The Plot Against

"Ha…" Wang Cheng sighed in relief and fiery flashed across his eyes at the same time. 

The boy had a huge hole in his stomach. His eyes were still wide opened but there was no liveliness. Wang Cheng felt the pleasure of revenge. But at this moment, the hairs on his back stood up. 

He lifted his head up and Xia Na was staring at him coldly. Wang Cheng's heart immediately trembled after making eye contact with Xia Na, "I…" 

"Don't." Xia Na waved her hands and cut him off. Although she was forced to back off, she saw it clearly that it was impossible for the boy to do that willingly. But if it wasn't for him, all three of them would've died here. 

Wang Cheng's action was selfish and cruel but she didn't want to say anything anymore. From a certain perspective, he didn't do anything wrong. If Ling Mo was here, perhaps he would even compliment what Wang Cheng did. But if he was really here, he would be able to kill both zombies. 

Xia Na's head was a mess. She took Liu Yuhao and Wang Cheng downstairs slowly and since she was blanking out, she didn't notice that a shadow was staring closely at her. 

"That Ling Mo is not here! Where did he go?!" 

"But it's fine. It's not too late to kill you first…" 

The moment Xia Na walked down the stairs, the shadow dashed out abruptly. Xia Na only felt a huge force coming from the back and in an instant, she was sent flying and dropped down at the corner of the stars heavily. 

She felt like her body was shattered but rich combat experience told her to support herself back up. But before she could stand up straight, a bloody figure appeared in front of her. 

"Xia Na, you didn't expect us to meet again so soon, did you?" 

Lu Xin clenched his teeth and laughed coldly. When Xia Na tried to stand up, he punched the back of Xia Na's head and dragged her up, carrying the unconscious Xia Na on his shoulders. 

"Lu… Lu Xin…" 

Liu Yuhao, who was standing on top of the stairs was shocked by the scene in front of him. But when Xia Na was knocked unconscious, he immediately reacted and dashed towards them like crazy. 

However, Lu Xin was much faster than Liu Yuhao despite the fact that he was carrying another person. When he was just about to lose Liu Yuhao, he gave Liu Yuhao his middle finger in disdain, "I will be at the boy's dorm. Call Ling Mo there or I'm going to kill Xia Na!" 

"Lu Xin, you mother****er!" 

Liu Yuhao swore furiously but he had no choice but to watch Lu Xin carry Xia Na into the boy's dorm with his speed. But when he was about to chase after them, Wang Cheng panted and grabbed his arm, "Don't go! Do you want to die? Didn't you see what Lu Xin looked like? He definitely mutated! He's not a human anymore!" 

"****…" Liu Yuhao cursed continuously but he didn't chase them anymore. He knew that Wang Cheng was right; judging from Lu Xin's power and speed, he was definitely no longer a human. Even if he wasn't a zombie yet, he was mutating. Even if Lu Xin didn't kill Xia Na temporarily, Xia Na would definitely die after he mutated and loses his rational thinking. 

But with just Wang Cheng and himself, how could they win against Lu Xin? 

"Brother Ling, where is Ling Mo?!" 

Liu Yuhao glanced around him anxiously, but there was no sight of humans other than the dead zombies that Xia Na killed in this empty school! A few zombies were attracted by the smell of blood and their voices suddenly appeared not far from them. As soon as they saw Wang Cheng and Liu Yuhao, they immediately ran towards them. 


They could only run as fast as they could. As Liu Yuhao ran, he screamed Ling Mo's name silently. Ling Mo said that he had some business here in the school before they parted. He didn't know if Ling Mo left here or not. If Ling Mo really left, he'll have to fight for Xia Na with his life… 

At the moment, Liu Yuhao cursed non stop in his heart. He should've killed Lu Xin so Xia Na wouldn't be in danger! This ungrateful wolf! 

However, he knew that no matter how much he cursed, the reality wouldn't change. He hid in a building with Wang Cheng and finally lost the zombies that were chasing after them. 

They hid inside a classroom without daring to pant and they were soaked in sweat. 

They waited for the outside to completely quiet down, Liu Yuhao carefully peeked through the door with his head and after he saw that the corridor was empty, he finally waved at Wang Cheng and left the classroom. 

"What do we do now?" Although Wang Cheng ran for his life, fear lingered and his voice was shaking. 

Liu Yuhao clenched his teeth. "What else can we do?! Find Ling Mo! We must save Xia Na!" 

"But…" Wang Cheng obviously didn't want to continue risking his life with Liu Yuhao, but Liu Yuhao was his only support right now and he pondered how to convince Liu Yuhao. 

However, they didn't imagine that when they carefully approached the stairs, they unexpectedly bumped into Ling Mo and Ye Lian who came down the stairs.


Ling Mo saw these two suddenly appear in front of him. He was surprised but calmed down and asked in surprise, "Why are you two here?" 

There were no humans other than zombies in the building and it wasn't suitable to be a shelter. The people that Xia Na was looking for definitely won't be here. If so, why did he bump into Liu Yuhao and Wang Cheng here? 

Before Liu Yuhao could answer, Ling Mo realized that something was wrong. From their expressions alone, it was obvious that they had a violent fight and it didn't look like they were with the others. Otherwise, he would've seen Xia Na already. 

"Where is Xia Na?" A bad feeling rose in Ling Mo's heart. 

Liu Yuhao didn't expect him to meet Ling Mo here but he immediately reacted after hearing the question. He panicked, "Help Xia Na! Lu Xin caught her!" He dashed towards Ling Mo and grabbed his arm. His face was filled with expectation and horror as he stared at Ling Mo intensely. 

"Caught? By Lu Xin?" 

The news was too sudden and Ling Mo found it hard to take in. 

"Yes! Lu Xin was mutated, but he wasn't fully a zombie yet. He was strong and he could fight. I can't win. He also plotted against Xia Na! He said you have to go find him or he'll kill Xia Na! Brother Ling, I'm begging you…" Liu Yuhao was upset and he stuttered, but he eventually delivered this information across. While he said this, he grabbed Ling Mo's arm tightly as if he was afraid that Ling Mo won't save her. 

After Ling Mo heard it, his face became dark. This Lu Xin... his brain wasn't only filled with idiotic thoughts. He was unexpectedly fierce.