Freedom or Abandon?

To be safe, Ling Mo made Ye Lian stay in the room with Xia Na so even if she mutated completely, he would still be able to control her through Ye Lian. 

As soon as he walked out of the room, Liu Yuhao immediately asked in panic, "Brother Ling, how's Xia Na?" 

"I don't know yet," Xia Na's situation was too strange and even Ling Mo wasn't clear of it. 

Seeing that Liu Yuhao looked anxious, an idea suddenly flashed across Ling Mo's mind. "If Xia Na becomes a zombie, what will you do?" 

"Huh?" Liu Yuhao froze. But on the way here, this question was all he could think of. If Xia Na became mutated, will he kill her to free her or will he abandon her like what they did to Lu Xin? But when Ling Mo questioned him, Liu Yuhao painfully realized that he still didn't know what to do! 

"Oh well, don't think about it. Let's wait for her to wake up first." Ling Mo saw Liu Yuhao's face filled with complex expressions and spiritless. He couldn't help but sigh as he patted Liu Yuhao's shoulders. But when he walked past Liu Yuhao, he added something else indifferently, "If it's me, I wouldn't give up on her even if she became a zombie." 

Liu Yuhao trembled. Even if she became a zombie, he wouldn't give up… 

Although it was a simple sentence, Liu Yuhao froze in his spot for quite a while. In his brain, the only thought was to abandon her other than kill her, but he never thought of keep fighting for her… Indeed, in his acknowledgment, there's nothing they could do once they become zombies. Otherwise, the disaster wouldn't have been so out of control from the beginning and destroyed the entire human society. 

However, being helpless about it was one matter, but what was truly horrifying to Liu Yuhao was that he never had the thought of fighting for her. 

At the moment, Liu Yuhao couldn't help but raise his hand and slap himself on the face twice heavily. Although his face was hurting, his heavy mood wasn't eased at all. 

At this time, Ling Mo already walked to the balcony and looked through it. He could faintly see many zombies wandering around in the Third Middle School, probably attracted by those fresh bodies. There were some zombies in the district, but very few. Although they weren't too many zombies within his field of view, Ling Mo was certain that more than a hundred zombies would appear if they make the slightest noise. 

Ling Mo didn't know how many zombies there were in the building alone and perhaps even mutated zombies. Indeed, they lived in the nest of zombies. 

Ling Mo touched the gels hidden underneath his clothes but he forced down the idea of trying to level up immediately. Xia Na's situation was still unclear. He and Xia Na had to stay on guard and save energy. If they fainted now, who knew what would happen during this time? 

However, Xia Na's desires for the gel was too strong and it was incomprehensible. She was obviously somewhat conscious and at most during mutation, but why would she be interested in the gels? As a normal person, Ling Mo almost threw up at the smell of it, not to mention eating those. 

Even Ye Lian, who had been evolving, never swallowed two pieces of gels continuously. She would even take a long time to digest one to have the desire again. Of course, as Ye Lian's skills increased, the time that Ye Lian needed the gel was gradually shortening, but it was still very different from Xia Na, who ate two in barely half an hour. 

What kind of unnoticeable changes was happening in Xia Na's body? Through Ye Lian's eyes, he could observe Xia Na's state even if he was in the living room. But it was the same as when he left. Xia Na laid there motionless as if she was fast asleep.

It made Ling mo feel gloomy. He thought the time was passing too slowly. 

Seeing that Ling Mo and Liu Yuhao were both lost in their own thoughts silently, Wang Cheng felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles. He was anxious too, but not for Xia Na. He was worried about his unknown future. 

He hated that he didn't slap himself. Although things indeed went the way he planned, he was the only one left, and that hateful Lu Xin made him lose his biggest support. 

Flatter Ling Mo? From Ling Mo's unmasked attitude, he knew that it was impossible to beg for food from Ling Mo. 

Wang Cheng was overwhelmed and he couldn't think of any other options. He knew that with his capability, he had to go with the flow… But for now, it was the best not to infuriate Ling Mo. 

Wang Cheng secretly made the decision and took the initiative to clean up the room. Although there were no zombies nor dead bodies in the room, it was filled with bloodstains. Although he couldn't make it clean, he could make it slightly better. 

His efforts to clean up wasn't in vain. When the sun set, Ling Mo chucked him a packet of biscuits and a bottle of clear water. 

It was much better than those snacks! Wang Cheng took it and looked delighted, but he then cast a deep glance towards Ling Mo. No wonder he didn't care about the food Liu Yuhao handed out. He was well prepared himself. Judging from the size of the bag, the food inside was probably enough for a week… 

As expected, skills were the most important in the apocalypse. Where could people find so much food even after so many others picked went through them… 

Liu Yuhao wanted to say that he didn't have the appetite to eat, but Ling Mo glanced at him with disdain. "We will be on watch in order. Eat and then sleep. What if something happens when you are on watch?" 

"Uh…" Liu Yuhao was speechless. After a long time, he finally grabbed the food from Ling Mo's hands, "Sorry, I'll eat." 

He chewed extremely slowly, the same as what Wang Cheng did. In fact, that was how Ling Mo ate before he mastered his ability to control zombies. 

Eating slowly was the only way to feel full with a small amount of food. 

"Oh right, is Sister Ye Lian eating?" Liu Yuhao felt down but he didn't forget his role as a nanny. After a few bites, he turned around and asked Ling Mo. 

Other than gels, Ye Lian only wants the blood and flesh of people like you… Ling Mo's lips twitched as stood up and walked towards the bedroom. "I'll go give her some food and check how Xia Na's doing."