
IDBIRR Chapter 3: Beast.

The following day I became conscious and had this unusual memory of being able to sleep. What? How come? I...don't think that's quite possible. I don't remember what happened yesterday, it's quite a strange...sensation??

Today's been a weird day. It feels like some little parts of my memories have vanished. Only for yesterday.

As usual, I survey around my surroundings, and then I saw an arrow lying on the ground infront of me. An arrow? did someone left it yesterday? It was covered in dry blood, as if it had struck something.

Is it a hunter? Gosh, I hope the Reindeer's okay. He's the only visitor I would love to have. I don't want no scary visitors around here.

Wait...a minute...

There's...something weird. Remember how I could view around all my surroundings like I have eyes all around my body, where I said I was AWARE of everything? I literally meant what I said, I could see everything around me as If I had eyes around every corner of my rock body. I can' it for some reason now.

I only have one straight vision right now. As if I only had one eye.

I stare at the cealing of the room. Only there. I tried to look elsewhere while still keeping an eye out of the ceiling. But I couldn't glue my sight on to it, instead, my vision just follows wherever I try to look at.

Trying figure out my inability to see through all directions at the same time, I caught sight of a strange...obscure object.

Is that...a hand?

It looks like a hand. Something like bomberman's gloved hand, but it's...made out of stone. Oh, it moves! It functioned just like an ordinary hand could do. I searched through where it belong, or maybe attached? and saw down below that...I have a body?


I tried to move, wait, did I just gain a body out of nowhere?!

Though, it does look small, like an infant's? More or less, It actually was a body that belonged to me.

Right at the middle of my chest located a sphere of crystal appearance, it was sunk in inside my chest. Kind of like a core? It's definitely a core right?

Now that I think about it, if I'm reincarnated as a rock. Could I possibly be in another world? I remember my sister who liked anime, there are those monsters in which you call them as Golems. Magical, Statue-Like monsters, who function as protective summons to guard a temple or their summoner.

In fact, in a lot of games I played, there were definitely hostile enemy Golems who protected their assigned posts.

Could it be...I turned into a monster...a monster that's called a Golem?


A voice rung inside of my head.

W-What the-?!

As I was looking at my hand, a screen appeared and then a female voice identified the obvious. My hand...identifies as a hand.

No shit, Sherlock.

I look around to see and figure out where that calming female voice came from. But there was no one around.

Is someone playing a prank on me? Is this a game show?

Haha! You got me! Okay, show me the cameras, cause I've been stuck in this place for one hundred years!


No one came out. Haiiiiiiiyyaaaahhh, uncle golem is dissapointed.

I really don't know what's going on right now. I can't even fully move my body(?). Look at me right now, I'm in such a state of mess.

[[State: Confused, Shocked, Dumbfounded, Dissapointed.]]

( 0_0)

Another screen appeared before me. I didn't mean to literally look into me! You're starting to annoy me weird voice!

I try to move and look for that strange voice...that woman's obviously around here...messing with me...



Wait, how do you move again? <-*Guy who hasn't moved for a century

Ugh...atleast, I wanna know where I am...I finally have...a strange body? Not what I was expecting...but nonetheless, it's still a body. I want to use this opportunity to find out where the hell am I in the first place.

[[Your Request shall be accepted.]]

A map appeared.

Woah, how convenient. Thank you...uhh...weird female computer voice.

[[Appreciation is accepted.]]

Now let's see...

Upon giving the map a look, If I were able to physically gulp from unease, I would've done so by now. This place is huuuuuge!

It's like a maze of some sort. What I highly liked about the map is that it's perfectly detailed and easy to follow. But due to the ups and turns of the layout of this maze-like labyrinth, I feel like my head's spinning from daze.

I could see some open rooms in the map, pretty much similar to where mine is located. I guess they're open rooms just like mine?

Searching for other rooms located in this maze, they were all occupied by two different dots in color. Red and Green.

I wonder what those are indicating. Does this map also function as a radar?

[[To help with your question, allow me to assist you in differentiating between the two different dots that you see in the map...]]

Oh, alright, weird voice. Gee, it feels like I have one of them helpful AI's back in my world.

[[The green dots, as you can see in the map, are called friendly units. They identify as harmless characters, who pose no threat against you.]]

Ah, I see. This is actually starting to look like an actual game now.

I view through the friendly units and indentified their names.

