Day of Change

In an unknown place




In the darkness, there is only silence, but occasionally, the darkness makes a sound.




The sound of ticking. This sound never stops. It just gets louder and louder.

Until it goes quiet once more. Finally, something speaks: "How long... have I waited... have I prepared... The time for change has come..."

"Awaken... awaken! Let the world change and become what it should once should have been!" As a rough voice shouted this in the darkness, the world changed.

In Germany, Heidelberg

Phew! I just made it on time!" exclaimed the young voice happily.

"On time?! You literally ran in front of Mr Baker before he could get into class! How is that on-time?"

"Ugh! Come on give me some credit Evelyn!"

"No man, she's right you weren't really on time," whispered a raspy voice.

"Ah, leave him alone! I thought that was pretty cool Steven!"

"Thanks, Phillip! You're the only one who understands me!" hiccuped Steven while fake sobbing.

"Oh, come on, stop overreacting! He knows we were joking right Michael?"

"Yeah Evelyn, he knows, he's just playing with us!"

"You guys, I…" Just as Steven was about to begin his pathetic explanation, he was interrupted.

"Ahem... STEVEN!" announced the old but powerful voice of Mr Baker.

"Oh no..." thought Steven while gulping.

"Do you want to have detention?" threatened Mr Baker as he looked at Steven.

"Ah... no sir... I... umm... I'm sorry sir it won't happen again. I promise!"

"Hmmm... Let's hope so Steven, if not, I have a lot of fun activities for you!" promised Mr Baker while laughing meanly.

"Ugh... Yes sir!"

"Now that that is out of the way, let's start with cl..." just as Mr Baker was about to explain further,





The earth shook. Chaos sounded. People screamed. Animals roared and howled. Then there was silence. Just silence. This silence was everywhere. Just as people were looking around and started to question what just happened an unnatural voice spoke loudly.

"The awakening of the era of change has come! The world will never be the same."


There was silence once more. No one really knew what lay ahead of them and as the era of change had come into fruition, people would suffer, chaos would rule, and fear would take the world over. This era would be like none before. Legends would rise. Empires would be forged! Great powers would awaken, and the world would have no other choice but to welcome it all.