73--Last Person You Talk To

[Write a quick little poem or story about the last person you spoke with.]

Well, the last person I talked to is my mother, so, I'll make a sentence from the word "mother", then write a short story from that sentence. The idea for this came from Sage Drunk Kitty! If you're reading this; thank you!

Mammals Ought To Have Enough Rations—No, I can't come up with anything good for this.

Masculine Odors To Hilariously Ensnare Raptors—I'm not feeling it with this one…

Maybe Ocean Tigers Hate Eating Rabbits—HELL YEAH! I like the sound of that!

Skipping along the white, sandy beach her hometown was situated besides, Lofi gleefully hummed the song her mother had recently taught her. The song was very long and had many different notes, so Lofi couldn't hum it all, but she was happy to practice the beginning portion until her mother would teach her the rest.


Still skipping, Lofi took notice of a thin column of smoke rising into the air from the direction of her town. Smoke meant fire, and fire meant…

"A barbeque!" She giggled, remembering the delicious tastes of the various foods her family only cooked on special occasions.

Unwilling to miss out on the savory food, the little girl began running as fast as she could. The wind whistled in her ears as she ran, distorting the other sounds that reached her.

"Are people cheering?" Lofi wondered to herself. "Could they be celebrating something, too?!"

Due to conserving their resources, lavish celebrations were mostly reserved for marriages or when someone made great contributions toward the war efforts. And those parties were way better than simple barbeques!

With renewed determination, Lofi began speeding up, until she saw the other smoke columns. For so many sources of fire to be blazing within the town's perimeters, it could only mean…

"Barbeques AND weddings?!?!"

Struggling to catch her breath from exerting herself so much, Lofi walked into her town to find that everything was not as it first seemed. For one, the cheers and screaming didn't sound so happy after getting closet. And two, there were no bonfires or barbeques in sight—homes blazed with towering flames, instead.

Irritated by the smoke, Lofi sniffled.

"Is anyone there?" She called, wondering where everyone was. She could hear unhappy screams in the distance, but no one was present in her immediate sight.

Then, a figure shot out from the remnants of a charred building nearby and grabbed Lofi, pulling her under the wreckage.

"Shhhh…" The woman coaxed, patting Lofi's head once they weren't on the street anymore. "Our town is under attack, little one. Just stay here and don't leave until you hear the secret code."

Shivering from fright, the girl nodded, remembering the drills she and everyone in the town were taught for when an emergency occurred.

"Again, stay here! I'm going out to find other survivors. But, don't worry; the militia should have gathered by now. It won't be long until everything's fine. Just wait for the code."

With that, the woman darted out from the rubble and out of Lofi's sight.

Minutes passed as Lofi did as instructed and stayed as still as possible, making no noise so as to not attract unwanted attention. Then, at some point, the girl heard footsteps outside, and her ears rose, hoping it was the woman from before.

"I smell a Rabbit around here, s-so just come out without any trouble. I d-don't really wanna do this, so p-please just l-let me cut off one of y-your ears to show my p-people that I k-k-k-k-k-killed someone…"

Alarmed by what she heard, Lofi frantically searched around the rubble for a way to escape, but found none. The space within the charred building's remains Lofi was wedged in was very small with not much room—much less another exit. Shaking, Lofi watched as a figure bent down to inspect the entrance to her hiding spot.

"There you are… Please l-listen to me, okay? I-I don't w-want trouble…"

But Lofi didn't move, instead compressing her body as much as possible and doing her best to get even farther away from the figure.

"I-if you won't come out, t-then I'll have to…"

The furry figure squeezed into the rubble and grabbed Lofi's leg, causing her to scream and bawl.

"It w-won't be that bad to live wi-without an ear…"

The voice sounded genuinely apologetic to Lofi, but she still didn't want her ear taken away. She squirmed and kicked, but the boy's grip was too strong, and he easily pulled Lofi out from beneath the destroyed building.

"I d-don't like that our p-people are a-at war, e-either, but I-"

The voice cut off as Lofi got a good look at her attacker, who loomed over her with his jaw hanging open in shock. He appeared around her age, if not a year older, and from the muscles she could see on him, he was ripped. All the other muscles were covered in a thick, blue fur, and on his head sat two triangles. She also noticed that the boy's neck was lined with gills and his hands, claws.

Lofi continued struggling, calling for help as she attempted to kick the enemy. Until...her leg fell to the floor, the boy having let go of it.

"S-such beau… I can't do this!" He yelled, throwing his arms up at the sky. "Screw it! I can't hurt anyone!" He looked back at Lofi through the corner of his eye and mumbled, "Especially to someone so pre-"

Suddenly, a shout could be heard directed Lofi's way, causing the enemy boy to flinch before speedily retreating—one of her town's militia had come to rescue her.

"But why did he…?" Face covered in tears, Lofi comforted herself by stroking her long, furry ears. "Maybe Ocean Tigers hate eating Rabbits?"