
You went to the road and block any car that came. A woman stopped and asked if you were okay, then she recognized you.

"Y-you're the girl that got kidnapped! Get in! I will bring you to the police." She said.

You went in and close the door.

"H-how did you end up there?!" She asked.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"I'm not sure about the location, but this is too far away from the airport where you got kidnapped." She said.

"Um, can I borrow your phone?" You asked.

She didn't hesitate to give her phone to you. You thank her and dialed Jimin's number.

"I hope this is still his number." You mumbled.

"Hello? Who is this?" Jimin asked.

"JIMIN! THANK GOD YOU ANSWERED!" You said and felt like crying.

"O my god, Y/n! Is that you?! WHERE ARE YOU?! TELL ME AND WE WILL GO AND GET YOU!" Jimin said.

"I'm on my way to the nearest police station." You said.

"Where?" He asked.

"Where are we going, miss?" You asked.

"On the ******* police station." The woman said.

"On ******* police station." You said.

"Okay, we will go there, don't go anywhere and wait for us. Do you understand?" Jimin asked.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." You said.

"I love you." Jimin said.

"Me too. I love you." You said.

You hung up and delete his number on her phone then gave it back to her.

You arrived at the police station and told the police everything. They quickly took some action and went to the abandoned building. A few minutes later, the boys came. Jimin quickly went to hug you tight.

"O my... Thank God you're fine." Jimin said.


"Why?! Are you hurt?!" Jimin asked.

"I completely forgot about my wound, I got shot earlier." You said.

"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU GO TO THE HOSPITAL INSTEAD?! Hyung, take care of the police, I'll bring her to the hospital." Jimin said and pull you to his car.

They quickly treated you and remove the bullet on you. After the operation, there were so many reporters that wanted to interview and ask you about what happened, but Jimin ignored them.

"Are you okay, my love?" Jimin asked as he held your hand.

"Yes... but... also not." You said.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Jimin asked.

"I just knew about the truth..." You said.

"Truth about what?" Jimin asked.

"About my dad's evil plan." You said.

"What's his plan? And how did you managed to hide- Your dad also planned your death... am I right?" Jimin asked.

"Jimin-ah, I'm sorry... He told me to commit suicide and told me that I'll be alright. He made me chose if I'll do it or leave everything I have, even you. I have no other choice, even though we had a fight back then, I still love you so I chose to do it even if my life is at risk-"


"I started to believe that he was just using me. And that he doesn't love me at all..." You said in a sad tone.

Jimin noticed and felt your sadness.

"Y/n... he doesn't deserve your love. But don't feel like nobody loves you. Me, the boys, your fans, the big hit family... we all love you. Always remember that." Jimin said.

"Thank you-"

The door opened showing your parents. Your eyes widened and Jimin hide you behind his back.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked, mad.

"What do you mean by that? She's our daughter! Of course we will be here to take care of her!" Your mom said.

"No, I will be the one who will take care of her." Jimin said.

Your dad scoffed.


"What about you? How can you say that you're a father when you're just using her?" Jimin said.


"YES, FATHER! I KNEW ABOUT YOUR PLANS! MARC TOLD ME EVERYTHING! WHAT'S YOUR NEXT PLAN?! MAKE ME MARRY A RICH OLD MAN?! SO YOU COULD LIVE COMFORTABLY WITH LOTS OF MONEY?! How can you do this to me? Did you know that Marc threatened to kill me after you broke your deal with him? HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO SUFFER?!" You shouted with tears in your eyes.

He tried to went closer to you.


"Dont go any closer... I don't know you anymore, you're not the father that I used to love and admire. Starting today... forget that you had a daughter. Starting today... forget that you know me... and I will forget you." You said.

"Baby... please don't do this." Your mom begged.

"I made a choice, Mrs. Kang. Thank you for raising me, I won't be an embarrassment to your family. I'm willing to change my last name for you." You said.

Then the police came into your room.

"Mr. Kang, you're under arrest." The police said.

"Y/n... what's this?!" Your father asked.

You ignored him.

"Y/N!" The boys said and went to you.

The boys purposely block the view of your parents being dragged away.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

"Joon, she got shot. OF COURSE, SHE'S NOT OKAY!" Jin said.

"GUYS! Don't fight... I'm fine." You said.

"No, she not. She just cried." Jimin said.

"No, I'm not." You said.

"Yes, you are. Look at your rosy cheeks, it still have your tears." Jimin said.

"But I'm okay now." You said.

"No, she needs hugs and kisses." Jin said.

They started to come closer and hug you tight. They never dare to kiss you because Jimin was watching, so Jimin gave you kisses instead. You felt loved and special when you're around them, they made you feel like home.