This Old Man has Come Back

"It's been a while hasn't it missy?" the older man said as they continued to turn in time with the music.

"I'm afraid I'm not sure what you're talking about their Mister" Alice replied sheepishly, if she has forgotten him that was truly embarrassing in such a close community. The man threw back his head in laughter at her sentence.

"It has been a while, but I'm surprised you'd forget me so easily" the man said, slowly Alice noticed his face relaxed having unfurled the wrinkles that decorated his face. Her memories came flooding back of the man she had saved on the side of the ride, and the time they had spent together. Launching into him, Alice wrapped her arms around neck and gave a tight hug as she squealed with delight, attracting the attention of the other partiers.

"Miles!" she said loudly still excited at seeing him again her whole figure was bouncing trying to contain her enthusiasm, "It's been so long".

"It sure has missy, you've grown into a fair woman I'd say. I'm surprised you haven't been picked up sooner" he said with a grin on his face. Alice blushed at the compliment as the music started to slow down and change the pace of dance again.

"So what happened in the capital after you left? There are so many questions I want to ask" Alice said as she into Miles' eyes intensly, she was surprised that his features or age hadn't truly changed since when she was a child.

"A lot's happened since then, adventures a plenty and I do owe your father a favour. And you as well of course" he said with a wink and a grin. Alice beamed a smile back at him, as the band music came to an end. Alice and Miles parted from their dancing embrace and gave a slight bow to each other.

Both of them came back to the table towards where Alice's father and mother sat with Miles leading her in hand back to the table. Joel looked up to see Miles next to his daughter, causing him to choke on his drink and splutter in an effort to rid of himself of the excess drink as his face darkened at the sight.

"You can't be that happy to see me Joel" Miles said with a chuckle and solidly patting Joel on the back to stop his spluttering.

"You were the last person I expected to see here" Joel said in his face was contorted between smiling and frowning at the man. If this man came back it meant it he was never up to something good. "Which begs the question why are you back?"

"I can't see my friend anymore when I happen to be in the area?" Miles looked at him innocently. Joel glad he had long stopped drinking, most likely choking to death from dealing with how two faced this man was.

"The last time I saw you,  you made it back from the capital and sold some of the oddest looking fruit, it took me ages to fix the mess after they couldn't stop growing over the house" Joel said in complaint with a sigh. His heart still shivered from the blue probed fruits that could open and close themselves like they were talking, it truly had unnerved him.

"Wait, you saw Miles after he went back to the capital?" said Alice in an upset tone. Joel looked at her, noticing Alice was looking quite furious from overhearing the conversation.

"He'd always drop by at random times, it's hard to keep track when he would stop by" Joel grumbled and waved his hand to say he didn't want to talk about it, taking another sip from his drink.

"Ah, I'm sure you're just embarrassed you were happy to see me" Miles laughed. Narissa smiled faintly at her husband and Miles getting along. It had been difficult initially but Joel had gotten used to Miles' hijinks. Although her husband was still extremely protective of their daughter when Miles was around.

"But I never saw you Miles" Alice said folding her arms and pouting, "Not a single time after that day".

"I guess it must've been fate missy. For some reason you were always away when I came by" Miles replied casting a look over at Joel who was already trying to supress his guilt. Alice remembered the times she started wondering away from home in the hopes of exploring the unseen and mysteries of the land, making her a little upset she missed Miles each time he visited.

"But that definitely shows someone has a sense of adventure bundled inside" Miles chuckled giving Alice a pat on the head for reassurance.

"So what's the news from the other towns Miles?" said Joel taking a slightly more serious tone to the conversation. Avoiding the topic about his daughter was best when it came to this man, he was definitely a wolf among men.

"Not so good I'm afraid. Looks like the monster raids have gotten a lot worse further out. So I came by to make sure nothing was going wrong" Miles said with gloomy look, obviously it had disturbed him more than he was letting on. "Those monsters always make things difficult when it comes to travelling" Mile admitted as he started chugging back a beer he stole from another table.