[Friendly unit info: Rabbit Lvl.1]

[Friendly unit info: Rabbit Lvl.2]

[Friendly unit info: Spirit Lvl.15]

[Friendly unit info: Deer Lvl.5]

[Friendly unit info: Fairy Lvl.10]

[Friendly unit info: Confused Screaming Ant Lvl.69]

[Friendly unit info: Lizard'o El Mucho Salazarmander Lvl.Taco]


Hmm, interesting. And then the list goes on, quite a few names piqued my interest, I guess they were just that special.

[[As for the red dots, they are hostile enemies. Their danger risk varies. If they are slightly orange, that means they are mediocare at best. Sometimes they are also neutral unless provoked. Red mark indicates that they are highly aggressive and very dangerous, if you face one of them, they will surely pose a challenge, and according to unusual situations; you may even lose your life if you're not careful.]]

I see...then, may I ask, are they also monsters? Just like me?

[[Look for yourself dear master, knowing for yourself is of an individuals own growth.]]

Hmm, you have a point. Let's look into their names then.

I've played RPG's (Role-Playing Games) before, so this is quite interesting so far.

And wait...did you just call me master?

[[Is something of the matter, dear Angus?]]

Huh? Oh- I was quite sure you called me-...nevermind. Let's have a look at our possible enemies then, shall we?

[Monster Info: Goblin Lvl.1]

[Friendly unit Info: Goblin Hunter Lvl.37]

[Monster Info: Assassin Turtle "Leone" Lvl.4]

[Monster Info: Assassin Turtle "Mickey" Lvl.3]

[Monster Info: Assassin Turtle "Rap God" Lvl.6]

[Monster Info: Assassin Turtle "Donut Telephone" Lvl.3]

[Monster Info: Skelegone but not Forgotten Lvl.4]

[Monster Info: Slime of Storm Lvl.3]

[Monster Info: Rat Master "Wood Splints" Lvl.10]


Those are some BIZARRE names. And why was there a friendly unit mixed in? A human? Are there humans in this world as well?

[[Affirmative. Humans also dwell within these lands.]]


A human! I haven't seen one in ages. That means I could meet another person!

Slowly but surely, I feel excited. Don't know why. All of these strange events that are currently happening makes me really excited.

It's just like a game, but in real life. I'm sure of it, my little sister often calls this as an Isekai! Something that means that a person who's transferred or is reincarnated into another world.

Ahhh, now I'm just being nostalgic throughout all these years. I remember my father being strict about my lessons, I used to play games so I could relieve some anger or whatnot. So I hid them from my father and played them behind his back, or else it would be confiscated by his butler who's also very strict with my upbringing.

I was such a naughty child back then, hehehe.

Observing the map once again, I put up a bittersweet smile once I saw a small and tiny blue dot in an isolated area.

There were no green or red dots nearby. He was all just by his lonesome.

If I were able to cry, I would. Seeing this is proof of how blessed I am.

This tiny little blue dot indicates me. I am that one single dot. Which means I was truly all alone from the start.

And the only one...who came to visit me...was that one single Reindeer.

Hehe...I'm so excited to show him my new look! He may not be aware that I was alive, but- I can't wait to see him visit my place and then see his reaction!

Until when will I wait for him to come? Tomorrow? He hasn't visited for today yet, so I guess he'll come tomorrow. Gosh, first I need to learn how to move...


I tried to focus on the blue dot, it then revealed it's info.

[Your Info: Angus Lvl.1 (Lesser Golem+)]

And beside that blue dot.....a purple dot appeared.

[Labyrinth Boss Info: Tood Raid Lvl.51 (Alpha Werewolf)]


???: "Hello there mate. You some type of new guy eh?"

I turn to my side and saw a LARGE figure crouching down beside me. His shadow covered the entirety of this room. His very own presence sent danger signals to my head. He was a figure, with an unfathomably sinister character.

A werewolf. With a fur of gray color, his face was covered with large and red colored scars. His body was very built and also covered in gray fur. A wild smirk creeps from his mouth. Behind his back that delivered a sense of strength and dominance, was a fleeting sensation of immense death that lingered wherever he travelled.

He was a sign of FEAR.

Tood Raid: "The name's Tood Raid, matey. It's nice 'ta meet'cha."

With a human-esque hand that are unexpectedly not paws, but still covered in white fur with claws that are as sharp as a pointy knife, points at my chest.

