Chapter 14 - Severus

Severus awoke on his couch to the Grand Clock chiming six in the morning. He groaned, once again seeing himself in the same clothes as the previous day. He got up and went to change and get ready for the day. He kept to his drinking routine well, he scoffed to himself. An hour later, after drinking several potions to stop headaches and hangover, he made his way to the Great Hall.

Sadly, Albus requested all the professors' presence in the mornings, unless they had a valid excuse. On the other hand, they were lucky, having only have to stay ten minutes each morning to please the Headmaster's wishes. Ten minutes past seven and Severus got up from his seat. A minute later he was already out of the hall, and made his way to his classroom to prepare for his lessons. As he rounded the last corner, he noticed a figure standing next to his door. Involuntarily, he felt his heart increase in speed, having his eyes noted who the person was.

"Miss Black." he greeted her in his monotonous voice.

"P-professor Snape." she replied with the exact same tone, making him almost smirk.

The man unlocked his door and walked in, gesturing the girl to follow. She waited until he was seated behind his desk, then started talking.

"I c-came here to see y-you... Because y-you're my Head of H-house and all and.."

Severus curiously placed his papers to the side and gave the girl his full attention. Did something happen he was not aware of? He wondered without voicing his concern.

"What is it I can help you with, Miss Black?"

Her eyes locked with his, and she held his gaze as she spoke again as if he was giving her the confidence she needed to speak.

"I'm awfully b-behind with the w-work. I came t-to ask for a-assistance."

The Potions Master blinked. The girl came to ask him for help? That's not possible, he told himself. He might be her head of house but noone ever comes to him for help (or anything), other than perhaps some brave professors. He shook his head, and saw the girl look up from awkwardly staring at her shaking hands.

"It's okay. I e-expected it. I'm s-sorry I wasted y-your time." she said and began walking towards the door.

Severus realised his shaking of head was misinterpreted and he jumped to his feet immediately.

"I'll tutor you." he said, unable to stop himself before the words came out.

The student turned to him shocked, and to be honest he was not surprised. He was shocked at his words too.

"Okay. Tomorrow 6pm. Here." he stated, not letting it be up for debate.

Candice stood there frozen. The professor cleared his throat and she jumped.

"Y-yes. Thank y-you, Professor!" and with that she walked out with a smile on her face.

The man in black sat back down. He had never before tutored a student. It was going to be a new experience, he chuckled to himself. A few minutes later, his attention went to his door that has been left open. He got up, but before he had the chance to reach it, Minerva sneaked in and shut it behind her. The woman had a mysterious grin on her face, that made Severus scared of the conversation to come.

"So? Has she been?"

"Who?" he reseated himself for the billionth time.

His overexcited colleagues took the seat in front of him.

"Candice, that's who! Who else would I be talking about?" she said as if no other individuals existed.

"She has." he then looked suspicious, "Have you told her to see me?"

"Oh come on Severus! Don't be such a prude!"

"I- What?" he looked confused but mostly shocked at her words.

"Oh... I think I misused the muggle words I learnt." Minerva laughed.

Severus shook his head before asking the reason for her presence. It was nearing eight o'clock, and he already yearned to be on his favourite couch in his quarters.

"I wanted to know if Candice spoke to you."

"Well you have your answer."

"Oh no no. You can't dismiss me that easily. I need details!"

He bit his lip to stop a nasty comment from flowing out, then told her the conversation with the student. He knew very well that Minerva would have bugged him nonstop if he had not gave away everything. When seemingly satisfied with his words, the Deputy Headmistress smirked and left.

Severus spent the next hour as he originally planned; getting ready for his lessons that day. His lessons were as follows:

1 - Second Years/Hufflepuff and Gryffindor

2 - Sixth Years/Slytherin and Hufflepuff


3 + 4 - Fifth Years/ Ravenclaw and Slytherin

At least there wasn't any Slytherin and Gryffindor combinations for his classes, he thought. The tension could be cut with a knife in those rooms. He briefly remembered Potter's class and shuddered. Never again is he willing to teach such a lot. From the insufferable know-it-all Granger to the let-me-melt-my-cauldron Longbotttom. Severus couldn't even stand thinking back to their first lesson. Instead, he distracted himself with some marking, until time finally came for his first class of the day.

"Today you shall attempt to brew a simple Sleeping Draught. Mr Kane! What do we use the Sleeping Draught for?"

"A Sleeping Draught causes the drinker to fall almost instantly into a deep, dreamless sleep?" the Gryffindor answered nervously.

"Are you asking or stating that Mr Kane?"

"Stating, Professor Snape."

"Good answer. 5 points to Gryffindor."

All students in the room gasped. The Potions Master never gave points to Gryffindors; it was common knowledge. The shocked reaction made Severus realise how unfair he has been all these years, and swore to give out more points in the upcoming lessons.

His second class was rather boring. The students were brewing Wit-Sharpening Potions for revision, so he had nothing to do, except sit back and wait. As strange as it sounds, he ran out of unfinished marking. In the end, he decided to stay productive by restocking his Dreamless Sleep potions. They could be needed anyday, he supposed. Lunch rolled around, which Severus spent finishing brewing, and after came the lessons he dreaded: a double with Miss Black's class.