Misunderstood By The Girl

With Ling Mo's support, the two soon escaped from the zombie crowd. More than ten zombies crowded in front of the supermarket and they shouldn't stay here any longer.

"Brother, follow me."

The boy smiled gratefully at Ling Mo and turned around, running towards a small alley.

Ling Mo turned around and looked at the zombie filled street and he had no choice but to follow him with Ye Lian. As for the girl, she calmly walked in front of them and chopped zombies who were following them at a closely.

Ling Mo watched her attacks closely and other than her extremely fast attack speed, his attention was also caught by the longsword in her hand. It was extremely sharp and heavy, he didn't know how she could easily wave it at that speed with her thin arms.

The main thing was her expression and eyes when she killed zombies. She was so calm it was scary…

The boy took Ling Mo and Ye Lian and detoured in the alley for more than ten minutes before going into a small building, finally getting rid of the zombies who were following behind them.

When the boy stopped to catch a breath, Ling Mo noticed the traces of the house being cleaned by humans. It was possible that this was their residence.

"Bro… Brother… Thank you so much." After running away for their lives for more than ten minutes, the boy's face was completely red and even his hair was soaked from sweat. He held onto Ling Mo's shoulder with an arm and stuttered, "Really… Thank you…"

Ling Mo wanted to tell him to forget about it as he watched, but the boy looked rather sincere and Ling Mo could only nod silently.

"You are awesome…" The boy finally caught his breath and admired Ling Mo, "You have your girlfriend with you and your expression didn't even change after you ran so quickly… Were you an athlete before? But I don't see any muscles… You are as good as my Xia Na…"

"Liu Yuhao, you are so annoying!" Xia Na, who had been quiet suddenly stopped him with a frown and looked displeased, "Who's yours?"

"Don't be like this, we are classmates after all!" Liu Yuhao grinned and turned to Ling Mo with a smile, "Thank you so much for today, so, do you wanna have a sit upstairs?" He patted his backpack, "We have beer!"

Ling Mo turned around and glanced at Ye Lian, secretly glad that she looked no different to a normal human. From their reactions, it looked like they haven't found out Ye Lian's real identity yet. But for Ye Lian's sake, Ling Mo thought that it was better not to interact with survivors too much.

After considering for a second, Ling Mo shook his head decisively, "Not today, we have something else we need to do."

"Huh? What do you possibly need to do? Come chill for a while." Liu Yuhao was surprised. From his point of view, encountering other survivors in the apocalypse was obviously something they should be happy about. Even if they won't seek survival together, it was always good to exchange experience. Not to mention that Ling Mo looked skilled and he must know other things that they didn't know. If they could keep Ling Mo here, it would be a great help to them.

As for business… What else is there to do in an apocalypse other than seeking survival?

Xia Nia commented impatiently, "If they don't want to stay, don't force them… Huh?" She was halfway through her sentence and suddenly shifted her glance to the short dagger in Ling Mo's hand surprisingly. After a brief moment of delay, she suddenly reached out for Ling Mo's waist so quickly that no one had time to react.

Ling Mo didn't expect her to do this and when her fingers were just about to touch the knife handle, Ling Mo eventually reacted in time.

He simply turned his body sideways and avoided Xia Na's hand at a strange angle.

Xia Na froze for a second and Liu Yuhao widened his mouth in shock, "Xia Na, what are you doing?"

Xia Na failed to grab the knife and her glance towards Ling Mo changed, her tone of voice also became unkind, "Where did you get it from?"

"It's none of your business," Ling Mo replied impolitely as he couldn't help but frown after her interrogation and hasty action.

Although he didn't save them willingly, after all, he still had saved them. Even if she didn't know any manners, there should be a degree to her impoliteness. Ling Mo saw Liu Yuhao's careful attitude towards her and knew that she was used to act arrogantly because of her unbelievable combat skills. However, Ling Mo didn't care.

"You!" Xia Na glared at Ling Mo angrily, but she obviously cared about the dagger very much as she constantly glanced towards the dagger. After a few seconds of silence, she adjusted her tone of voice slightly and asked again, "Can you tell me where you got that short dagger from?"

This kind of girl didn't put down her arrogance easily and it was seen through Liu Yuhao's surprised expression.

There was nothing to hide about it and Ling Mo briefly recounted how he searched for weapons in the handmade shop. He only changed the details of the mutated zombie, such as the red gel-like part…

The two weren't surprised at all after learning the existence of mutated zombies, and Ling Mo confirmed his assumption. As expected, there was quite a number of mutated zombies in the city already…

"Is it Wang family's shop that you went to?" Xia Na suddenly asked.

"How did you know?" Although the short dagger was a polished product, nothing was carved on the sheath and blade, how did she know? However, he recalled that Wang family's handmade knives were rather famous in city X, perhaps it wasn't so hard to guess after all…

Xia Na looked at the dagger with complicated expressions, "In other words, everyone in the shop died. Oh well, it's nothing."

"If it's nothing, can you stop staring at me…" Ling Mo forced himself to ask as Xia Na stared at his lower half of the body and he felt strange.

Xia Na froze for a second before she let out a careless light laugh, "Why are you scared, I don't think your girlfriend minds it at all?" She pointed at Ye Lian who was standing behind Ling Mo, "Right? Sister?"

"I mind…" Ling Mo was speechless. Xia Na looked max seventeen or eighteen, why does she speak so sharply? Upon hearing her talking to Ye Lian, he quickly replied, "Uh, sorry, she can't talk…"

"Huh? She's so beautiful but she's mute? Uh, sorry, sister, don't mind me…" Liu Yuhao exclaimed in surprise but quickly apologised awkwardly.

Ling Mo didn't know how to explain and nodded with a bitter smile.

However, he didn't expect Xia Na to suddenly grab Ye Lian's wrist after casting a deep look. If Ling Mo didn't stop Ye Lian's urge to attack immediately, perhaps Xia Na would be ripped into pieces in an instant.

From her expressions, she obviously didn't notice that she was in a dangerous situation just now, "Sister, come take a break at my place, you are looking pale."

Xia Na sounded sympathetic and her glance towards Ling Mo also became sifted, "You are a good guy. Come up, I'll treat you to some beer."

They had misunderstood him!

Ling Mo was just about to decline but Xia Na already dragged Ye Lian upstairs. Liu Yuhao also walked behind Ling Mo and pushed his back as he urged, "Come on, let's go, it's hard for us to see living humans…"