Key to the secret

"You're Eva?!" Namjoon asked, shocked.

"We're confused." Jimin said.

"We should start reading books." Hoseok said.

"So dad made a book for me?" You said.

"I guess so... but... you said you're Y/n." Namjoon said.

"Yes, I'm Y/n. But Eva was the name that dad wanted to give to me, but mom didn't want to, so he made it my nickname instead. As far as I remember, only my parents knows about my nickname." You said.

"Maybe it is real. Your dad might published that book." Namjoon said.

"How come I never saw this?" You asked yourself.

Then you continued reading the letter.

*Hello, my sweet little girl, I know that you might didn't know about this book, because I really published as few of this book. And I'm probably gone by the time you read this. I'm so sorry for leaving you, this might be my last letter and words for you. Remember that me and your mom loves you so much. If anybody bullies and make you suffer like what we've felt back when we're younger, just fight and never give up... unlike us. Be a good girl like your mom told you to be and find the man that's right for you.*

Then you felt something as you touch the paper. You took a closer look and it was a chinese character that you used to see in your father's office.

The others noticed your reaction and got confused. You grab your phone and translate it.

"Is there anything wrong, Y/n?" They asked.

You ignored them and waited for the translation. And there it is...

"It says... *Key to the secret*, what is that suppose to mean?" You asked yourself while thinking.

"What are you saying?" They asked.

"Is my father giving me any clues about something?" You asked.

"We don't know, what's happening to you?" Taehyung asked.

"Take a look on this stamp." You said and show it to them.

"What's with it?" Yoongi asked.

You grab the older book that was written by your grandfather in Namjoon's room. Then compare the stamps.

"You see? The older book has our family original stamp. While the second book that was made by my father was only similar but has a different character and meaning." You said.

"Wow... how come I didn't notice that?" Namjoon asked.

"I should go to my uncle's office, which was originally my dad's office." You said and grab the keys then drove back to the house.

You didn't wait for the boys to arrive and go straight to his office. You open the door and look around trying to find any clues. Then your eye caught something. The old painting... it has your father's signature and the same characters were also written below it. You grab the painting and saw nothing behind, only a wall. You were about to bring it back to place when you heard something inside. You shake it and hear it again. You look at the frame and saw a little opening, you open it and saw a gold key. It doesn't look like a normal key, it looks old but it was beautiful. The more you look at it, the more memories flashes back on your mind.

"... the box." You mumbled and went to the table and open the last drawer on the left.

You remove the things inside and slowly push the bottom, your eyes widened when it opens. It was still there. You remove the cover and grab the small box inside. You remembered your dad once opened it with this similar key. You put the key into the lock and it opened. There were papers inside. You get it and read it one by one.

"These were my parents' last will..." You mumbled.

You grab the other letters and this only made you cry even more.

"So they knew about it all along?" You asked yourself with a serious look.

Your phone rings and you answer the call.

"Yes?" You asked.

"Hello, Y/n." He said.

Your eyes widened and you started to got nervous.

"M-mr. Kang?!" You asked.

"Yes, it is. Happy to hear my voice?" He said and laughed.

"How did you managed to call me?! You're in jail!" You said.

"Simple... I escaped. And there are some guests with me. Wanna know who they are? Open the T.V. and you'll know what I'm talking about." He said.

You quickly open the T.V. and you got so angry.


"And what are going to do? Kill me? Remember... I'm a mafia and you're nothing but a weak girl. I'm using them as a bait. Come and meet us in ****************, if you still want to see your 'friends'." He said and hung up.

"YAH!" You shouted.

You quickly ran to your car and went to the address he told you to come. You wore a bulletproof vest and two guns that you saw in the office earlier. You arrive in the place and saw so many mafias and your aunt outside that was waiting for you to come.