87--Convenience Store

[Write about an experience you've had at a gas station or convenience store.]

Birds. They might have been ravens or crows, but I can't be sure about either, thus they will henceforth be referred to as "the birds".

The birds.

Their shiny black feathers, beady little eyes, and sharp, scary talons.

They're adorable.


During my move to where I live now my family stopped at a McDonalds next to a gas station, or some other fast food restaurant, and bought food. After I left the establishment to head to the car, I realized that the person holding the keys to the car was in the bathroom.

"Not a big deal." I naively reassured myself, and set the bag of succulent poison atop the car roof so that I could get out my phone to text the person with the car keys to tell them that they're an idiot.


My head shot up and my arm flashed toward the paper bag. That was when I noticed the HUNDREDS OF BIRDS CAMPING THE RESTAURANT FOR FREE FOOD! How I didn't see them before, I have no idea. I suppose that my brain just stupidly registered them as part of the background and not worthy of my attention.

Anyway, I didn't blame the birds for attempting to take my food—they were just birds, after all, and everything needs to eat. As long as they don't try to eat a HUMAN (or pet), then I'm fine.

But I really wanted to text the person in the bathroom to tell them that they're an idiot, so I left the bag atop the car roof, kept an eye on the birds, and began typing.

But I can't type on a phone very well without looking at it.

As soon as I lowered my head to see the virtual keyboard…


"Raaagh!" I yelled, flailing my arm in the direction of the bird attempting to grab and carry away my meal.

That was a memorable day.