Tood Raid: "You, me, how 'bout a fight to the death?!"

He excitedly exclaims.

You cray cray?!

I took a peek at his stats, and OH MY GOLLY IS HE COO COO!?

[Tood Raid Lvl.51 (Alpha Werewolf) "Labyrinth Boss" (NEW!)]

[Race (NEW!): Werewolf]


Hp: 26,000/26,000

Mp: 2,000/2,000

Skill pts: 2

EXP: 21,890/30,000

Atk: 901 (Bonus: +10%)

Def: 879

C.Atk: 544 (Bonus: +4%)

S.Pwr: 880

Dex: 345 (Bonus: +2.2%)

Spd: 156

Lck: 70


[Sharp Claw (Passive) Lvl.5]

Sharp Claw - Grants the user an Atk and Critical Atk bonus stat permanently. Effect increase as Skill Lvl increases. Ignores target's Def stat by 50% of Atk dmg dealt to target.

[Shadow Hunt (Passive)]

Shadow Hunt - Increases the user's Spd stat by 30% when at night or in any dark places. (3 MP Cost per/second)

[Bite Lvl.10]

Bite - Bites the Targeted Enemy. Deals 500 (901 Atk + 880 Skill Power) Dmg to Targeted Enemy. Skill also has an effect of +17% Lifesteal p/s if Bite is still intact with the Enemy's Body. (70 MP cost)

[The Thrill of the Chase (Passive)]

The Thrill of the Chase - Increases the user's Spd by 30%, It also heightens the user's sense of smell and hearing when chasing a targeted Enemy below 45% of it's MAX Health. Permanently grants small Dex stat buff.

[Pounce Lvl.2]

Pounce - Pounces upon Targeted Enemy. Deals +2% more damage according to sum amount of Atk, S.Atk and C.Atk by striking or impaling an Atk against a Targeted Enemy. This skill can also ignore an attack motive from the user as an only means of fast short-travel between small distances if the user willingly applies to use the effect. Pounce distance is increased as the Skill Lvl Increases. (5 MP Cost)

[Astral Claw Lvl.10]

Astral Claw - Consumes an Arm in exchange for absolute Power. Imbuing it with sinister strange powers of the Void. Deal +1,000% (901+880) Dmg against Targeted Enemies. (Arm Cost)

[Savagery (Passive) Lvl.6]

Savagery - Deals a bonus amount of +36% Dmg against enemies that are 70% below of their MAX Health. Grants +3% Armor Penetration.

[Howl Lvl.4]

Howl - Inflicts "Fear" Status into the hearts of the user's enemies, in a radius wide range. Enemy Targets may run away and turn their backs against the User. Skill Effect does not affect Stronger or that of Equal strength Enemies to the User. (100 MP Cost)

[Backstab (Passive) Lvl.5]

Backstab - Deal +50% Dmg against turned Targets that are exposing their back.

[Regeneration Lvl.5]

Regeneration - Significantly heals the user. Regenerates lost limbs or any mortal injury. Can revive the user at the brink of death. (1,000 MP Cost)


- Ruthless Hunter

- Battle Maniac

- Labyrinth Boss

- Gentleman

- Doting Father

- Lolicon

- Pervert

Oh god! He's even more dangerous than I thought!

Infront of me stood a Beast like no other. He was a monster of monsters, the Devil King in disguise, A cultured- I mean't- a Final Boss type of Villain.

He is in fact, the Big Boss of this very Labyrinth.

Is this it? After living a life of a rock for a hundred this where my story ends? To the hands of a cultured- I mean't- Vile Beast?!

He reaches for my helpless small body.

Goodbye...cruel world. In times like these. Where you're about to die a poor dog's death. I can only close my eye and wait for the inevitable. Pray for god and.....scream like a helpless little girl in my head.



I'm not dead yet?


I'm still alive folks!

Hm? I look down as I saw the Big Boss's hands, gently assisting me to move my body.


I tried moving around, and then running a small lap around the Big Boss, then I made small triple backflips.


Woah. He actually helped me out! What a nice guy!

Big Boss: "Now we can kill each other!"

You crazy?!

I shake my head in protest. I don't wanna die!

For some reason, I can't speak. That's why I can only manage to do small gestures.

Nonononononononono--- Please understand! I'll die if I fight you!

