The Beginning of Mutation

The long silence almost choked them. Xia Na's words and her lifeless eyes made Ling Mo heart sink to the bottom as it became heavy. 

"I'd rather die… Than become a zombie…" Xia Na whispered blankly, standing up slowly at the same time as she held onto the bed frame. Liu Yuhao stared at her blankly as he was obviously in dread shock. 

When she was knocked unconscious, her long sword was left behind. Quickly, she shifted her glance to Liu Yuhao. Firmness flashed across her eyes as she abruptly seized the butcher knife from Liu Yuhao's hand. 

When she moved, Ling Mo snapped back and seized the knife away from her. Xia Na was exhausted and she couldn't stop Ling Mo. 

"I don't want to become a zombie! I don't want to become a monster like that!" Xia Na's eyes became blank again. She crazily pushed Ling Mo and attempted to seize the knife in Ling Mo's hands. 

However, Ling Mo threw the knife onto the ground fiercely. He grabbed Xia Na's shoulder and convinced her firmly, "Don't do anything stupid! Aren't you still fine? We'll find a way!" 

"Argh! Give me the knife, give it to me!" 

Xia Na couldn't hear Ling Mo's words but screamed hysterically. Ling Mo had no point but to knock her unconscious on the back of her head and hold her limp body in his arms. 

"Infected… Xia Na…" Liu Yuhao suddenly stood up as he trembled, unable to speak fluently as he looked at Xia Na in disbelief. 

Even Wang Cheng's face turned pale. Without Xia Na, there was almost zero chance for him to live as a 'worm' again. 

"Xia Na will become… become… something like Lu Xin?" Liu Yuhao suddenly shifted his glance to Ling Mo and murmured. 

Indeed, Lu Xin looked scarier than zombies and if she really became like that, even Ling Mo wouldn't be able to accept it, let alone Xia Na. Ling Mo sighed secretly when he saw Liu Yuhao's eyes as he was on the verge of a breakdown. He spoke slowly, "Calm down. The one who's feeling the worst is Xia Na. Don't you want to think of something for her?' 

"A way?" Liu Yuhao immediately came to a realization after hearing Ling Mo's words. However, tears rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably. "What can we possibly do…" 

"According to Lu Xin's situation, from the time we parted with him, we can roughly calculate that we still have another half an hour from the infection to symptoms appearing. Anyway, we should try to think of something within half an hour. Trying is better than sitting here waiting for death." Compared to Liu Yuhao who was on the verge of a breakdown, Ling Mo was much calmer. An important factor was that there was a mutated zombie right to him right now, Ye Lian. 

Thus, to Ling Mo, there was hope if she became a zombie, but there was nothing he could do if she began to rot. 

"Why don't I… Cut her hand off…" Fierceness flashed across Liu Yuhao's eyes as he suggested. 

Ling Mo shook his head. "It's useless. It's been quite a while already." 

"Then what else can we do?" Liu Yuhao's expressions became dull again. 

Ling Mo began to ponder. Lu Xin was infected by a mutated zombie and his body rotted as his body could not bear the strong virus. When he infected Xia Na, it should be a second infection and the virus in her body would be much more diluted after going through Lu Xin's body. But even so, the virus was much stronger than that of a normal zombie. 

Could Xia Na's body bear it? The answer was unknown. 

Ling Mo lowered his head and looked at Xia Na as he couldn't tolerate to see it. What he said was to comfort them, but he didn't even know how to stop Xia Na's mutation himself. In fact, he was aware that Xia Na will definitely mutate, but the question was whether she will become an ordinary zombie or a "thing" like Lu Xin. 

When Ling Mo was struggling with thoughts, Xia Na gradually woke up. She was half awake and she didn't only not push Ling Mo away, but she nudged into Ling Mo's arms as if she was attracted to something. 

Ling Mo was alerted and quickly looked down at Xia Na. Clearly, he underestimated the infection of the virus. Xia Na's eyes were half opened and redness could be seen clearly. The mutation has started… From Lu Xin using his blood to cause the infection to symptoms started to show now, it had barely been twenty minutes. 

Liu Yuhao also noticed Xia Na's odd actions and quickly pulled her arms, "Xia Na, how do you feel?" 

But Xia Na ignored him and rested her face on Ling Mo's chest tightly, reaching out her hand to grab him. 

Hairs stood up on Ling Mo's back as he quickly pushed Xia Na away, but his shirt was still torn open. Xia Na completely opened her red eyes and threw herself towards him while mumbling unclearly, "Give it to me…" 

Under the emergency, Ling Mo tried to control Xi Na. Although he didn't completely succeed, Xia Na's movement paused for an instant. 

And after a few seconds, Ling Mo understood what she wanted after Xia Na transferred her strong desire to him. 

The gel part of the brain! Xia Na wanted the hidden gel hidden on him! 

"XIa Na!" Liu Yuhao was shocked by Xia Na's actions. Ling Mo quickly grabbed her arms and pushed her onto the bed on the side. He lowered his body and blocked Lu Yuhao and Wang Cheng's visions, shoving a piece of gel with the lowest purity into Xia Na's mouth at the same time. 


Xia Na was different from Ye Lian as she was still somewhat conscious. However, as she was controlled by her instincts, she became overwhelmed by the strong desire of wanting the gel-like parts. After she swallowed the gel, she immediately calmed down as she laid on the bed with her arms spread out and stared at Ling Mo blankly with her red eyes. 

"How is she!?" Liu Yuhao nervously crowded over but his heart skipped a beat after seeing Xia Na's eyes as he almost stumbled. 

On the other hand, Ling Mo nervously looked at Xia Na and watched her reaction. If Xia Na wasn't thirsty for the gel part, he wouldn't have even thought about it. Will it cure ills with poison? What if it increased the process of mutation? He wasn't certain about it and he didn't dare to try it. 

But since Xia Na was thirsty for it and the thirst came from her instinct, it must mean that the gel was useful for her. 

Perhaps it'll neutralize the poison in her body and make her return to normal? The thought flashed across Ling Mo's mind and he immediately became excited.