Chapter 4

A little over a year had passed and the pack had become increasingly powerful and experienced. Due to more vampires turning up Jacob had forced Jared to phase earlier. It happened a couple months back and the young 16 year old had taken to it just as eagerly as the others. Now with four of them it seemed that the number of vampires coming through their territory had dropped significantly.

Jacob had a feeling that vampires outside of La push had heard of their pack and purposely avoided the town. He wasn't sure if this new found reputation was a good or bad thing, but what he did know was that it meant they would probably need more members. If vampires knew about their existence it wasn't long until some crazy coven decided to test them.

He doubted the Volturi would get involved any time soon. They'd have to do something big to get their attention. Not to mention any vampire that reported them to the Volturi would probably be killed for drawing the attention of shape shifters and contributing to their numbers.

Because of this it was yesterday that Jacob had went through the same process of triggering Embrys gene. This time however he was able to feel his... aura? Actually changing Embry.

Jacob was now certain that the Cullens would arrive some time this year and Bella the next. Truth be told he was looking forward to it. Although he was unsure of how to play it with the family of vampires. There was the friendly approach, neutral approach and the hostile approach. The last one was a definite no. It seemed like the friendly one made the most sense, he'd just have to make sure the pack didn't cause any unnecessary bad blood. Either way, if push came to shove he'd do what's necessary.

Jacob was now 13, almost 14. Sam and Leah were 17.


Resting at home Jacob was spending time with his dad, explaining that he didn't know why they were stronger then what was depicted in the legends, when Billy's phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked over the phone.

"Mr Black? It's me Jared" a panicked voice sounded from the other side as Jacob listened in.

The conversation lasted seconds as Jared explained what happened and Billy tried to calm him down. At the end of it a shocked silence filled the room, followed by Jacob rushing from his seat and sprinting out the house. Running as fast as he could whilst in human form, he made to Jareds house in minutes.

Not wasting a second he slammed the door open and blitzed towards the main room. Entering it he saw a half naked Jared, blood on the carpet and a fully naked girl on the floor. Jacob could tell the blood was hers, but didn't see a single wound.

The first thing he did was command the teary eyed Jared to go upstairs. He made it clear that he understood what happened and that he'd fix it. Jared reluctantly went upstairs to get dressed.

Crouching down Jacob got a better look at the girls face. "Kim" he muttered quietly.

This girl was Jareds imprint. Apparently they were arguing and she pissed him off, Jared phased too close and clipped her with his fangs. Although not his strongest bite, it would still cut through human flesh like nothing. Jared explained over the phone that she passed out, healed within seconds and phased into a large brown wolf. Seconds later she change back and laid naked on the ground.

Jacob could only sigh, "This is going to be a long day" he thought to himself.


After calming a devastated Jared down, Jacob lifted Kim into the back of Mrs Cameron's car and they drove to his house. She wasn't home and Jared had the keys.

Arriving at his place they moved Kim to the living room couch where Billy, Sam, Harry Clearwater and Leah were waiting. Billy had called them and explained the situation as best as he could. When they laid eyes on Kim they were all shocked to see she was growing at a visible rate. The short 16 year old Native American girl was now as tall and muscular as Leah.

"H...How? This should be possible. The gene was never transferable. We're not vampires." Harry said with a pale complexion.

Raising his head Jacob made eye contact with the elder, "I don't know. But what I do know is that this generation of shifters are different from the last. Times are changing." He said seriously.

Sam, Leah and Jared all had a questioning look, "What the hell does that mean Jake?" Sam asked.

Jacob sighed in resignation, "My dad and I were gonna tell you eventually, but we're stronger than any other shifter generation. My great grandfather Ephraim Black wasn't this strong and neither were any others. They weren't as large as us either." He explained cautiously.

Silence filled the room as they tried to process this information, not that Jacob gave them any time. "And now we're capable of turning humans into shifters? This isn't a coincidence. It's a sign. A sign that this time, shifters aren't meant to play backseat to vampires. That we're not meant to just fight a couple of stray vampires every once in a while, but when they send in the big guns cower in fear and let them do as they please.

This is a gift from the spirits! Now the wolves can actually make a difference on a larger scale. Take the fight to them!" Jacob all but growled passionately.

This was the chance he needed to get them on his side when it came to turning others.

"You many be right Jacob, but what exactly is the plan here? Who exactly do you plan on turning? This is not a life people should be forced into, or that many would want to join." Billy frowned. Sam and Harry nodded in agreement, whilst Leah and Jared sat on the fence.

Jacob took a seat an started explaining, "First things first. Imprints. Any and all imprints should be given the opportunity to phase. If they refuse then that's unfortunate, but if they agree, they join us. Second is people who are sick, people who are lost and people who we can trust. We'd start in La Push! How many families are already distantly related to us in this town? They may not carry the gene, but their ancestors were just as much apart of Taha Akis tribe as ours were.

They deserve the chance to choose if they want fight with us. If they want to protect this town and more in the future. Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying we turn all of La Push right away. Right now I'm pretty sure Embry will be phasing and possibly more after him. We'll handle that first. All I'm saying is that La Push isn't the only place with vampire problems. How many other small towns and cities have been plagued with somebody going missing every month? We can't help them all, but we can help more than we are now."

The room was mute for what felt like hours, but in reality was only minutes. Practically everybody wanted to give Jacobs idea a chance, but Billy wasn't sure. However it was clear he was outnumbered in this situation. He said a silent prayer to the spirits and hoped this didn't backfire.

The silence was broken by a tired groan. Everybody turned their heads to face Kim who beginning to wake up. Jared rushed to her side. When they made eye contact the two young shifters froze in euphoria. He had already imprinted on Kim once, but this time it was like imprinting all over again, on a different soul. He wasn't alone in this feeling. Kim felt it too, with her being a wolf now, she had recuperated Jared's imprint.

Jacob could tell what was happening and inwardly celebrated. Now that it was conformed that imprintees would imprint in return when changed, this would probably increase the chances that others would agree to biting their other halves. Who wouldn't want their soulmate to see them in an equal light?

Billy interrupted their moment, wanting to get the explanation done as soon as possible.


It was a few days later and Jacob had turned 14. He wasn't a fan of big parties so they just had a small family gathering. They had filled Kim in on everything, safe to say she was shocked and a little angry at Jared for not telling her what he was. Although that didn't last long. She adapted pretty quickly and was happy to be included into this new and mystical life. Her hair was cut short, all the way to chin length, not as short as the guys, but that was to be expected. Followed by her getting the pack tattoo.