He makes a goofy laugh that echoes throughout the corridors of the Labyrinth.

Big Boss: "Grahahahahahaha! You're a funny one ain't ya? You're fun! You're fun!"

He grabs my tiny hands and we both jump around in a circle, like children.

I dunno what's happening but I'm gonna roll with it to ensure my survival.

His enthusiasm slowly dies down as he lets go of me and sits with cross legs while wagging his's kinda cute.

Big Boss: "Haven't met someone with an intelligent mind to speak to for twenty-nine years now buddy! It's quite lonely to playfully wander around everywhere in this labyrinth. So yer the first one I'll ever speak to after Twenty bloody Nine years! Grahahahaha!"

He howls with a goofy laughter. Sheesh, so he's just a loner. Like me I guess. That's good to hear, to meet a kindred soul. If only he wasn't trying to bloody KILL me on our FIRST meeting!

He ceases his laughter and points at me again with those Def ignoring claws.

Big Boss: "Say mate. You're a golem am I right? Ya look different from the normal Golems I know."

Well...I guess I am one...

Big Boss: "Hrmm...what's wrong buddy, ya chokin' on sum' pebble or sumthin'?"

I just stare at him.

Big Boss: "Hrmm...Aight, Imma take that as a laddy's yes. Young lad, yer obviously a new bean sprout around these parts. Why not put in some of them energy to lighten up yer spirit eh?"

I would. If you're not planning to kill me.

He shifts in position to lay on his side, seemingly bored with his current life.

Big Boss: "Young lad, yer the only golem I've seen inside this Labyrinth. That very existence excites me."

He grins devilishly, one that would charm a woman with one look.

Big Boss: "Ya see, livin' as the top dog of this Labyrinth feels boring, ya hear me yea?"


And what's that gotta do with me?

Big Boss: "Before I became the Labyrinth Boss. There was sum tough guy that stood on top, the previous Labyrinth Boss. I tell ya though, matey, he surely was a tough nut to crack! I mean, he was Lvl.100! He was 62 levels ahead of me at the time!"

He beat a boss that's 62 levels ahead of him AT THAT TIME?!


In the name of the Father...the son...and of the holy-

Big Boss: "After killing that guy, I became the top dog of the place. He was a fun challenge too!"

Lord, if you're still watching over me. Please save me from this psychopath...

Big Boss: "And well...soon after that. No one proved to be a challenge anymore. Ya get me lad?"

Hm? Oh yea where was I...O' holy virgin...please grant me your-....Wait, a Labyrinth Boss gets bored?

Big Boss: "Then bam! While I was taking my daily stroll, I seem to have noticed an unusual energy! And now I'm here."

Wow, you surely abridged your story right to the end that quickly.

Big Boss: "Why not try and fight me to the death, young lad?! Grahaha! That would be amazing!"

Where's your common sense gone and left you after you fought that Labyrinth Boss?!

I strongly refuse his challenge. Shaking my head and flapping(?) my arms everywhere in a state of panic.

I tried to look away from him, treating him like a bad omen that would ruin me forever.

He senses my strong refusal and shakes his head as he chuckles.

Big Boss: "Nope. No can do mate. I wanna have sum fun with ya! Grahahaha!"

We could play poker instead! If that counts as fun!

Big Boss: "Don't worry lad! We ain't gonna fight for now."

Wait, we are? Phew...Wait, we're still going to fight eventually!?

Big Boss stands up and walks towards the room's entrance. He's leaving?

Big Boss: "Of course, I'll let ya grow on yer own for the meantime. When the time become's ripe, I'll return to pluck ya from yer tree. I know I'm asking for the impossible, mate, but do forgive me for forcin' ya on this selfish challenge of mine."

He starts to walk away from my view as he turns around the corner. I quickly follow behind, but what only met me was a dispersing shadow across the corridor.

Big Boss: "Who knows? This chance might help ya in the future, young lad. Strength means survival for this world, I hope ya don't bite the dust sooner than I'd thought you will...Goodluck!"

His voice echoes. Leaving a trail of lingering death. He was...a very strange guy, and quite dangerous too. But what strikes me most is that I have a feeling that despite his appearance, he isn't really that bad at all.

He's just...very wild.

Like a passing storm. A beast with a mind that's hard to read.

I return to my room...then I collapsed on the floor. Phew, what a rough day...

I hope he doesn't ever come back...