
After Ye Lian took out the gel-like part from this mutated zombie, Ling Mo took it and compared it with the previous one they got. 

Both parts were from mutated zombies but their colors were much more different from the ones they had before. It was redder and as Ling Mo placed it near his nose, the smell was stronger. It meant that the virus in these zombies' brains was purer and thus, the solidified virus changed. 

As expected, it was the right choice for them to come to the city. More and stronger mutated zombies only appeared in an area packed with zombies! 

After putting away the gel-like part, Ling Mo took Ye Lian along the stairs and headed up. In an almost sealed building like this, there definitely won't be only one mutated zombie. Although hunting for mutated zombies was dangerous, it was nothing compared to their harvest. 

In the apocalypse, those who don't dare to fight won't live a good life even if they managed to survive. Ling Mo was especially aware of this. When Ye Lian was evolving, other mutated zombies would be evolving too. And no one would know how these evolving mutated zombies will end up like. 

Ling Mo was sure of one thing; the higher the level they evolve, they strong they will also become! If he only asked for a stable life without advancing, he won't only become disadvantaged, but he will also bring Ye Lian down! It was confirmed that mutated zombies prioritized attacking their same kind! 

Ye Lian was under his control right now and he must think for her regardless of when she regains her intellect. 

So what if they had to risk it? The most important thing was to level up Ye Lian and himself before they encounter stronger mutated zombies! 

Reality proved Ling Mo's guess to be right. Quite a few classrooms were closed inside the building when people tried to escape. The zombies trapped inside had no other way out but to kill each other. However, Ling Mo was surprised that one classroom on the second floor didn't have a mutated zombie. Instead, they were all dead. It was a surprising discovery but after careful observation, he found the reason why. 

It wasn't that there was no mutated zombie, but because the zombie escaped from the broken window. 

Ling Mo couldn't help but worry for Xia Na. In a situation like this, it meant that at least more than one mutated zombie was wandering in the school and perhaps they'll bump into it… 

"But she should be fine with her skills, right?" Ling Mo looked out of the window and he could see the sports field behind the boulevard. He could also see the tall education building and a few buildings which looked like dorms. The Third Middle School was rather large but now, it looked desolate and ruined. Blood stains were everywhere and zombies wandering slowly could be seen everywhere too. 

However, he could no longer see Xia Na, Liu Yuhao and the others. Ling Mo shook his head and shifted his focus back to the hunt. 

In almost an hour, Ling Mo hunted down six mutated zombies weak and strong in the education building and the experiment building behind the education building. There were seven gel-like parts in his hands and other than two which looked slightly darker, the other five looked exceptionally pure. 

Ordinary people would avoid a collection of viruses like this yet Ling Mo was extremely happy to have these in his hands. 

With these gel-like parts, they could definitely evolve again! Perhaps it'll strengthen his body and reach a new level! 

Now, Ling Mo's consciousness power also evolved and he could even control two mutated zombies at the same time. Needless to say about ordinary zombies, he could control more than four without any problems. The point was that he no longer felt the barrier between them when he controlled Ye Lian, and he felt like that Ye Lian was part of his body. After this change, their teamwork became more coordinated. 

The only downside was that despite Ling Mo's consciousness power evolved, his physical body didn't breakthrough. After a morning of fighting, he felt exhausted even though he didn't collapse. 

"I wouldn't be so useless if my physical body could evolve…" 

Ling Mo's stamina was already much better than ordinary people but he still felt gloomy as Ye Lian didn't pant or have red cheeks. 

Ling Mo grabbed Ye Lian's arm and took deep breaths with efforts for quite a while before feeling slightly better. But when he straightened his back, he caught a glimpse of Ye Lian's collar at close proximity. 

Ye Lian wore a shirt he randomly found in a shop. Perhaps her movements were enlarged during the fight, the buttons of the shirt opened, revealing her deep cleavage. Ling Mo lifted his head up and his nose just happened to stop in front of her cleavage. He felt dizzy from the sight of Ye Lian's pale and smooth skin, and he felt like there was a fire burning in his stomach. 

Ling Mo stared at her cleavage for a long time and finally snapped back when he subconsciously pressed closer and closer. 

"Control yourself! Control!" 

Ling Mo had to help Ye Lian shower and change clothes because he didn't have a choice, but he didn't want to take advantage of the girl he liked in a situation like this, not to mention that it was already a treat for his eyes to glimpse at it… 

He buttoned her shirt up and led her to the next destination. Since they put so much effort into coming here, he had to hunt as many as mutated zombies as he could for the gel-like part in their brain. 

However, Ling Mo didn't notice that not long after he left, a person whose body was dripping with blood suddenly appeared at the boulevard. A pair of malicious and fierce eyes but not completely bloodshot eyes stared at the other end of the boulevard where the overlapping buildings were. 

This person was wrapped in bandages and what was horrifying was that any skin that could be seen was scratched until flesh showed. His nails were filled with a mixture of blood and flesh. The most frightening thing was his face. The flesh under his skin was showing, his mouth was parted slightly, revealing dark red gum, and a pair of bloodshot eyes which others couldn't straight into. 

Although he completely changed and was almost no longer in the shape of a human, it wasn't hard to tell that it was Lu Xin, whom Xia Na and the others left behind in the supermarket. 


Lu Xin gurgled and forced out an extremely hoarse cold laugh. Then, he suddenly leaped forward. He soon crossed the boulevard, dashing into the area with buildings. 

At this moment, Ling Mo took Ye Lian into the closest education building next to them. He didn't know that when he arrived on the second floor by the stairs, Lu Xin sprinted past him at a distance of fewer than fifty meters. 


Ling Mo suddenly felt a sense of desire from Ye Lian and immediately smiled. "There are mutated zombies in this building just as what we expected!"