Learning the basic Element spells

As she returned, she informed about the guild about quest completetion. The paper on which the mission was written was burned with blue flame leaving no ash.

She was quite amazed that immediately after a new piece of paper appeared a different mission, unfortunately, it wasn't available for her tier of adventure rank. "Gotta complete missions and climb the rank," she thought in her mind.

Roka came out announcing, "It's finally this time of year! The monster apocalypse. It's in 3 days make sure. to be prepared ". It should be bad as the name suggest a huge tide of monsters would hit but the people present in the building seemed happy. "Why are they so happy," she asked Roka out of curiosity. "They are because during this an adventurer can earn a lot amount of Di's" Roka replied. She noticed very late but Roka had a sword behind his back. "Are you a swordsman?" She asked. "No, I was one, I retired. " He slowly said, it was like she asked a question which was very emotional for him. "Can you teach me?" She asked.

"I can't, it's been years I haven't used it." He complained but she back replied, "I only know that your knowledge will never betray you." She calmly stated.

Even though he retired, he still had the basic sword knowledge and his battle experiences how each fight gave him an urge to become more strong.

"You are right, Meet me tomorrow we should start from tomorrow." Roka declared as he walked away.

She managed to convince Roka to teach her Sword fighting. Now she needed to learn spells.

She left the guild building and started to wander in the streets to find some useful info and she did. Aqua overheard a conversation of two Sorcerers in which they mentioned the Great Library.

The entry there cost Di's. She navigated the Great library by eavesdropping on many conversations which took hardly 10 mins. As she reached there, She saw people in a hood-like dress standing there. "A new one and mysterious as well" or of them said as she got close. A sudden terror passed through their body. Thereasknwas obvious that they might have identified Aqua as Goddess of Water. "15 Di's for lower Library 500 Di's for middle and 1k for Upper." One of them said. "Lower library please," She said. Within a few seconds, 15 Di's were deducted from her plate. The doors opened and she went it. The door was at least 5 times of her size with a wide entrance but nothing was visible on the other side. It just had a blue colored gate inside. As soon as she stepped in, She was reported to the Lowe Library.

There were many people present there reading books.

"Your 30 mins start now" A voice was heard in her head. She rushed to the water section. She saw many people were there and reading. The books were all being used except one which was dusty and wrinkled. She picked it and stared at its name. "Water burst, huh," She thought in her mind.

She opened it and started reading, It only contained one word on each page.

"Water, Spirit, Heed, Call, Broaden, Range, water, burst

OR (written in language from her world)

Pandemonium of the raging Water Dragon!"

The actual spell was something else that people couldn't decipher and deemed it useless. Little did they know that this was the strongest Basic water magic they could use at their level.

She extended her hand,

"Pandemonium of the raging water!" she yelled as a dragon appeared and accidentally hit the other people. The guards were alerted and entered. Due to the ruckus, Aqua quickly escaped from the scene to the Fire section.

Fire section was quite filled just like the water but many books were available

"You have 20 minutes left" The voice spoke again.


20 mins later,

Her time was over and she was forced teleported out of the library. She had learned, A fire spell, 'Crimson Javelin' and an Earth spell, 'Bind Movement'

She was ready for the first raid and was very excited but she didn't know a small requirement...