90--Green Thumb

[Write about growing something.]

Scene opens with old man watching a little girl frolic in lush field of tall grass and flowers. Description about his arced posture, the cane he leans on, a book and pencil in his hands, a scar running down beside his left eye, and tons of wrinkles that almost completely hide his eyes. There's imagery and stuff following the girl as she excitedly runs around, giggling, playing with flowers and insects, and some of the description reveals her skin to be a light green and some leaves to be spouting from her. Then, the sky darkens and a storm approaches, and the old man calls over the girl and they travel over a hill and across a rickety bridge spanning a deep crevice with a water stream at the bottom. They arrive at a very old house that shows signs of having been repaired at some point, but even those amateur repairs look old, and it's clear that it has been a while since anyone has put a tool to use on it. As it starts to rain, slightly at first, the old man enters the house, but the girl does not follow. She, ignoring the rain, just sits down on the dirt, not even seeking shelter under the part of the roof that stretches out to cover the patio. She just continues smiling as the old man returns from the depths of the small building with a few blankets and pillows before setting them down on the patio, a few feet from the girl and the rain, and lies down. The man and girl smile at each other for a bit before they both close their eyes, and the little girl suddenly begins to transform. Besides her hair, the rest of her body grows a layer of thick, brown mass as roots form and dig into the earth beneath her. The top of her head, which was previously hair, also transformed, staying green and thickening, standing straight and tall. In but a few mere moments, she wholly changed into a giant plant, and the old man fell asleep.

The next morning, after the rain ceased and before the sun rose, the old man awakens to a consistent, terrible, and distant, thrumming sound. His eyes widen and panic almost overcomes him before he viciously slaps himself, donning a determined expression and looking up at the sky, noting that nothing appeared in it, and nodding to himself. He yells at the giant plant, the little girl became and kicks it before doing his best to run into the house, mustering all the strength his body can provide to increase his movement speed. He doesn't waste any time in the few rooms within the house, instead pushing specific parts of one of the hallway's walls until a click sounded and a part of the ceiling dropped down. The old man gave a silent prayer to the gods above that the mechanism still works and takes the item that lowered itself to him: a ring. He slips it on, gives it one momentary look of longing, mourning, and melancholy, then rushes to his bedroom, where he lifted a part of the floorboards to reveal a secret compartment full of dusty books with the top ones seeming to be in way better care than the bottom ones. In fact, the book at the very top was the same one he carried with him and wrote within the day prior at the fields. From then, the man simply points at the books with the mysterious, gem-topped ring and they disappear. He does the same thing with everything in the room, then goes to the other rooms to do the same again. Finally, he's leaning against the hallways wall, panting, trying to catch his breath and failing, until he looks at the decorations along the wall. Tears form and begin to flow from his eyes as he looks at the many pictures depicting various things. The most notable of which were two: One was of a large group of people of varying everything, with most of them not even being human. They were all lined up along a cliff, arms around each other's shoulders, all smiling and some laughing. The second photo was only of two, a spry looking young man with a big ol toothy grin on his face and a scar down his left eye who was also coincidentally in a corner of the first photo. The man gently held within his arms a green baby wrapped in a towel, and he stood within a flower field. The old man wiped at his eyes and collected all the photos and paintings across the walls with the mystical ring before making his way outside.

The old man's tears had stopped flowing and his face carried with it a sense of solemnity as he looked down at the little green girl who just finished returning to her humanoid form. The little girl went in for a hug, smiled up at him, and said good morning. The old man once again fought back tears, but held strong this time. He, with difficulty, lowered himself to his knees and returned the hug, patting the little girl's back before whispering something to her. The little girl's face instantly contorted in confusion as she pulled out of his hug with difficulty and asked a question, to which the old man simply shook his head and repeated his previous words, a firm will behind his voice. The girl's little green face began showing anger then as her own tears spilled and she yelled, but the old man had no time as the thrumming sound in the distance had grown much louder than before. Still on his knees, he lifted the hand with the gemmed ring, materialized a metal chain from nowhere, removed the ring from his finger, and looped the thin chain around the ring before putting the now necklace around the girl's neck. She tried to fight it at first, still shouting and asking questions, but the old man became stern, and the look scared the girl, who quieted down in shock and didn't know what to do.

The ring now hanging from the girl's neck, the old man stood up, took the girl's hand, and began walking forward, explaining that she had everything she needed in what was now her ring/necklace. Tears fell and sobs rang the entire way as the man led the girl across the rickety bridge, through a few hills, and into the flower field from before, which they traversed until they arrived at a familiar cliff. The girl continued verbally protesting but followed along, unsure of what to do as she sensed that they weren't alone, as the air vibrated heavily and the nearby vegetation screamed warnings of danger. The old man's sad smile persisted even until the two stood at the cliff edge, looking down at the sprawling forests below, and whatever was pursuing them approached closer. Then, the girl put a hand to her new necklace before looking up at the old man to ask one final question, which he dodged. He simply shook his head and gave her a final hug, before pushing her off the edge.

The little girl did not scream as she fell, instead turning during her fall so that she faced upwards at the man whose tears followed her….until a smattering of blood covered the cliff edge and barely discernable figures appeared, watching her fall.


Also, no dialogue.