, as if it's visage alone could make even the bravest man be brought down to his knees.

There he saw a creature, to be precise a huge face behind the door. It's huge eyes peered in the room, the red veins in the iris glowing, almost as if it was going to burst, the deformed mouth opening giving a clear view of a tongue, as it slowly licked it's whole face, covering the whole face with saliva, making it more like hideous mess, with the profusely clumped up flesh forming the face of a man.


Jin upon seeing such a horrid sight stumbled behind him which was filled with the leftover clothes in the cabinet.




The face charged the wooden wall seperating the two, which was instantly destroyed, as the remnants of it pricked the 'Face' having blood and splinters all over it.

Some of it also hitting the child, waking him up from his mind who was escaping from it's reality. With a clear view of 'It' Jin finally saw what it's creator intended it to make.


Finally seeing all of it's horridness, triggered one of stories he have heard before from his memories. Having the face of middle looking beggar, and a body of a baby.





It's motion intendedly shows that it crawls, but with it's deformed limbs, through a straight line, it's almost the same speed of a bull charging.

Though it's head is also it's weapon, but it is also the weakness, as the body of a toddler can barely carry such a huge head, thus making him stumble if it ever tries to move, that's also the reason why the only movement it could do is a temporary charge for attacking and crawling for it's strolling around.

Though monsters and demon have their own intellect, but that doesn't mean, you can also strike a conversation to a baby! so don't waste your time in such a futile effort and use it for running around!

Jin remembered the stories, that he once ridiculed to be life saver.

As the baby once charged against him, scattering the clothes, smashing the already aged cabinet and wall behind it.

Sidestepping the charge.

"I must run!"

But in contrast of what he thought, his body turned, grabbed a smashed piece of the cabinet on the ground.

'What the hell, why is my mind so clear?'

Jin slowly walked to the baby, who was stuggling to get a footing due to it's massive head. The face was filled with calluses, clearly showing that it was already used to it's reckless charges.

'Hmm? so that's why, you're not afraid of bursting your head to a wall, huh?'

Jin charged through the debrises, as he jumped, putting both of his hand that was holding sharpened wood over his head, clearly intending to finish the thing in front of him.


Confusion arose through the creature as it never would have thought the prey in front of it would retaliate, seeing it jumped, the Baby Face met it's prey, by standing with his two legs like a bear and opened it's mouth.



Silence fill the air, as the sound of a something sharp stabbing through flesh and bones could be heard. The piece of wood was pierced in the glabella of the once mighty and monster.

'In the end, you're also nothing but a lumped of flesh, the same as us"