Chapter 4.1 - Ready

My parents' consent declined.

Yeong-seok's mouth sees off at work. He said that the parents will take care of such additional matters as there is a procedure for dropping out.

'Isn't elementary school compulsory? Is it possible?'

I want nothing to do.

Geniuses who occasionally appear in the media live without any problems without going to school.

'You can't follow 10% of your parents, but you can play a genius.'

Young Suk finished thinking and hurriedly prepared to go out. It is because they have to buy some items with the unlucky spirit.


Opening the door and heading to the entrance of the villa complex, I can see that Soong Ae and a little girl are together.

As Youngsuk approached, the girl ran.

"Let's go to school!"

"Jinhee… … . "

Young-suk wanted to do it.

I forgot this special ties. How can I tell you this?

"I'm not going to school now."


My eyes are open as if I'm surprised.

'Are all the kids so cute? … . '

Although she showed up in her previous life and this competition, Young-suk was scared of children. No, he was scared of dealing with children. But Jin-hee is an exception.

Yeong-seok stroked Jin-hee's head again.

"I want to study by myself. I exercise. "

"Exercise? What exercise? "



At the moment Jin-hee asked Yeong-seok a good idea.

"Yes, let's play tennis with me after school. I'll pick you up by the end of class. Well, to your parents… I'll tell you. You said you wanted to do it. Let's do it today, not today. "


I was sorry that I couldn't go to school together, but the girl thought that it was good to do something together.

Meanwhile, Young-ae, who left the car at the entrance of the villa complex, watched the two children's skits (?), Was full of energy.


"Be careful!"

Young-Ae drove Jin-hee to school with her car, and she finally sat down to the passenger seat and opened the window and told her.

"very… Does the young have a girl already? When I was hospitalized, I saw that Yeong-seok was 1 year older than you. What? Are you Jinhee? "

"I was born seven years old, so I started early," she said.

Soaked with the words of spirit, Young-suk tried to speak as idiomatic as possible. Young-Ae was more cold.

"The kids are blind nowadays… … . So what are you going to buy today? Your mom used to be a guardian, but I didn't hear much about it. "

"I'm going to the bookstore and the pool. Oh, I need to buy Jinhee's racket. Where can I buy a junior racket? "

"That's what my aunt friend from America bought. Well, can you get it? … . "

Yeong-seok thought for a while.

Dong Dae Moon? Do you sell kids rackets this time? I do not know.

"aunt… … . "


"You have a racket that you gave me as a present last time… … . "

Young-ae, who noticed the dimness of Young-seok's speech, said, smiling.

"heard. Did you win with that racket? congratulations."

Young-Suk scratched his head and responded to the praise of Young-Ae.

"I'm broken… … . "

"Yes, lion today."

"Thank you!!"

"Yes. Let's go to the bookstore first. "


'Wow… The reference book for 1991 is really copper. '

Young Suk scoured the books on display.

'Are you going to see everything besides the state investigation department? What subject are you taking on the GED? '

After searching for books related to the GED, Yeong-seok finally found and collected the book 'Gook-Gol Gap (Junggum)'.

"Ha… … . "

Yeong-seok sighed at the first page.

Because I saw the condition.

'Did the genius kid who did the song go to college? Huh, if you're 11 years old… 4 years?'

The problem with the past was funny.

Even middle school exams (swords) were easy to see, and high school exams (swords) were quite long.

In the end, Young-suk went on to find "the mathematics of mathematics." Because I do not know anything else, I almost forgot about math.

'Wow, the cover is all Chinese. It's clever… I'll be sick of him, for example. Roughly all the different kinds … . '

As Young-seok fluttered and brought a book, Young-Ae was surprised to find a book.

"What is this?"

"I want to study."


When the emotion of misunderstanding was felt in the eye of amazement, she shook her sigh, picked up anything, and found a problem that she could solve.

"I'll solve this."

Yeong-suk asked the clerk to get a paper and a fan, sat down on the floor and solved the problem. Of course, with your left hand.

It is an early time, so only the onlookers are Young-ae and the clerk.

10 minutes later.

Young-seok squeezed out the cold sweat.

'I do not know. I can't be like this. '

APO paper was black and full of numbers and symbols. Yeong-seok continued to nod but shook his head. It is impossible. The memory is faint and I can't solve it even if I run out of stars.

"Aunt, I can't solve it. haha… … . "

Indeed, Young-ae and the clerk opened their mouth.

"you you! A while ago, what did you do? … ! "

Yeong-ae couldn't speak in amazement, but she calculated all the books, dragged him and got into the car.

Yeong-seok, who first saw the expression of a spirit's love in his past and present life, had a heart pounding.

"Aunt, where are you going?"

"Your mom, go see a teacher."

At the end of the hardened spirit, Young-seok was just squatting as a honey dumb.

'You made a mistake… … . '


"What's up here?"

Yeong-seok's mother came out and welcomed him.

Yeong-ae said as she pushed the sticky paper.

"what is this. When did you start? "

My mother was embarrassed and shouted and opened her mouth.

"Uh, uh… Suddenly, Youngsuk became a genius… Wouldn't you believe this teacher? "

Mother responded with a crawling voice.

Both of them used to be "Lee, Han," when they were a little offended or serious.

Do you have a tacit agreement that you're going to fight two years later?

Young-suk, who was still squatting, finally decided.

'Yes, I can tell my aunt.'

There was a grace in my previous life, and I couldn't treat this spirit of love that always seemed to be more polar than the mother.

"aunt! Mom! I'm hungry. Can't we eat? "

The time is also finished 11:30.

It is Yeongseok who decided to explain gradually as he ate.


'Yeah, you had everything in 1991.'

Youngsuk looked inside the restaurant and it was a strange feeling.

In 2014 or 1991, there is a lot of room to spare. And refined.

Soul Ae who moderately fooded sharply looked at her mother.

"Say it."

Young Suk struck in.

"Aunt, I'll tell you. So… … . "

Yeong-seok explained to Young-ae for a long time.

Emotions such as surprise, amazement, and anger passed in the face of the spirit of hearing the story.

"Yes, you did."

Soong Ae was also convinced.

Too convincing so easily, Yeong-seok felt as if he had become an unreasonable human being.

From the perspective of Young-Ae, it was a story that could never come out of the head of a child who entered elementary school. Above all, the spirit is as good as the parents of the spirit. Also deep in thought.

Rather than yelling at the nonsense of nonsense, the attitude I listened to seriously came from such an accident. Of course, it is based on his love for spirits.

Finished the food ordered well.

The three ate little by little without saying anything. Yeong-seok glanced at the spirit of love.

Even in a short moment, a tremendous amount of thought flows, and the process of accumulation is young.

"Why look at the black notice?"