"Have you come back to help us?" Alice said excitedly. The chance to hear some stories from Miles eased some of her initial loneliness.

"Well, I'll have to see what I can do" Miles smirked, giving a wink to Alice. As the group of now four watched the festivities come to a close. The town was tiring itself out but the band kept playing as men and women were going through still eating and drinking now with the occasional laughter breaking the sound of music whilst celebrating.

The sun had started to set, the four of them have their farewells to the other villagers and walked back to the house they had all started together at. Alice clung to Miles' side, arm in arm chatting endlessly about what each other had been up to. Alice worried he might disappear at any moment again and leave her to this dull life here.

Miles placed his hand on hers to ease her anxiety as they walked inside the house. Narissa and Alice stated they were tired from the festivities, retiring to their rooms and to bed, while Joel and Miles sat out on the front porch as the stars came out. Glimpses of the moon appeared and disappeared as clouds rushed by, illuminating the countryside in patterns uncertain to the human eye.

"Do you think it's going to be serious with all the attacks?" asked Joel setting his arms back to prop him up as he relaxed where he sat. It was not his usual flippant tone that he liked to take up with Miles hinting at how serious this was.

"I don't know, it seems like there's more to this than what I've been told" Miles admitted and could only shrug.

"Are you going to get involved?" Joel asked, his worries a little eased with Miles being around.

"I might not have a choice in the matter sadly" Miles chuckled.

"You're definitely a dangerous man when you put your mind to it" Joel complimented him, Miles continued his laughter at the suggestion.

"I'm a simple trickster. Hardly a danger to the bad guys" Miles said, with a hand waving in denial.

"There's always more to it than that Miles. How long have we known each other?" Joel said smiling. Behind that smiling mask however shuddered about some of the memories having worked with him.

"An old man has to keep his secrets" Miles said with a mischievous grin and all now too familiar tapping of his nose with his finger.

Sighing Joel turned to Miles, "Just how old are you? You haven't aged a day since I last saw you" It was on of his sore points when having Miles as a partner.

Miles again tapped his nose in response.

"Just promise you'll keep Alice out of it. You know how she is with these things, She'll dive head first into danger when she has the chance" Joel said worriedly. Not even the boys from the village can rein her in.

"You're daughter is one of the bigger troublemakers I know. I didn't even know this village had a troll until she found him and brought it out the hole it had buried itself in. It took forever to convince her otherwise. Don't even get me started on when she agitated some of water spirits" Miles said shaking his head, although he looked calm on the outside he had already been sweating internally. Can you just find a troll by looking under any random bridge? They're exceptionally good at hiding and yet this girl dragged one out by its feet.

"You seem to have a hand in always bailing her out Miles. Though I feel like you've infected her with your attitude towards life" Joel complained slightly.

"A young heart always yearns for something more Joel, its part of being yourhful to always seek something new. Just be glad it's only one child you have to care for. The males are always a lot more reckless than Alice ever was" Miles laughed softly.

"But who knows, she might want to join you on your adventures Miles" Joel said putting his honest worry out there. What parent didn't worry for their child.

"Exciting as it is, I couldn't take the child of a friend knowing full well the dangers I get into" Miles continued, his initial easy smile dropped as he took on a serious expression.

"You know one day you're going to have to tell me who you really are behind all those masks you put on" Joel said poking fun at Miles, giving a soft punch to the shoulder. Miles rubbed the sore spot over exagertedly.

"I'm but an old man, Joel. Nothing more" Miles said grinning ear to ear.

"Yes, yes definitely old. Let's go to bed before it gets too late" Joel and Miles rose up from their sitting positions on the porch and went inside the house. Joel retired with Narissa while Miles spread out his bedroll in front of the fireplace he used to stay at, resting with the old covers that he had used so long ago.