The Monsters arrive

She joined them and enjoyed looking at them, goofing around.

The charming guy approached her and bowed and said, "My name is Preyley, Thanks for joining the group.". "My pleasure, My name is Aqua.". A chill ran through preyley's spine. He moved away and asked everyone to introduce themselves. The Average looking guy was the second who introduced himself, "Hi, My name is Siege. It's a pleasure to have you in our party.". The fat guy rose his arms and took his thumb finger to the chest and said, "I am Fercen, People call me Fatty." The girl who was looking like the healer introduced, "I am Freya, The healer of the party, Nice to meet you."

She thought about something, introduced herself and went to the guild after informing them. She noticed that Roka wasn't around and accidentally overheard a conversation. "Have you heard about the Ancient Cave? It's said that the goddess of water used it as a training grounds and it's lost with time. Rumours say that she left her Inheritance, The water staff there."

"Shh, It's a forbidden topic," said the other guy.

Time went by and now it was Midnight the time when finally the Monsters would arrive.

"are you ready?" Preyley asked with his body filled with excitement. There were thousands of adventurers on the border gate of the Leuneria. Everyone was pretty confident since they believed that the monsters would be pretty easy to deal with.

The two moons in the sky were shining bright, One was blue in colour and the other was red.

The monsters appeared surrounding Leuneria from all sides in a circle. Without wasting time, A guy charged at the monsters and wiped 40 of them like they were nothing. Everyone now charged towards the Monsters and engaged in fight. The party she was in had a pretty solid Teamwork and killed monsters. three minutes later Aqua saw someone die in front of her very eyes. The World preyed upon the person tearing up his flesh and mouth filled with blood. She was terrified by the scene but Freya approached her and said "Let's go" in a soft voice. The wolf noticed them and pounced on them. She already had a great anger for the wolf and now had a perfect reason to kill it. Freya tried to back up with her but she stopped Freya and started chanting,

"Pandemonium of the Raging Water!"

During this, One of the diamond carvings on her staff lit up with Red Colour.

Soon after he finished chanting a dragon appeared before her. She commanded it subconsciously by pointing fingers to kill the wolves. Almost everyone could see it because the dragon was pretty huge.

"Destruct and Detonate" She whispered. The dragon moved swiftly killing the wolves and after a minute went into the sky and detonated which caused an explosion. Everyone saw the dragon but no one saw the Caster. The Adventurers of the top guild were quite interested.

Before she could realize, She had already killed 100 - 200 wolves within a move. The party was quite shocked as they saw Aqua. She finally regained her consciousness and the diamond which lit up now disappeared.

"What happened?" She asked Freya as she was confused by her look on the face. "N-nothing," She said stuttering. Freya Grabbed Aqua and Reunited with the Party.

"What was that?" Preyley asked her. "What was what?" Aqua inquired.

Preyley gave a confusing look to her but just when they thought it was over, something unexpected occurred.....