Unique existence

"What is power? How do you define it? Is it something you control or something you possess? Is this power something you use to command others? To show them that you are in charge.

So, if you had power, true power that could end someone's life, just because you wanted to, would you say you deserve this power? Is power only something that can be used for selfish reasons, or can it be used for something better, something bigger?

A lot of times we say "if only I was stronger or had more authority. I would show them who's boss!" The thing is, what then? Would you feel better, stronger, or prouder?

Is power something we truly need to achieve in this world? Or is it just an excuse to hide your true intentions?"

In an unknown time and location:

"How will the world react, when they find out about your existence... Hehe… this is going to be fun to watch!" croaked an eerie voice in a dark void of nothingness.

Location: Underground Mining Area 50-G

Time: Year 11 of the Era of Change Era: Era of Change

"What did you say, Steven?"

"You can't be serious right?" asked Xiang with a very serious expression.

"Um... well yeah... I... Yeah, I don't know what ability or power I have. Or better said, I don't even know if I have powers or can get any," remarked Steven with an awkward expression.

Following this, there was only silence. For they did not know how to process this. It was not something they could easily believe. But when they looked at Steven and thought about the way he managed himself in certain situations, they realised something.

That Steven had something that they all did not possess. And that was naivety, innocence, and trust for strangers. A thing that they had all lost after they had changed. For the world they were now living in, was cruel and dangerous. You could either only trust those few people close to you, or yourself.

In this world, people did not have the time nor space for kindness. If you are weak, you are nothing but a pawn and tool to be used. If you are strong, you can do whatever you want. You can kill, rape, hurt and anything else you'd want, and no one would bat an eyelid. Why would they? Who cares about the weak? Who cares about others?

To the people on this world, the only thing that mattered to them was power, to satisfy their own selfish needs. But was this world any different than the previous one? What had changed? Weren't people the same as previously? Yes, and no?

It was true that before everything changed, the world was still a very dark place. But there was a slight difference. Previously, before everyone and everything changed. There was at least empathy, kindness for others. In a sense, there was at least still humanity in people.

But in this world, after everyone changed? It was as if it had been locked up and thrown away. To be forever forgotten in the past. Who had time to think about the past, when they were already struggling to survive in the present?

Yet, when they looked at Steven, it was if something was unlocked within them. Something they thought they had lost. It was so distant and faint that if they did not concentrate on it, it would go by unnoticed. The more time they spent with Steven, they more they felt it.

"Hmmm...if you what you are saying is the truth Steven, we are going to need an explanation, no?" said Xiang while staring at Steven with a smirk.

"Ugh... You're not serious right?" grimaced Steven.

"No... he's right... we need to know why you don't have powers Steven, because you are most likely the only person, no, the only thing on this planet without powers or abilities."

"Even some rock has the potential to somehow become stronger, yet you…? You don't even have that!" clarified John while staring at Steven.

As for the others, they nodded their heads to what Xiang and John had said.

"Ugh... fine. But know this... you're about to hear something that might seem very unrealistic," declared Steven as he sat down on the ground. I think you should maybe sit down for this," grinned Steven. After hearing what Steven said, everyone decided to sit down and form a half-circle around Steven.

"So… where to begin?" wondered Steven while thinking of all the things that had happened to him recently. Hmmm... I guess I can start on the day everything changed, no?" decided Steven while giving a sad smile. So… on that day..." as Steven went on to explain, what had happened, over 3 hours had gone by, without anyone noticing.

"Any questions?" said Steven after taking a deep breath.

"Uh... you're telling me, you met with a celestial?" asked John with a solemn expression.

"Um... Yeah, that's what he called himself." answered Steven with a nod.

As John heard this, his pupils contracted, and he took a deep breath. He could not believe it, that Steven actually met a celestial, especially knowing that Steven wasn't anyone special, he was just a normal person.

He especially could not understand why that celestial stopped time for Steven. As John was thinking about this, Xiang asked Steven another question.

"So, you're saying you didn't undergo a transformation?" asked Xiang with a confused expression.

"Yeah… and I don't really know why," puzzled Steven.

"I have a feeling that there is more going on here than what we can understand," retorted Celine while shaking her head.

"Oi... boy...why do you trust us? Why did you tell us this? Do you not realise?! This isn't the world you were once in! Why can't ya comprehend that? Do you not know any of us could kill you in instant?" said Thon with a furious expression, yet beneath all of this he was incredibly amazed at the story and adventures of Steven.

"Uh... well I don't know, it's just you guys kind of remind me of my friends," declared Steven while smiling naively.

"Sigh..." as a result everyone collectively sighed after hearing what Steven said. They felt that they somehow knew Steven would say that. Even though they did not know him for a long time, they felt they already knew Steven better than he knew himself.

Just as Xiang wanted to say something, his eyes widened: "Steven what's wrong !?" shouted Xiang while standing up and running towards Steven.

For suddenly Steven had passed out and blood was pouring out of his nose and ears.

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown Era: Unknown

"Where am I?" asked Steven as he opened his eyes. All he could see were clouds. Golden like clouds that for some reason had an ominous presence to it.

"Ah... the unique one! So, we finally meet, eh?" said a voice behind Steven.

"Who are you?" shouted Steven with shock as he quickly turned around.

But crazily enough there was nothing around him, only an endless canvas of clouds.

"Hehe... my oh my... you don't know how long I've been waiting for this! Now shall we get started?" forewarned the voice while giving a creepy laugh.

And with this everything would change.